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Would you spend €100+ on Paul Pogba??

  • Yup, still very young and filled with potential...

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  • Nah, no CM could be worth that much...

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@SkySportsNewsHQ BREAKING: Sky Sources: Man United agree fee of £26.3m with Borussia Dortmund for Henrikh Mkhitaryan.
Trey Bantz Trey Bantz what's good with your boys all just quitting?

I think it's just their emotions getting the best of them right now. But if Messi actually does retire, his legacy is forever tarnished in my book. Him, Kun, and Higuain will be remembered as a bunch of losers who turned their backs on their country at our lowest point.

I don't think Mascherano retires either, the man has too much passion for the NT. If he does though, I hold no bad blood against him. He put his heart and soul into every match during his time with the national team.
Who's ever says this tournament is meaningless is plain dumb. This is COPA AMERICA. Just because it was the Centenario and not held in SA does make it irrelevant.
Who's ever says this tournament is meaningless is plain dumb. This is COPA AMERICA. Just because it was the Centenario and not held in SA does make it irrelevant.
People a month ago were like "this tournament isn't gonna be good blah blah blah"
Well they can shove it up their bumhole, this was entertaining
i too don't think this is the end for messi..

man some of you guys can't wait to drag someone.. no way in hell you can really still think cr7>messi and then use the international record as a justification, like cr7 has won anything for portugal. messi is the goat of this generation. PERIOD!!!!!
Rumors of Sergio Aguero, Ezequiel Lavezzi, Angel Di Maria, Ever Banega and Lucas Biglia all retiring from the Argentina National Team.
— Roy Nemer (@RoyNemer) June 27, 2016
ESPN Argentina now confirming Agüero and Mascherano "retirements"... also Lavezzi, Biglia, Higuain, etc. in the coming hours to days.
— Juan G. Arango (@JuanG_Arango) June 27, 2016
- No president
- No idea how next season's Primera will be
- Hawk nat'l team around for $
- Might be about to be deaffiliated from FIFA
— Sam Kelly (@HEGS_com) June 27, 2016
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Looking at Argentian Tv and you guys have no idea how people are mad tripping. Literally Suicide Watch right now. What Maradona said the other day, he was being real. This tournament was supposed to be Argentinas and no one Else's. They needed this tournament. I wonder what's going to happen in the next couple of days.
Rumors of Sergio Aguero, Ezequiel Lavezzi, Angel Di Maria, Ever Banega and Lucas Biglia all retiring from the Argentina National Team.
— Roy Nemer (@RoyNemer)

June 27, 2016

ESPN Argentina now confirming Agüero and Mascherano "retirements"... also Lavezzi, Biglia, Higuain, etc. in the coming hours to days.
— Juan G. Arango (@JuanG_Arango)

June 27, 2016


- No president

- No idea how next season's Primera will be

- Hawk nat'l team around for $

- Might be about to be deaffiliated from FIFA
— Sam Kelly (@HEGS_com)

June 27, 2016

When it rains, it pours...
I'm 24 years old. I was a toddler the last time Argentina won a major tournament. There's an entire generation just like me, who only know of the national team's glory through stories told to us by our fathers. We love our country and our national team, we want to share the joy of winning with them, and all of these guys are just going to turn their backs on us? It would truly be a shame and I hope they come to their senses. We've come so close to the promised land, come back and redeem yourselves in 2018.
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Is there a pic of Messi in a Panthers jersey to complete the circle of L?
I understand Messi wanting out, he's going to get most of the blame for this. But Higuain, Aguero and Di Maria? Bunch of punks who caved in when adversity came through. These cats couldn't wait until next week to talk about retirement?
People are always quick to blame the best player on the team. What about Higuain's missed goal? Dude did the same @#$@ in the 2014 World Cup too, and his inability to score easy goals in big games has been a constant since his Real Madrid days :lol:

Horrible PK attempt by Messi, but Vidal had just had his saved too, and both teams were still even at that point. Bravo's save is what made the difference

I'm also seeing people bringing up Ronaldo for some reason, as if he didn't just botch a game winning PK a week ago (which would've prevented Portugal from making it past the group stage if it wasn't for this new dumb @#$ 3rd place rule ). Messi and Ronaldo stans are equally obnoxious and moronic
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Bunch of *** clowns. Never return to Argentina you bums. I hope they all retire from the NT and we start over. These bums can't win a final.

That was immediately after the match and before retirement announcements.

I'm 24 years old. I was a toddler the last time Argentina won a major tournament. There's an entire generation just like me, who only know of the national team's glory through stories told to us by our fathers. We love our country and our national team, we want to share the joy of winning with them, and all of these guys are just going to turn their backs on us? It would truly be a shame and I hope they come to their senses. We've come so close to the promised land, come back and redeem yourselves in 2018.

Now saying they turned their backs on you and hoping they come back :lol:

These dudes knew how their county would feel about them which is why they did it in the first place
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Higuain has been getting dragged on for years to be fair :lol:,its only recently after balling out in Serie A that he's earned some goodwill :lol:

I see Coupe's still getting folks mad intentionally :rofl:
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If Messi does really stay retired though...man 
. Seems to think he has some sort of divine right to winning an international trophy 

I understand Mascherano's a little bit more since he's older and has actually lost 5 finals now 

*In silly season news,Ibra and Mkhi for under 30m is the type of shrewd business I've been waiting for from woody 

Now the opposite of shrewd...
 @SkyKaveh: La Gazzetta dello Sport: Manchester United ready to pay Juventus world record £100m for Paul Pogba. Wages would be £192,000 a week #MUFC
Come home Paul...
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Woody puttin in that work! :smokin

Finally a RW.
Another big name striker.

I'm not even going to begin to get excited about that Pogba rumour, but if there's even a shred of credibility in it, I'm going to assume it's purely down to Mourinho coming.

What a difference a manager makes...
Looks like pogba has his choice of big clubs to move too. Idk what i would do if i were him. I like Juve's team but if he wants that Champions League glory he may have to head to spain.
Didn't see the Copa final. Heard about the questionable refereeing thats about it.

Euro was a good watch this weekend. France game was entertaining. Thank you Ireland for scoring early made the whole game way better since france had to press. Belgium was flying out there. Great to see. Draxler impressed me for Germany too. Was very influential.
Messi will come back for the World cup 2018. 

Higuain has always been a chocker in important games. This won't change.
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