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well that escalated quickly :lol:
my real madrid homies are all the way pissed off

I’m annoyed. That draw was fair and legal. There was zero reason to re-do it. Advancing in the CL is important for clubs to make money, and it doesn’t matter if you advance against benfica or PSG. So I’d rather get the easier opponent.

It was a different time but we’ve knocked plastic Saint germain out in the round of 16 before.
Bayern, Chelsea, City all with a good draw for second draw. Real was already making a stink of it before the redraw so you know going to come with some Super League Bars
This is for sure going to add fuel to Flo’s super league fire. No way the RM brass aren’t extra motivated now. And on top of it, of all clubs they get UEFA’s own model citizen of corruption, Al-Khelaifi and PSG
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