Who Will Win Champions League?

  • Bayern Munich

  • Paris Saint-Germain

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Yea kind of expecting OL to lose a few of their best players this window now without European footy next season

Been a great run though and they've had a fun squad to watch these last few years with this core.

Shame Ndombele couldn't enjoy it :smh:

Yea I'm saying that Lewa would've played 1 less match after the final than Ron did when he had 17 in 12.

*never mind just seen that was his 9th match :rofl:, my bad you were right the first time :lol:

:lol: all good I was confused too haha. If he does it in a shortened season that'd be dope, but I'd much rather win the CL + treble. Lewa deserves to have one. I don't want him going out like Zlatan without ever having won a CL. I feel like having won one will really cement his legacy at bayern and in world football as one of the best strikers to ever play
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Juve need to do whatever they can to bring Aouar in, Dembele would also be a solid pick up for most big club
Messi is soft. Has his collection of jerseys he likes to show off but can’t give one to someone who looks up to him. Weak.

prob would have done the same thing, tossed it in a shredder and burned the scraps. Nobody’s getting a hold of that scalp
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Juve need to do whatever they can to bring Aouar in, Dembele would also be a solid pick up for most big club

Not a like for like replacement but i'll gladly take him with the thiago money. Add like 20-25 mill on top. I think Aouar would fit right in and we have that big french connection
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Juve need to do whatever they can to bring Aouar in, Dembele would also be a solid pick up for most big club

Arsenal needs to swoop in for Auour. Offer them Guendo, Laca, and a bunch of cash if needed. That kid will boss the midfield for yeeeears if he's got good forwards to provide an outlet.
I found it.......the English guy at the end is like “ he’ll get over it...” towards Messi....

Bruhhhhhh.................LMAO 😭😭

I am a Lionelstan and I agree that this is messed up.
I could only see myself doing this if the guy came up to me with a certain swag or offensive aura.
If he was like "hey Messi wanna trade shirts?" then it's on Messi....but if Davies came up to him with a smirk or laughing with teammates then I would say no too.
Let's not act like Ronaldo hasnt dissed people too on and off the field though.
Lmao @ Messi being bitter about the whooping.

i see him next season playing any German team


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As many teams as Messi has run through he really did overreact. I can see a World Cup final but cmon son. Especially considering he’s won it before.
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