09 Boxing Thread:: 12/12 Diaz.vs.Malignaggi HBO/Bradley.vs.Peterson Showtime

Originally Posted by nelly28


That depends on what you thought of him before this fight

DAMN, right after the espn article dude starts the year off w/ an L

he needs to hire mayweather sr., or mcgirt as his trainer...he's all offense no defense..
That's right man, you want to be a champ suck it up.

I'm not going to go out there and call him a fraud, Collazo ain't no $!%$$!! chump.
here we go! round 12.. all or nothing, this is for all the marbles.

pretty fast paced fight, been exciting to watch
Third time's the charm for my boy, Luis.

Good, close fight but Collazo has too many rounds in the bag...damn, he throws alot of punches.

Somebody call Gunna please...

I'm concerned. Make sure he's okay after the decision is announced...
Berto dug deep in the 12 fought his heart out both guys did great way to kick off the year , But Collazo won this one 115-113
Either way, i'd be happy to see a rematch.

Might be crazy, but this fight reminds me alot of Diaz/Campbell.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by Proshares

Collazo throwing those Joe C punches right now.

Word, he's been doing it throughout the fight

I'm like they better no give him points for that

If history is any indication he will definitely get those points.

How about that little pansy shove by Collazo after the last bell

I think Collazo got it...I got it 6-6...
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