⚽️The Footy Thread: German Super Cup, International Champions Cup, Copa Libertadores

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Imo I wouldn’t give that pen but it’s consistent with how they have been rewardingly handball penalties now. I don’t agree with it but at least they being consistent

I don't like it either. Feel it's unfair to give a penalty when the player wasn't even aiming for goal and when the handball was completely unintentional. Based on how they're calling it, if I were a player, I'd just start aiming for other players' upper bodies in a crowded box and hope I hit their arms :lol:
If TAA scores a FK ima get his newest jersey rush delivery

Next level in the game... strategic streakers to waste time:nerd:
I don't like it either. Feel it's unfair to give a penalty when the player wasn't even aiming for goal and when the handball was completely unintentional. Based on how they're calling it, if I were a player, I'd just start aiming for other players' upper bodies in a crowded box and hope I hit their arms :lol:
That’s for sure gonna start happening. I might be biased cause I’m a defender but the way they call handballs for penalties now it’s super unfair and harsh on defenders. It’s like defenders can’t not have arms lol
Well, Sissoko had his arm out needlessly waaaayyyy before the ball was kicked at him. I'd have aimed for that for sure - he was just asking for it to be hit.
pool looking funny right now they need to stop playing the long ball and make spurs work
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