09 Boxing Thread:: 12/12 Diaz.vs.Malignaggi HBO/Bradley.vs.Peterson Showtime

Lederman is crazy

when berto is landing those thunderous body shots it makes me go
thoseare killin luis. dre gotta keep that going and he got this!
What kind of welterweight lands 80+ punches in a round?

Andre needs to stop trying to be something he's not. Stick and move, son.
now it looks like Berto has lost his stamina.

I like Collazo's head movement he was resting the last couple rounds and now is picking it up.

Berto looks like he might get knocked down.
This fight really exposed the flaws in Andre's game. I never really bought into him. He always made marginal improvements fight to fight

berto realizing hes in trouble and hoping to land a KO punch but hes not setting it up at all. luis is just weaving side to side and berto is gassed
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