∞HBO: "True Detective: Night Country" (Late 2023)...Season 4 Set in Alaska…Starring Jodie Foster…Barry Jenkins Producing∞

How would you grade Season II of "True Detective" ?

  • A

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • B

    Votes: 14 28.0%
  • C

    Votes: 12 24.0%
  • D

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • F

    Votes: 8 16.0%

  • Total voters
That milk bowl with the floating chick in it was weird as hell
Yeah, I was like WTH?!?!  
Did yall see mcadams wall of tools in her living room? She is going to get crazier
The girl likes knives!  Packed at least 3 when she was in the locker room! 
"Everybody gets touched." Whoooooa boy.

Loved episode 1. This season will be epic. I love the direction so far, the acting, etc.

Folks have to stop comparing this to season 1.
I enjoyed the episode as well. Enjoyed how each character was able to establish the start of their story. Really intruiged with McAdams' and Kitsch's character . Farrel, just already looked like he was going to raise hell whatever in whatever he does.

Promising season.

Also, Kitsch's gf looked nice lol.
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Folks have to stop comparing this to season 1.

The most sensible post I've ever come across when discussing a new season of a show.

I look at it as a brand new series (which it kinda is).

If Sunday's episode was a SERIES premier and Season 1 w/ Woody/McConaughey (sp?) never happened, I'd have to believe that more people would be on board with the pilot.

It had everything I was looking for...good acting and what seems to be a very good plot.
Interesting to see some of the critics reactions.

Some critics still think True Detective is misogynist and doesn't pass the "bechdel test". After just one episode.

I understand the inclusion of McAdams was to have a strong female lead. Still, I've never got the mysogynist feel from True Detective.
I look at it as a brand new series (which it kinda is).

If Sunday's episode was a SERIES premier and Season 1 w/ Woody/McConaughey (sp?) never happened, I'd have to believe that more people would be on board with the pilot.

It had everything I was looking for...good acting and what seems to be a very good plot.
I said the same exact thing on Sunday night. They should have just called it something else and we wouldn't have brought our biases 
Season 2 has no connection to Season 1, correct? Just a brand new storyline, under the "True Detective" title?
yeah those first two examples, when I saw it right off the bat I was like nice homage to S1. After that was trying to see if they would sneak in another reference. :lol:

At least viewers didn't listen to the critics, the premiere episode got strong ratings. :pimp:
Solid episode. Colin has been the stand out so far as expected.

The only thing that bugs me is McAdams. I never liked female leads in shows/movies like this. She's just annoying. Hopefully she won't be this bad throughout all the episodes.
"Everybody gets touched." Whoooooa boy.

Loved episode 1. This season will be epic. I love the direction so far, the acting, etc.

Folks have to stop comparing this to season 1.

My exact feeling

I need to watch episode one again because I was doing some stuff while watching
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Season 2 intro with season 1 music:

Can't embed but Season 2 intro with that song in the bar (Least Favorite Life):

Either of these would have been so much better :lol:
Far From Any Road doesn't really make sense for this season since it seems to have a heavy focus on highways :lol:
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