Who Will Win Champions League?

  • Bayern Munich

  • Paris Saint-Germain

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Another scenario...Imagine going to an associates home that you know through a friend. Police pull up and perform a raid and you're caught at the home. Do you know of the illegal activity going on there ? No, but you're going to be helmed up. The victims could have already been on the island. You just happened to have flown there for other purposes. I do believe that most of the individuals who they've mentioned (Prince Andrew ,Clintons, Bill Gates, Trump etc) are well aware of what was going on and some have participated in it.
yeah. this isn't just a little party though...it's a private island filled with famous billionaires. im sure the reputation precedes them.
also, you know if you are going to someone's party you know a least a little bit about the people you are associating with and what environment you will be in.
like i know if someone asks me to go somewhere...just the location alone tells me so much
Smh the one time I betray my team and bet on Liverpool :lol:
When I first heard it. I thought he was referencing the fact they have released some dvds to commemorate nothing. Apparently it references ppl who sell bootleg dvds
That's what I thought at first too but I can see how it'd be offensive given the context he used it in

Always used to banter Spurs and their fans about those commemorative DVD's before they became good :lol:
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