⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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Chelsea can use Ox. The way Arsene has used him he can go in for Moses since Alonso has proven his worth. but will get play on account of more games none the less. Drinkwater and Barkley aren't worth that much english tax or not plus we don't need them.

Glad Liverpool is back in the UCL. The weight of their name, brand, and talent will/should be enough to scare any team that has been a regular of the comps recent times.

I hate how I can't see tweets on the new NT when I'm on my home PC still. gotta load each one in a separate new tab
Its funny that ppl STILL say coutinho will eventually be a great player..he's only one year younger then hazard. IMO he should have already been that player. Forgot who was saying it but barca really want/need mane.. lost in the hype sauce.

I agree with whats already been said in here.. barca look really dumb.. not for the way they are exploiting coutinho, but for the fact they are actually willing to pay all that money for him.. feel like they could have gone to Chelsea with that original bag and walked away with a much better player in hazard without half the issues. Coutinho is talented but has never been productive or consistent enough for me. Dude has never even been the best player in his position in the league, let alone best player...

also, it's funny to hear Liverpool fans complain about player tampering... why not just file a formal complaint through FIFA/UEFA.. take a page out Southampton's book.. you take everything else from them anyways.

spurs fans... can toby play as a LCB? if so i'm very interested in him coming to united and earning the money he deserves.
Barca please give us the bag for Theo.

He got that Barca DNA.

Then we can scoop Lemar or something.
Many of you seem to be overlooking the fact that none of Barcelona's offers have been as good as they seem. Take the third offer for instance, only 80m of it was guaranteed, the rest was comprised of add-ons that may or may not have been actually been paid out.
United man dem coming in here and trying to dictate who's who from who isn't. For years they've touted waste man after waste man as being the next coming, but wan't to call other teams players inconsistent and not great at their position and then want to tell other clubs how they should spend their money after they've flown in the Brinks trunks Woody and flushed hundreds of millions down the toilet.
Barca trying to finesse. But Pool ain’t biting

Suarez out 5 weeks. You’d think they start looking at some realistic options
Whats funny is, Coutinho has been playing out of his natural position for years due to mismanagement by Rogers and was only considered to be a squad player at the time, but he still managed to rack up some assist and goals and show that potential that attracted inter Milan into signing him . He did all of this despite not being considered as one of the main focal points of the Liverpool attack. Klopp came in and continued to play him out of position due to lack of personnel and suggested in making him one of the main players going forward and he (Phil) continued to show what he's capable of while improving under a new manager. Mans are gonna talk out of their **** and say he isn't consistent blah blah blah. Have y'all even watched Liverpool games or check out the squad over the years and see the various changes ? Then again, some of ya don't even know y'all own team, so I can't expect any better.
United man dem coming in here and trying to dictate who's who from who isn't. For years they've touted waste man after waste man as being the next coming, but wan't to call other teams players inconsistent and not great at their position and then want to tell other clubs how they should spend their money after they've flown in the Brinks trunks Woody and flushed hundreds of millions down the toilet.
lmfao you have the worst logic.. I can't have an opinion on talent because my club is/was ran by idiots? wash your face tom.. dudes get all in they feelings anytime they even remotely feel any sort of criticism. I give you my honest objective opinion on your player, it's not my fault you can't handle it. Nor can you provide any proof to refute it, he is inconsistent. He is also not so young anymore.

STOP defending a dude that doesn't even wanna be at your club anymore.. its embarrassing.
Many of you seem to be overlooking the fact that none of Barcelona's offers have been as good as they seem. Take the third offer for instance, only 80m of it was guaranteed, the rest was comprised of add-ons that may or may not have been actually been paid out.
did not know the logistics of the offer.. do you see pool excepting if its 130 up front?
lmfao you have the worst logic.. I can't have an opinion on talent because my club is/was ran by idiots? wash your face tom.. dudes get all in they feelings anytime they even remotely feel any sort of criticism. I give you my honest objective opinion on your player, it's not my fault you can't handle it. Nor can you provide any proof to refute it, he is inconsistent. He is also not so young anymore.

STOP defending a dude that doesn't even wanna be at your club anymore.. its embarrassing.
Y'all did worse when Di Maria wanted to bounce. Y'all wanted Woodward and Van Gaal gone. Then tried to blame all the other players and demanded the club be sold (as if that were gonna fix anything). Y'all said and did everything but offer him sexual favors (wouldn't be surprised if some of y'all weirdos did) just to get him to stay. Now that is embarrassing. He'll, couple weeks ago some of y'all were still in here petition to have the man rejoin your club, so miss me with that. I'm simply defending Coutinhos play. My face needs to be washed, but yours needs to be exfoliated. Maybe if Rolaholic would let go of my swipe long enough he may be able to give you hand.
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Y'all did worse when Di Maria wanted to bounce. Y'all wanted Woodward and Van Gaal gone. Then tried to blame all the other players and demanded the club be sold (as if that were gonna fix anything) all to have him stay. I'm simply defending Coutinhos play, y'all were trying your defend the players reason to leave so get the hell outta here. My face needs to be washed, but yours needs to be exfoliated. Maybe if Rolaholic would let go of my swipe long enough he may be able to give you hand.
there you go again.. mentioning united. When in doubt? Lacking any real substance to an arguement? Bring up united. Were you not just blaiming Barca for coutinho wanting to leave? blaiming Barca for coutinho handing in a transfer request? You have been making excuses for him too b. But this is what you do.. hypocrite gonna hypocrite.
there you go again.. mentioning united. When in doubt? Lacking any real substance to an arguement? Bring up united. Were you not just blaiming Barca for coutinho wanting to leave? blaiming Barca for coutinho handing in a transfer request? You have been making excuses for him too b. But this is what you do.. hypocrite gonna hypocrite.
See, you argue in circles.Whenever someone Trump's you, you start trying to reach and spin the argument. You tried to cast a stone only to be pointed out for your own hypocrisies and then you try to spin it into us talking about United. I just brought up an example of you doing the same exact thing. In fact, worse, that you claim to detest. Now I will wait for you to respond as if you're confused and/or completely skip over it like your usually do and try to hammer away at your dull point. I spoke on Coutinhos development as a player and y'all caught feelings.
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Wrong..I said coutinho is inconsistent and overrated to an extent. And instead of arguing that.. you went on to say I shouldn't have an opinion because united have spent x amount of money on wasted talent and have been managed by incompetent Ppl... but we've done this.. we always do this.. you call me a hypocrite. I call you one.. so I'll end it here
I get Pool not selling Coutinho. it's late in the season and they don't "need the money"(everyone can always use more money). Barca is looking crazy out here in this transfer market too. I'm not sure what is crazier though, bidding $150 mil or Pool turning it down.
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