Who Will Win Champions League?

  • Bayern Munich

  • Paris Saint-Germain

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And you know who's board members are being charged with bribing taking place for that world cup?

A man sitting on UEFAs board. Y'all talking about corruption involving Uefa and Fifa acknowledging them as ***ed and somehow they had a good case and CAS where wrong ruling against them on the major charge?

your using others peoples **** to say y'all must've been up to some **** too but the verdict doesn't show that

The verdict shows City were given the biggest fine by CAS ever - due to the fact City were totally uncooperative in UEFA’s investigation. Innocent people don’t try to road block investigators - so they’re guilty of that.

However this is maneuver and tactic that courts do all the time. Make headlines with the punishment (oh look this our biggest fine ever) - while they gave Man City an equivalent of a slap on the wrist.

At the end of the day I don’t even know what UEFA is doing even giving CAS authority for an appeal. The NBA or NFL don’t do it. Why should UEFA? UEFA is trying to actually do good here with (FFP), if they want to run it properly, they need to get rid of CAS.
They've been reliable but I'd research how they do withdrawals now. Like I said, I do bitcoin withdrawals so I dont mind a week or 10 day wait with all the transferring and processing on my winnings. I've never won a huge sum or bet big either so I dont mind waiting.

I think electronic withdrawals have to hit a certain amount of $ so that's why I do it in an alternative way.

Bitcoin my balls bro....I really have to use that ish? 😂

I don’t mind waiting on the money, I probably won’t even win. They’re value bets so I don’t care, so no need for bitcoin right?

so what if they call me and I verify my ID, is there an issue I’m not aware of?
The verdict shows City were given the biggest fine by CAS ever - due to the fact City were totally uncooperative in UEFA’s investigation. Innocent people don’t try to road block investigators - so they’re guilty of that.

However this is maneuver and tactic that courts do all the time. Make headlines with the punishment (oh look this our biggest fine ever) - while they gave Man City an equivalent of a slap on the wrist.

At the end of the day I don’t even know what UEFA is doing even giving CAS authority for an appeal. The NBA or NFL don’t do it. Why should UEFA? UEFA is trying to actually do good here with (FFP), if they want to run it properly, they need to get rid of CAS.

I've already answered this before City did not cooperate with UEFAs investigation because they where not fairly considering all evidence so we withheld to fully cooperate with CAS. We then fully cooperated with CAS and their investigation because they are a legitimate court who would consider both parties arguments and evidence unlike UEFA.

So yes we are guilty of a procedural violation but where found to not have offended any financial violations after fully cooperating with CAS and they assessed both parties evidence and arguments. The fine was for the procedural fopaux not as a slap on the wrist alternative for being found guilty of financial wrong doing in regards to the inflated sponsorship as they found that to have not been established.

UEFA have no power to get rid of CAS they are a fair arbiters that exist to stop federations from over stepping their boundaries its a checks and balance thats necessary. And how often do we complain about the NFL and Roger Goddell punishing players and teams and how it was BS :lol: it would be a great idea to have a fair arbitrator to check the NFL and Roger Goddell same with the NBA
I know FIFA is corrupt. I know UEFA is corrupt.

I also know CAS isn't related to either of those bodies are an independent court you know that? CAS made this ruling not FIFA not UEFA

The corruption of FIFA and UEFA have 0 to do with CAS again y'all grasping at straws trying to paint the picture CAS cant be trusted(because other organizations they aren't connected to are corrupt). No one has questioned the legitimacy of CAS before it is widely regarded as respected and fair no one ever really complained about their verdicts until now....I wonder why
Just do 5dimes, it's simple to set up but if you do hit on either of em you'll most likely have to verify your identity with a license and a call :lol:

Good luck! My state lottery app wont let me place different clubs on a single type of bet so I have to choose either Atalanta or Atletico and have to take a hit on taxes for winnings over $1000 lol.

That's why 5dimes comes in handy for me. I just withdraw with bitcoins

I have been neutral in this whole thing but you cant compare City's UEFA breach with Sepp Blatter's bribes and corruption :rofl:

We never did anything to that extent of evil. We maybe bent the numbers just slightly so we can balance the books and comply with a rule that protects or might not protect the game governed by UEFA depending on your views of FFP.

No human rights violations, no forced labor, no one was hurt. We didnt even "gain" much if you think we were guilty of what UEFA accused us of.

Everyone mad, but don't know what they mad about. Everyone just wanna see a crucifixion.

The naiveness within these posts. It's not a matter of them not finding corruption, they just claimed that the claims and possibly the evidence presented had a time limit on it. If the evidence proves that there is corruption, then there should not be any form of time limit on it.

"Where CAS declared some of UEFA's claims as "time-barred", it is not clear whether their statutory limitation also exists in the league who have refused to comment on their ongoing process and so it's impossible to be able to confirm what the Premier League will decide. "

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I've already answered this before City did not cooperate with UEFAs investigation because they where not fairly considering all evidence so we withheld to fully cooperate with CAS. We then fully cooperated with CAS and their investigation because they are a legitimate court who would consider both parties arguments and evidence unlike UEFA.

So yes we are guilty of a procedural violation but where found to not have offended any financial violations after fully cooperating with CAS and they assessed both parties evidence and arguments. The fine was for the procedural fopaux not as a slap on the wrist alternative for being found guilty of financial wrong doing in regards to the inflated sponsorship as they found that to have not been established.

UEFA have no power to get rid of CAS they are a fair arbiters that exist to stop federations from over stepping their boundaries its a checks and balance thats necessary. And how often do we complain about the NFL and Roger Goddell punishing players and teams and how it was BS :lol: it would be a great idea to have a fair arbitrator to check the NFL and Roger Goddell same with the NBA

UEFA hasn’t always used CAS. They laid down punishments before on their own like the England club ban in the 80’s.

They can absolutely get rid of CAS if they’re serious about implementing FFP THEIR OWN WAY. It’s the only way to save FFP.
Yea but F them :lol:

I think I’m about to do 5dimes like Nomadic said.....no issues there right?

Yeah, you shouldn’t have any issues with sites like 5dimes or bovada. That said, your bank may flag the deposits. Also, when it comes to withdrawals, they have a minimum for checks (which your bank may not even let you deposit) so you’ll probably have to go the bitcoin route, which can be a pain in the ***. That’s why I suggested reaching out to a friend in Jersey.
The naiveness within these posts. It's not a matter of them not finding corruption, they just claimed that the evidence presented had a time limit on it. If the evidence proves that there is corruption, then there should not be any form of time limit on it.

"Where CAS declared some of UEFA's claims as "time-barred", it is not clear whether their statutory limitation also exists in the league who have refused to comment on their ongoing process and so it's impossible to be able to confirm what the Premier League will decide. "

Sounds like you didn't read the full ruling and this article doesn't show that because again that is not all they cited.

Heres there actual words in their ruling not just one part cherry picked for a news article

"The CAS award emphasized most of the alleged breaches reported by the Adjudicatory Chamber of the CFCB were either NOT ESTABLISHED OR TIME BARRED"

Y'all keep skipping over not established which is the first reason they cited and when it comes to the claim of the inflated sponsorship that could not be ruled out by any time barring cause that was a new charge brought last year which is still well within the time frame so that charge the biggest one could not be dismissed on time barring it could only be dismissed on evidence provided from both parties and then they made their judgment which was we did not disguise equity funding. The evidence DID NOT prove there was corruption
UEFA hasn’t always used CAS. They laid down punishments before on their own like the England club ban in the 80’s.

They can absolutely get rid of CAS if they’re serious about implementing FFP THEIR OWN WAY. It’s the only way to save FFP.

I don't think its a good idea for UEFA a organization we all agree is corrupt according to you and other posters in what y'all have posted to have no oversight like CAS that can check them wouldn't you agree?
Sounds like you didn't read the full ruling and this article doesn't show that because again that is not all they cited.

Heres there actual words in their ruling not just one part cherry picked for a news article

"The CAS award emphasized most of the alleged breaches reported by the Adjudicatory Chamber of the CFCB were either NOT ESTABLISHED OR TIME BARRED"

Y'all keep skipping over not established which is the first reason they cited and when it comes to the claim of the inflated sponsorship that could not be ruled out by any time barring cause that was a new charge brought last year which is still well within the time frame so that charge the biggest one could not be dismissed on time barring it could only be dismissed on evidence provided from both parties and then they made their judgment which was we did not disguise equity funding
It still indicates that it was time-barred. That can be crucial evidence that they've decided to ignore. I don't see what's difficult to understand in that? Again, don't be surprised if a Doc comes about City buying off refs within the next 20-30 years.
It still indicates that it was time-barred. That can be crucial evidence that they've decided to ignore. I don't see what's difficult to understand in that?

It indicates that some things where time barged but the disguising of funds was not one of them and evidence was considered on that from both parties. Also it says specific breaches can be time barred not evidence which is a key difference. And as I just explained the major allegation of disguised funding could not be time barred as that case just started last yer. They did not ignore any crucial evidence which has since been reported on as they allowed all the evidence UEFA brought into consideration. CAS are a legitimate court and they would not make such a definitive statement of saying we did not do that if they ignored some evidence time barred or not. Turns out UEFA evidence wasn't good enough and our proof to the contrary was.

Whats so difficult to understand about that?

And cool ill wait for that doc to come out then
Whatever, what’s done is done.

Going forward tho, UEFA need to be in total control. No appellate courts, they need to step up and regain power. Then we’ll never have this problem again.

you want to play in the Champions League? cooperate with future investigations and open the books for all clubs. It’s the only way FFP can work.
It indicates that some things where time barged but the disguising of funds was not one of them and evidence was considered on that from both parties. They did not ignore any crucial evidence which has since been reported on as they allowed all the evidence UEFA brought into consideration. CAS are a legitimate court and they would not make such a definitive statement of saying on we did not do that if they ignored some evidence time barred or not. Turns out UEFA evidence wasn't good enough and our proof to the contrary was.

Whats so difficult to understand about that?

And cool ill wait for that doc to come out then
So basically omit evidence that would catch y'all on the more serious charges and just slap y'all on the wrist for the ********.

"The evidence for you committing murder has a time limit, but we did see here that you stole a candy from the store when you were five. That we can't let you get away with"

Whatever, what’s done is done.

Going forward tho, UEFA need to be in total control. No appellate courts, they need to step up and regain power. Then we’ll never have this problem again.

you want to play in the Champions League? cooperate with future investigations and open the books for all clubs. It’s the only way FFP can work.

Man I just don't get how you can say how corrupt UEFA and FIFA are a few posts ago but now argue UEFA should be in total control with no appellate court to check them :lol: why would allowing a organization we all acknowledge as corrupt (when talking about the Qatar bid with FIFA and that people on UEFAs board where involved) to have more power and no court to check them be a good idea?

So basically omit evidence that would catch y'all on the more serious charges and just slap y'all on the wrist for the bull****.

"The evidence for you committing murder has a time limit, but we did see here that you stole a candy from the store when you were five. That we can't let you get away with"


You just gonna keep ignoring what their actual words say no evidence could be omitted it says

"The CAS award emphasized most of the alleged breaches reported by the Adjudicatory Chamber of the CFCB were either NOT ESTABLISHED OR TIME BARRED"

"alleged breaches"
can be time barred NOT evidence. All evidence was considered related to the major charge which was the reason for all this and that was what they definitely ruled did not happen after considering all evidence. That charge could not be time barred as it came last year so it was ruled not established based on evidence not thrown out on a technicality
Man I just don't get how you can say how corrupt UEFA and FIFA are a few posts ago but now argue UEFA should be in total control with no appellate court to check them :lol: why would allowing a organization we all acknowledge as corrupt (when talking about the Qatar bid with FIFA and that people on UEFAs board where involved) to have more power and no court to check them be a good idea?

You just gonna keep ignoring what their actual words say no evidence could be omitted it says

"The CAS award emphasized most of the alleged breaches reported by the Adjudicatory Chamber of the CFCB were either NOT ESTABLISHED OR TIME BARRED"

"alleged breaches"
can be time barred NOT evidence. All evidence was considered related to the major charge which was the reason for all this and that was what they definitely ruled did not happen after considering all evidence.
This is the equivalent of Escobar building his own prison. Man City out here pick, choose and refuse their own charges. If you still don't see the corruption, then you're not naive, you've just chosen to be blind to it.
This is the equivalent of Escobar building his own prison. Man City out here pick, choose and refuse their own charges. If you still don't see the corruption, then you're not naive, you've just chosen to be blind to it.

Yep we got to that point no legit rebuttals can be made so just time to cross out and paint your own picture of what makes you look right.

Ironic of you to accuse me of being blind and this what your argument has restored to
Man I just don't get how you can say how corrupt UEFA and FIFA are a few posts ago but now argue UEFA should be in total control with no appellate court to check them :lol: why would allowing a organization we all acknowledge as corrupt (when talking about the Qatar bid with FIFA and that people on UEFAs board where involved) to have more power and no court to check them be a good idea?

You just gonna keep ignoring what their actual words say no evidence could be omitted it says

"The CAS award emphasized most of the alleged breaches reported by the Adjudicatory Chamber of the CFCB were either NOT ESTABLISHED OR TIME BARRED"

"alleged breaches"
can be time barred NOT evidence. All evidence was considered related to the major charge which was the reason for all this and that was what they definitely ruled did not happen after considering all evidence. That charge could not be time barred as it came last year so it was ruled not established based on evidence not thrown out on a technicality

Yep we got to that point no legit rebuttals can be made so just time to cross out and paint your own picture of what makes you look right.

Ironic of you to accuse me of being blind and this what your argument has restored to
This is you right now.


So because FFP won't last we should allow UEFA who we all acknowledge is corrupt to do whatever they want? Yea that don't add up to me. Why not just tell UEFA next time to come with a case thats not bogus and built on weak evidence to where a legit court would over rule it.
So because FFP won't last we should allow UEFA who we all acknowledge is corrupt to do whatever they want? Yea that don't add up to me. Why not just tell UEFA next time to come with a case thats not bogus and built on weak evidence to where a legit court would over rule it.

CORRUPTION is literally everywhere. Your Prince knows that.

I’d rather deal with a few corrupt people at UEFA than let oil money corrupt murderers piss and moan about morality.

I’ll take a few bad apples at UEFA in order for FFP to thrive.
I dunno undermining the words of a legit court cause you don't like what the said...that seems more in line with trump behavior to me :lol: but you got it
Yet you're the one in here willfully defending corruption? When has a court ever said, "alright, we will dismiss these much more serious charges, but we will take that € 10,000,000 fine though for charges not presented".
CORRUPTION is literally everywhere. Your Prince knows that.

I’d rather deal with a few corrupt people at UEFA than let oil money corrupt murderers piss and moan about morality.

I’ll take a few bad apples at UEFA in order for FFP to thrive.

FFP will be fine again this ruling does it directly affect that. This ruling was about who’s claim where right ours our UEFAs and turns out it was ours. It wasn’t about the legitimacy of FFP
Yet you're the one in here willfully defending corruption?

“Willfully defends corruption”

*cites words from a legit courts ruling on the matter that found no corruption*

not my fault you just ignore what don’t suit your narrative.

And In your edit you're literally proving my point thats legit not what was even said in this ruling :lol: just misrepresenting it to make you look right
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