Who Will Win Champions League?

  • Bayern Munich

  • Paris Saint-Germain

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Does just going to his island or using his jet meant you participated in the nastiness? honest question

It's a good question and I guess my follow up question to those who say no is. What else would one possibly be doing on an island in a mansion full of underage sex slaves? Pretty sure there was nothing there except epsteins spot
Does just going to his island or using his jet meant you participated in the nastiness? honest question
Not for me.. however, you gotta wonder of all the places/islands in the world.. why his? Lke what was the appeal?

It's a good question and I guess my follow up question to those who say no is. What else would one possibly be doing on an island in a mansion full of underage sex slaves? Pretty sure there was nothing there except epsteins spot

I had the same suspicions as well. It is possible to get helmed up in this without even knowing. To me it's equivalent to being introduced to an acquaintance through a friend and not knowing all the **** they are involved in. All three of y'all driving in this acquaintances vehicle only for the police to pull the vehicle over and find all sorts of **** in the car that you know nothing about and in the court of public opinions, you're always guilty regardless if you're found innocent at trial.
i would imagine if you are going to someone's private island you would know at least a little something that goes on in that island.
also, you would think all the underage girls would warrant your suspicion too.
my comments come from a place of ignorance as i have not watched the docuseries.. however, were these women/kids just out in the open? I guess if you have your own island you dont really need to hide anything
i would imagine if you are going to someone's private island you would know at least a little something that goes on in that island.
also, you would think all the underage girls would warrant your suspicion too.
Another scenario...Imagine going to an associates home that you know through a friend. Police pull up and perform a raid and you're caught at the home. Do you know of the illegal activity going on there ? No, but you're going to be helmed up. The victims could have already been on the island. You just happened to have flown there for other purposes. I do believe that most of the individuals who they've mentioned (Prince Andrew ,Clintons, Bill Gates, Trump etc) are well aware of what was going on and some have participated in it.
Another scenario...Imagine going to an associates home that you know through a friend. Police pull up and perform a raid and you're caught at the home. Do you know of the illegal activity going on there ? No, but you're going to be helmed up. The victims could have already been on the island. You just happened to have flown there for other purposes. I do believe that most of the individuals who they've mentioned (Prince Andrew ,Clintons, Bill Gates, Trump etc) are well aware of what was going on and have participated in it.

I definitely get what you're saying but what I'm thinking is if someone invites you to their boy's island they're probably gonna tell you why you're going there or what you're going to do over there. who really knows though
I know pool won the league already and they don't care about the record, but I'd be worried about developing a habit of not winning and getting wins heading into next season. They don't have CL left so whatever happens the rest of this season is the mood heading into the next year. You don't wanna come in with a big stretch of not winning to end the year
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