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Woah now Taylor wants to throw out pens and cards?! :lol: That wasnt worse than the two he ****** off earlier. I'll take it.
just finished the bayern doc on amazon. really well done, and I enjoyed it. I know we're a frugal club but man. The one thing that stuck out to me was when they talked about installing a privacy curtain at the training ground and our president was absolutely beaming when he explained how we could've bought an automatic curtain for $150k or a manual one for next to nothing. and of course we got the manual one because according to the president "we're already paying the workers to be there, why would we spend $150k when they can just do the job since they're already there" :lol:
Thank you for posting I didn’t even know they had a series.

10mins in Gorezka is talking about all the Bayern players knowing each other since adolescents … “serge took a completely different path. He played for several teams in England.” And then this beauty was spoken
Thank you for posting I didn’t even know they had a series.

10mins in Gorezka is talking about all the Bayern players knowing each other since adolescents … “serge took a completely different path. He played for several teams in England.” And then this beauty was spoken

yup just released last week. follows us during the sextuple season last year. you can tell flick wasn't ready for the pressures of being a club manager. dude hated press conferences and the media
Such sad news about Sergio. Wish him all the best in his life. He did so much with and for Man City. He'll always be my favorite player. I'm so lucky that I got to travel to Manchester and see him play in person.
Gracias Kun!

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