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You guys did just leave him out of europe
The logic is sound. He’s too old to be playing midweek games and making the top 4 is the priority so you save him for la liga.

There’s no argument to be made that Barca are better with dest at RB. Not sure what you are getting at.
Atleti didn’t respect traore at all.
When he played against Liverpool and city he was man marked and double teamed consistently.

Laporta did work this winter.
Alves, traore, ferran, and auba. All played a big part today.
The logic is sound. He’s too old to be playing midweek games and making the top 4 is the priority so you save him for la liga.

There’s no argument to be made that Barca are better with dest at RB. Not sure what you are getting at.
You like it, I love it
Even so it's clear the two need a separation
I don’t think they will sell him. They invested so much in him. Also, they don’t want to give Suarez a contract extension after this szn so he probably won’t be there next szn.
Where would suarez go? He is apparently looking for a squad to take him in to the World Cup
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