09 Boxing Thread:: 12/12 Diaz.vs.Malignaggi HBO/Bradley.vs.Peterson Showtime

This @#**$$@@ is really pissing me off. And please, nobody use that excuse anymore that it's all Roach, all of this horse *@@# is coming from Manny. Ihope MAC pounds him through the *%%@!%% canvas. That article just cements what most people think of this tactics for this fight. Matter fact, I'm justgoing to dig up Strings post just to see who can defend this crap. I wouldn't blame Cotto and his team if they just picked up and walked away from thisfight in all honesty. As great a fight as it is, the CHAMPION in the fight shouldn't be making all these concessions just because he's fighting astar. GTFOWTBS.

/end rant
%$%!%%% manny is cooking himself some haters.....hes needs to chill...the %@!* is he doing.....

thats ridiculous....#!!# is embarassing enough......i rather him lose at 147 then go with all this bogus #!!# lately
[h2]Klitschko, Arreola agree to title fight[/h2]

Comment Email Print By Dan Rafael

Handlers for heavyweight titlist Vitali Klitschko and Cristobal Arreola of Riverside, Calif., have reached an agreement to fight Sept. 26 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, the camps told ESPN.com on Wednesday.

Klitschko had been making plans to defend his title against England's David Haye on Sept. 12 in Germany, but that was before Haye snubbed him. Instead of signing the contract that had been agreed to with Klitschko, Haye instead signed to fight titlist Nikolai Valuev in November, leaving Klitschko to look for a new opponent.

He found one in Arreola, the hard-punching contender aiming to become the first fighter of Mexican decent to win a piece of the heavyweight crown.

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Alexander Hassenstein/Bongarts/Getty ImagesHeavyweight titlist Vitali Klitschko, left, will be returning to the arena where he fought his two most significant fights.

Although Klitschko-Arreola has not been signed, it has been agreed to, Klitschko manager Bernd Boente told ESPN.com.

"It will happen," Boente said.

Henry Ramirez, Arreola's trainer, also confirmed that the deal had been struck.

"The fight's done. It's a done deal," Ramirez told ESPN.com. "It worked out to our benefit with whatever B.S. David Haye was pulling with Klitschko."

Boente said that a news conference to make the formal announcement is scheduled for Aug. 13 at the Staples Center. HBO will have live coverage of the fight in the United States.

Klitschko (37-2, 36 KOs) will be returning to the arena where he fought his two most significant fights. In June 2003, he challenged then-champion Lennox Lewis for the title and lost on a sixth-round TKO because of severe cuts around his left eye. It was a dramatic and action-packed fight, which Klitschko led on all three scorecards at the time of the stoppage.

Lewis retired and Klitschko returned to Los Angeles 10 months later to stop South Africa's Corrie Sanders in the eighth round to win the vacant title.

"Vitali is very happy that he can fight again in the U.S. and especially in L.A., where his fight against Lennox Lewis was his international breakthrough and where he beat Sanders to win the WBC title the first time," Boente said. "Both events were huge successes and almost sold out. I think this is a very interesting fight with two fighters who have great knockout percentages and only very few people think this fight goes the distance. ... We are looking forward to [coming] back to the U.S. again, which is still a very important market for us."

For Arreola (27-0, 24 KOs), 28, it will be an opportunity to make history in front of a home crowd. He lives 45 minutes away in Riverside.

"We're very excited," Ramirez said. "It's a great opportunity for Cris. I definitely feel he has a big challenge in front of him. Some people think we have no business in the ring with Klitschko and that's OK. There will always be naysayers. I know one thing -- Cris will leave everything in the ring to win that title. Nobody is going to question his desire. He will fight his fight and he's going to make history. We're not coming for any moral victories. We've going to win the damn fight."

Talks for the fight went smoothly, the key issue being the date. Klitschko had hoped to keep Sept. 12 but relented and pushed it back to Sept. 26 to accommodate Arreola, who didn't think he could be ready that quickly.

Ramirez said Arreola had been anticipating an Oct. 3 HBO fight against former titlist Oleg Maskaev before the Klitschko fight came up.

"Once they came back and said Sept. 26, we said fine," Ramirez said. "Cris has been in the gym for over two weeks. He's working out twice a day and we're relocating our camp on Sunday from Riverside to the San Fernando Valley. We'll just get a little bit away from everybody. [Strength and conditioning coach] Darryl Hudson will go with us. We're all on the same page."

Klitschko, 38, is 6-foot-7, 250 pounds and will be making the second defense. He has been dominant in his two fights since ending an injury-induced retirement that lasted almost four years. When he returned to the ring in October 2008, he thrashed Samuel Peter over eight lopsided rounds to regain his old alphabet title. In a March 21 mandatory defense, Klitschko routed former cruiserweight titlist Juan Carlos Gomez in a ninth-round knockout.

Arreola, who 6-foot-4 and 250 pounds, has yet to face any significant opponents, although he is coming off a fourth-round knockout in April of faded title challenger Jameel McCline.

Ramirez said he's not concerned about Arreola wilting under the pressure of his first title shot.

"Mentally, Cris won't be overcome by the event or get caught up in the moment," he said. "He can rise to the occasion. He'll never be consumed by the moment. This is the first real opponent that I think Cris has truly respected and he has been preparing as such. I don't think there was that kind of respect for McCline or [Travis] Walker. Cris never respected any of those guys. He respects Klitschko and the people will see much improved head movement and footwork, a better all around game plan. It's a huge fight and it will be an exciting fight."

Dan Rafael is the boxing writer for ESPN.com.
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

Told yall catchweight manny is a joke. Your not the champ therefore you have no say IMO. Cotto shouldn't put his title on the line if he can't fight at the 147 limit.
Catchweight manny???? what are you talking about? whens the last time Manny fought at a catchweight?
^^Manny fought an aging middleweight De La Hoya at 147 and and his camp has clearly stated that he will not except a fight above 145 yet he was to challengefor a welterweight title that has a limit of 147.

You manny fanboys are loyal I tell you that much. Go have a seat son it's ok.
^^I know that was a typo he fought an aging middleweight at 147 but then again nobody told DLH to take the fight in the first place
Yo boy still won't fight any top welterweight at the 147 limit. Ask cotto or shane. Until then dude is catchweight manny in my book. If you can't standthe welterweight heat then go back down to 140.
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

Yo boy still won't fight any top welterweight at the 147 limit. Ask cotto or shane. Until then dude is catchweight manny in my book. If you can't stand the welterweight heat then go back down to 140.
I've been saying this for the longest time. you get no arguement from me on this subject.
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

^^Manny fought an aging middleweight De La Hoya at 147 and and his camp has clearly stated that he will not except a fight above 145 yet he was to challenge for a welterweight title that has a limit of 147.

You manny fanboys are loyal I tell you that much. Go have a seat son it's ok.
I get what your saying with the cotto fight i agree with you 100%...Manny should fight at 147 if he's trying to fight for the title...if hedoesnt want to fight cotto at 147 then he shouldnt demand a title fight...However fighting De La Hoya at 147 is not at a catchweight
he came up from lightweight at 135 up to welterweight at 147 thats 12pounds that he had to come up...respect him for that. Remember everyone though De La Hoya was gonna put a beating on Manny including me
... De La Hoya was the one who thought he coulod take Manny out at 147 helleveryone thoght he would and thats why he agreed to that weight... I'm in no way a Manny fan tho lol im Mexican n he's been beating our fighters up alil
I do however respect the guy and that is why I decided to respondto your post.

147 is welterweight and thats a weight class not a catchweight...tell me if you think im wrong here I wanna hear what you gotta say
You mean Ward VS Gatti

This Mayweather-Marquez card aint half bad Judah -Antonio Diaz, Katsidis-Escobedo, and John- Juarez II
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

Yo boy still won't fight any top welterweight at the 147 limit. Ask cotto or shane. Until then dude is catchweight manny in my book. If you can't stand the welterweight heat then go back down to 140.
Dude, last time I checked, manny is the new attraction. They are the ones who wana fight Pacman. Hell, Shane was willing to damn near give headfor that fight. And come on. Its only a 1 pound difference from Cotto's last fight. Dude weighed in at 146 for Clottey. People fail to realize thatPacquiao was fighting at 130 less than 2 years ago.
Originally Posted by TCERDA

Originally Posted by CAFinest23

Yo boy still won't fight any top welterweight at the 147 limit. Ask cotto or shane. Until then dude is catchweight manny in my book. If you can't stand the welterweight heat then go back down to 140.
Dude, last time I checked, manny is the new attraction. They are the ones who wana fight Pacman. Hell, Shane was willing to damn near give head for that fight. And come on. Its only a 1 pound difference from Cotto's last fight. Dude weighed in at 146 for Clottey. People fail to realize that Pacquiao was fighting at 130 less than 2 years ago.

I agree that if Manny wants the belt the welter limit should be in place, but Idon't feel like it's a huge deal and I guess Cotto doesn't either since like TCERDA said dude weighed in at 146 for Clottey. I guess you gotta makeconcessions for the more marquee fighter. Still not a fan of their promoter though
Supposedly big meetings in NYC with some promoters. Some things that will be talked about are Hopkins/Adamek for December and Berto/Mosley for Dec. 5th. Ifthey get Hopkins/Adamek done before Chad/Glen fight I think that fight would be for the Ring belt @ 175.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Supposedly big meetings in NYC with some promoters. Some things that will be talked about are Hopkins/Adamek for December and Berto/Mosley for Dec. 5th. If they get Hopkins/Adamek done before Chad/Glen fight I think that fight would be for the Ring belt @ 175.
Concerning Hopkins-Adamek, what I heard is that their looking to make it a 45th birthday fight in January...except his birthday in on the 15thwhich is a Friday so I guess it would be a day-after birthday fight on the 16th. I'm crossing my fingers this happens.
Steve Kim mentioned on the maxboxing forum tonight that the Pavlik-Williams fight is a done deal. Lets see what happens.
Sweet pea Lookin like he still servin Fiends...
and mark Breland lookin like a more nerdier version of Rell from NT (

Damn amateur boxing just aitn the same

mark Breland and Sweet Pea were KO'n cats in the Olympics
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