01.6.11 | Motorola is going to change the GAME...


This happens every few weeks. We get a preview of an upcoming mobile device and everyone oohs and ahhs over it.

A few weeks later, nobody really cares.

Nexus S anyone?

This happens every few weeks. We get a preview of an upcoming mobile device and everyone oohs and ahhs over it.

A few weeks later, nobody really cares.

Nexus S anyone?
2011 Is gonna be a nice year for smartphones
.. can't wait for my upgrade
2011 Is gonna be a nice year for smartphones
.. can't wait for my upgrade
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

illfrozn wrote:
Change the game? Uh....no. Another nice tablet in the market to look forward to? Yes.

it could change the tablet game though.
The tablets that run Android 2.2 suffer from the fact that this is still a phone based OS. Developers are going to be developing more tablet based apps
Honeycomb is supposed to be more tablet friendly. Having the OS and being able to make changes that maximise the hardware your running is a lot better than OTA up dates.
In a lot of ways Honeycomb, this Moto Tablet and the HTC incredible HD are going to be the clues as to how far Android can go.
The thing about the Iphone was that Apple positioned themselves perfectly to do what they did. Making Motorola develop a phone in 3 months that could use your software was genius. They saw the market potential and struck. This put Motorola in a terrible situation because the lack of factory support from apple, and their financial situation kept them from being technologically innovative.

Someone is going to make an Ipad challenger this year. The only issue will be if it runs windows 7, Mobile 7 or a combo of the 2. And who makes it.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

illfrozn wrote:
Change the game? Uh....no. Another nice tablet in the market to look forward to? Yes.

it could change the tablet game though.
The tablets that run Android 2.2 suffer from the fact that this is still a phone based OS. Developers are going to be developing more tablet based apps
Honeycomb is supposed to be more tablet friendly. Having the OS and being able to make changes that maximise the hardware your running is a lot better than OTA up dates.
In a lot of ways Honeycomb, this Moto Tablet and the HTC incredible HD are going to be the clues as to how far Android can go.
The thing about the Iphone was that Apple positioned themselves perfectly to do what they did. Making Motorola develop a phone in 3 months that could use your software was genius. They saw the market potential and struck. This put Motorola in a terrible situation because the lack of factory support from apple, and their financial situation kept them from being technologically innovative.

Someone is going to make an Ipad challenger this year. The only issue will be if it runs windows 7, Mobile 7 or a combo of the 2. And who makes it.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

this is the same company releasing the RAZR2 when Apple was releasing the iPhone 

still in the red from that one and once the iPhone goes to Verizon it's game over for Motorola
Can't fault Motorola for that, they just came off releasing the record smashing Razr. I believe till this day it's still the number one sold flip phone in the world. I still have my Razr and Razr2. So if anything what would they expect from Apple? A computer hardware/software based company that, at this point has or knows nothing about the cell phone market, on top of that releasing a full touch screen phone? If anything Motorola was sticking to there guns, just evolving the Razr while Apple was getting edgy, pretty much risking it and end up getting lucky.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

this is the same company releasing the RAZR2 when Apple was releasing the iPhone 

still in the red from that one and once the iPhone goes to Verizon it's game over for Motorola
Can't fault Motorola for that, they just came off releasing the record smashing Razr. I believe till this day it's still the number one sold flip phone in the world. I still have my Razr and Razr2. So if anything what would they expect from Apple? A computer hardware/software based company that, at this point has or knows nothing about the cell phone market, on top of that releasing a full touch screen phone? If anything Motorola was sticking to there guns, just evolving the Razr while Apple was getting edgy, pretty much risking it and end up getting lucky.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

illfrozn wrote:
Change the game? Uh....no. Another nice tablet in the market to look forward to? Yes.

it could change the tablet game though.
The tablets that run Android 2.2 suffer from the fact that this is still a phone based OS. Developers are going to be developing more tablet based apps
Honeycomb is supposed to be more tablet friendly. Having the OS and being able to make changes that maximise the hardware your running is a lot better than OTA up dates.
In a lot of ways Honeycomb, this Moto Tablet and the HTC incredible HD are going to be the clues as to how far Android can go.
The thing about the Iphone was that Apple positioned themselves perfectly to do what they did. Making Motorola develop a phone in 3 months that could use your software was genius. They saw the market potential and struck. This put Motorola in a terrible situation because the lack of factory support from apple, and their financial situation kept them from being technologically innovative.

Someone is going to make an Ipad challenger this year. The only issue will be if it runs windows 7, Mobile 7 or a combo of the 2. And who makes it.

rooted nook color
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

illfrozn wrote:
Change the game? Uh....no. Another nice tablet in the market to look forward to? Yes.

it could change the tablet game though.
The tablets that run Android 2.2 suffer from the fact that this is still a phone based OS. Developers are going to be developing more tablet based apps
Honeycomb is supposed to be more tablet friendly. Having the OS and being able to make changes that maximise the hardware your running is a lot better than OTA up dates.
In a lot of ways Honeycomb, this Moto Tablet and the HTC incredible HD are going to be the clues as to how far Android can go.
The thing about the Iphone was that Apple positioned themselves perfectly to do what they did. Making Motorola develop a phone in 3 months that could use your software was genius. They saw the market potential and struck. This put Motorola in a terrible situation because the lack of factory support from apple, and their financial situation kept them from being technologically innovative.

Someone is going to make an Ipad challenger this year. The only issue will be if it runs windows 7, Mobile 7 or a combo of the 2. And who makes it.

rooted nook color
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

I dont trust motorola as a company
no specs? no advanced products to the usual suspects so that they can review it?

for once i want a company to talk about why their product is good, not their competitions product is bad

Why don't you trust Motorola as a company? They put out solid products, and just about a year and a half, to 2 years ago they were close to shutting down their mobile operations. Trust me, this company is still hungry after the success the original "Droid" has brought them.

And do you even know anything about electronics and CES coming up?!!? No company is fully gonna let something this big out right before the biggest show in the industry to reveal their next big thing. I know the specs have leaked out on this, and there has been a tease here and there.

it'll have a 1GHz Tegra 2 T20, a gyroscope and 32GB of storage underneath that 1280 x 800 multitouch screen, as well as 512MB of RAM and a slot for an up-to-32GB microSD card. It also sure looks like there's a micro-USB jack, a mini-HDMI port and a 3.5mm headphone socket, as well as some contacts for a likely dock. Via Engadget

Sounds pretty serious to mean. Plus adding Honeycomb into the mix, that is made just for tablet devices. C'mon
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

I dont trust motorola as a company
no specs? no advanced products to the usual suspects so that they can review it?

for once i want a company to talk about why their product is good, not their competitions product is bad

Why don't you trust Motorola as a company? They put out solid products, and just about a year and a half, to 2 years ago they were close to shutting down their mobile operations. Trust me, this company is still hungry after the success the original "Droid" has brought them.

And do you even know anything about electronics and CES coming up?!!? No company is fully gonna let something this big out right before the biggest show in the industry to reveal their next big thing. I know the specs have leaked out on this, and there has been a tease here and there.

it'll have a 1GHz Tegra 2 T20, a gyroscope and 32GB of storage underneath that 1280 x 800 multitouch screen, as well as 512MB of RAM and a slot for an up-to-32GB microSD card. It also sure looks like there's a micro-USB jack, a mini-HDMI port and a 3.5mm headphone socket, as well as some contacts for a likely dock. Via Engadget

Sounds pretty serious to mean. Plus adding Honeycomb into the mix, that is made just for tablet devices. C'mon
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by StillIn729

this is the same company releasing the RAZR2 when Apple was releasing the iPhone 

still in the red from that one and once the iPhone goes to Verizon it's game over for Motorola
Can't fault Motorola for that, they just came off releasing the record smashing Razr. I believe till this day it's still the number one sold flip phone in the world. I still have my Razr and Razr2. So if anything what would they expect from Apple? A computer hardware/software based company that, at this point has or knows nothing about the cell phone market, on top of that releasing a full touch screen phone? If anything Motorola was sticking to there guns, just evolving the Razr while Apple was getting edgy, pretty much risking it and end up getting lucky.

Apple didn't get lucky

I was one of the people who went away from Apple because of all the fan boyism but after two Android devices, which were good but not great, they just don't compare.

Apple releases a product first> companies play catch up and call their products "Apple killers"> Apple releases their next gen version> companies scramble to play catch up again

I plan to get a tablet in 2011 so I'm open to all options, I've played with the Galaxy and it's ok but it's not even as good as the iPad so as of now I'll wait to see what the iPad 2 brings

but I can't stand Motorola and their constant bashing, it's what kids do when they are wrong and have no way to argue legitimately.

Motorola won't be here once Apple decides to give other carriers their products.

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by StillIn729

this is the same company releasing the RAZR2 when Apple was releasing the iPhone 

still in the red from that one and once the iPhone goes to Verizon it's game over for Motorola
Can't fault Motorola for that, they just came off releasing the record smashing Razr. I believe till this day it's still the number one sold flip phone in the world. I still have my Razr and Razr2. So if anything what would they expect from Apple? A computer hardware/software based company that, at this point has or knows nothing about the cell phone market, on top of that releasing a full touch screen phone? If anything Motorola was sticking to there guns, just evolving the Razr while Apple was getting edgy, pretty much risking it and end up getting lucky.

Apple didn't get lucky

I was one of the people who went away from Apple because of all the fan boyism but after two Android devices, which were good but not great, they just don't compare.

Apple releases a product first> companies play catch up and call their products "Apple killers"> Apple releases their next gen version> companies scramble to play catch up again

I plan to get a tablet in 2011 so I'm open to all options, I've played with the Galaxy and it's ok but it's not even as good as the iPad so as of now I'll wait to see what the iPad 2 brings

but I can't stand Motorola and their constant bashing, it's what kids do when they are wrong and have no way to argue legitimately.

Motorola won't be here once Apple decides to give other carriers their products.

StillIn729 wrote:
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

StillIn729 wrote:
this is the same company releasing the RAZR2 when Apple was releasing the iPhone 

still in the red from that one and once the iPhone goes to Verizon it's game over for Motorola
Can't fault Motorola for that, they just came off releasing the record smashing Razr. I believe till this day it's still the number one sold flip phone in the world. I still have my Razr and Razr2. So if anything what would they expect from Apple? A computer hardware/software based company that, at this point has or knows nothing about the cell phone market, on top of that releasing a full touch screen phone? If anything Motorola was sticking to there guns, just evolving the Razr while Apple was getting edgy, pretty much risking it and end up getting lucky.

Apple didn't get lucky

I was one of the people who went away from Apple because of all the fan boyism but after two Android devices, which were good but not great, they just don't compare.

Apple releases a product first> companies play catch up and call their products "Apple killers"> Apple releases their next gen version> companies scramble to play catch up again

I plan to get a tablet in 2011 so I'm open to all options, I've played with the Galaxy and it's ok but it's not even as good as the iPad so as of now I'll wait to see what the iPad 2 brings

but I can't stand Motorola and their constant bashing, it's what kids do when they are wrong and have no way to argue legitimately.

Motorola won't be here once Apple decides to give other carriers their products.


HTC >Apple though.
Lets put it like this Android will be popular with developers and tech guys. Iphone os will be popular with people who arent real tech savvy and Windows Mobile 7 will be for those who want a complete Microsoft experience  with word etc. All of these tech websites got you judging phones the wrong way.
Hardware, intigration of hardware to software, software, fit form and finish.
As long as Apple has one phone out that doesnt suit everyones needs its always imo going to be behind Motorola, HTC, and Samsung as of now.
Does that mean they will always have one phone out that is distincly better than the latest iphone? No, but these other companies only make "Iphone Killers" for marketing and their other phones (droid X, Droid pro, Galaxy series, and HTC's lineup) are the majority of their sales.
The idea of the game is less about what Apple is doing and more about giving consumers more options.
StillIn729 wrote:
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

StillIn729 wrote:
this is the same company releasing the RAZR2 when Apple was releasing the iPhone 

still in the red from that one and once the iPhone goes to Verizon it's game over for Motorola
Can't fault Motorola for that, they just came off releasing the record smashing Razr. I believe till this day it's still the number one sold flip phone in the world. I still have my Razr and Razr2. So if anything what would they expect from Apple? A computer hardware/software based company that, at this point has or knows nothing about the cell phone market, on top of that releasing a full touch screen phone? If anything Motorola was sticking to there guns, just evolving the Razr while Apple was getting edgy, pretty much risking it and end up getting lucky.

Apple didn't get lucky

I was one of the people who went away from Apple because of all the fan boyism but after two Android devices, which were good but not great, they just don't compare.

Apple releases a product first> companies play catch up and call their products "Apple killers"> Apple releases their next gen version> companies scramble to play catch up again

I plan to get a tablet in 2011 so I'm open to all options, I've played with the Galaxy and it's ok but it's not even as good as the iPad so as of now I'll wait to see what the iPad 2 brings

but I can't stand Motorola and their constant bashing, it's what kids do when they are wrong and have no way to argue legitimately.

Motorola won't be here once Apple decides to give other carriers their products.


HTC >Apple though.
Lets put it like this Android will be popular with developers and tech guys. Iphone os will be popular with people who arent real tech savvy and Windows Mobile 7 will be for those who want a complete Microsoft experience  with word etc. All of these tech websites got you judging phones the wrong way.
Hardware, intigration of hardware to software, software, fit form and finish.
As long as Apple has one phone out that doesnt suit everyones needs its always imo going to be behind Motorola, HTC, and Samsung as of now.
Does that mean they will always have one phone out that is distincly better than the latest iphone? No, but these other companies only make "Iphone Killers" for marketing and their other phones (droid X, Droid pro, Galaxy series, and HTC's lineup) are the majority of their sales.
The idea of the game is less about what Apple is doing and more about giving consumers more options.
Its a nice tablet but if it isnt powered by andriod than i will pass, thinking highly of the Samsung galaxy.
Its a nice tablet but if it isnt powered by andriod than i will pass, thinking highly of the Samsung galaxy.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

illfrozn wrote:
Change the game? Uh....no. Another nice tablet in the market to look forward to? Yes.

it could change the tablet game though.
The tablets that run Android 2.2 suffer from the fact that this is still a phone based OS. Developers are going to be developing more tablet based apps
Honeycomb is supposed to be more tablet friendly. Having the OS and being able to make changes that maximise the hardware your running is a lot better than OTA up dates.
In a lot of ways Honeycomb, this Moto Tablet and the HTC incredible HD are going to be the clues as to how far Android can go.
The thing about the Iphone was that Apple positioned themselves perfectly to do what they did. Making Motorola develop a phone in 3 months that could use your software was genius. They saw the market potential and struck. This put Motorola in a terrible situation because the lack of factory support from apple, and their financial situation kept them from being technologically innovative.

Someone is going to make an Ipad challenger this year. The only issue will be if it runs windows 7, Mobile 7 or a combo of the 2. And who makes it.

But what does this tablet run in development? Gingerbread (or Froyo), a phone based OS. HC will not be arriving until closer to Summer, so a LOT of tablets will be out (and currently are out) that will be preparing to hop on the HC bandwagon as well. How does that give Motorola the edge, alone "change the game"? There will be tablets pushing the boundaries and it doesn't start nor end with the big M ...
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

illfrozn wrote:
Change the game? Uh....no. Another nice tablet in the market to look forward to? Yes.

it could change the tablet game though.
The tablets that run Android 2.2 suffer from the fact that this is still a phone based OS. Developers are going to be developing more tablet based apps
Honeycomb is supposed to be more tablet friendly. Having the OS and being able to make changes that maximise the hardware your running is a lot better than OTA up dates.
In a lot of ways Honeycomb, this Moto Tablet and the HTC incredible HD are going to be the clues as to how far Android can go.
The thing about the Iphone was that Apple positioned themselves perfectly to do what they did. Making Motorola develop a phone in 3 months that could use your software was genius. They saw the market potential and struck. This put Motorola in a terrible situation because the lack of factory support from apple, and their financial situation kept them from being technologically innovative.

Someone is going to make an Ipad challenger this year. The only issue will be if it runs windows 7, Mobile 7 or a combo of the 2. And who makes it.

But what does this tablet run in development? Gingerbread (or Froyo), a phone based OS. HC will not be arriving until closer to Summer, so a LOT of tablets will be out (and currently are out) that will be preparing to hop on the HC bandwagon as well. How does that give Motorola the edge, alone "change the game"? There will be tablets pushing the boundaries and it doesn't start nor end with the big M ...
Motorola still hasn't impressed me. From crappy bluetooth headsets to lack of updates and Motoblur hindering the system. Only thing they did right was the Droid series. Other than that, still a fail. I enjoy my Galaxy Tab so a software update will make it that much better
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