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Dortmund nicked one from Bayern for once, Sule and Hummels might be a bit slow but they are a decent pairing.
Where do you guys think the best penalty taker should be, should they go first or should they go last?
here's another one. How would you like to win a shootout, your GK makes the clincial stop ending the shoot or your PK taker wins it, exactly like Mane yesterday?

Yikes, not a great look...

in all fairness, it didn’t really look like someone “forced” him
He look like he got preoccupied with the match.
Also, Wass is a grown *** man and a veteran. If you hurt, you stay down. Most players try to make a go of it then sit down again if they can’t make it. This feels like more disingenuous journalism.

And what’s the point being made that he started getting hurt at atleti ? It’s like people don’t know that one injury often leads to a string of other injuries.
They were turning up in the streets of Paris too :lol: :pimp:

Looks familiar :pimp:

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