🦉The Official Drake Thread6️⃣ - Scary Hours 3 11.17.23

lol hell yea that is the lil jay dance

Aubrey Tsung out here giving no dambs, boy snatching flavor and having good times with it in public :lol:

He's really good at it tho. His ability to see something and replicate it is uncanny. I wonder how many times he did that **** in the mirror before he went "I got it now".
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So that's two dances he's stole in the last couple months. Someone told me he was Milly Rockin too. When is someone gonna get bold enough and lay hands on this ***?
Funny how this man's first #1 Hot 100 record by himself is gonna be a song he took from somebody else. Like, what kind of **** is that man?

He's so blatant with it, it's not even entertaining anymore. It's sad that he has to do **** like this.
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^these dudes he jacking couldn't get close enough to touch him [emoji]128514[/emoji]. He's smart enough for 1 to never be where they are and 2 security if he just so happens to be in a club. He not even gonna respond if dudes say something he gonna ignore. I seen a girl on IG post his pic and say bae got the best dances [emoji]128530[/emoji].
I still don't see the big deal in him doing dances. :lol:

When he said the "you all want to see MY new dance" I thought that was an obvious troll. :lol:
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