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Can anyone explain what’s happened with Auba? It seemed like in a very short span of time he’s had a falling out with Gabon and Arsenal.
Can anyone explain what’s happened with Auba? It seemed like in a very short span of time he’s had a falling out with Gabon and Arsenal.
Arsenal punished him for visiting his moms when she got sick with Covid. Despite communicating with the team, Arteta decided to punish him by stripping him of his captaincy. He was also sick with Covid when he arrived at AFCON. There were some rumors about him and one of his other teammates falling out with the national team, but he legitimately had COVID and then they also found out it may have affected his heart. I think the other stuff regarding the national team was just rumors though

People don’t want to say it but a spike in cardiac arrests are very much related to covid. It just feels like it’s being glossed over and won’t hit home till it’s a superstar that gets affected.

Covid vaccines

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