09 Boxing Thread:: 12/12 Diaz.vs.Malignaggi HBO/Bradley.vs.Peterson Showtime

who has Nate on their lb4lb list?

name a 135lb who wouldnt struggle with a 6'2" lightweight with good skill?

a Joke? yall +%!$%# crazy. Dude started fighting in his late 20s and won a world title...
if u cant respect that, there aint much in the fight game u do respect.

Gunna, I respect the hell outta Nate, don't get me wrong. From working the night shift at Piggly Wiggly to becoming a world champ? More thanimpressive BUT...

Similar to Amo, i've felt that within the past year and some change he's gotten a little too much praise for his performance against Diaz...one fight.
Man I hate to see the fight end like this but he did get headbutt'ed but if you want to win the fight you overcome that cut. Hat if off to Bradley forgiving a good fight.
Tru thats his marquis W. but his whole career has been nice, even with set backs.
Like we "the fans" be quick to get heated about dudes gettin opportunities and being manufactured stars with handpicked opponents, but nate is theexact opposite, he far from a star. he been ducked, he been fightin tough fights his whole career goin back to him gettin robbed vs casamayor and them neverever even thinkin about givin him a rematch.

Dude is way more than a 1 fight guy. He aint no hall of Famer but he is more than solid.

He fought a faster guy at a higher weight, and was down 2 rounds
i dont call him a joke cus Ive seen him fight wit cuts, ive seen him battle when he was losing, Ive seen him get robbed. I take him at his word when he says hecouldnt see.

Panama was a career *%+%+@% cheater

Watching this margocheater should get a lifetime ban
Yup, I really hope someone shows that to the california athletic board. cus Antoniomargarito should never be allowed in the ring again. and neither should any of his cornermen
that #%%% made me sick and Margarito and company is no better than them guys.
@ Witter quitting. Fans were really chanting Witter the quitter.
Reato playing dumb tho like he had no idea what they where doing to his gloves and that his people was betting on him
That 'Assault in the Ring' doc was crazy.

The timing is crazy too. Javier Capetillo was just cornering a fight for one of Margacheto's fighters w/ Tonio watching ringside
Yup. the weird thing, is at the beginning, They have Bob Arum's voice but dont show his face, saying Resto was deservedly banned for life for using thosegloves, Yet he wont say the same thing for his very own Top Rank money maker Antonio Margarito
Keep jumping between home and the bar but I'm def catching this doc right now.

Gunna, you said it man that was one of his cash cows he'll never say that about Margs. Plus, he stands to make a good penny if/when MAC/Margs II happensnext summer.
Just watched Assault in the Ring. Panama Lewis is by far one of the biggest pieces of !**! that has ever walked the earth.
Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Just watched Assault in the Ring. Panama Lewis is by far one of the biggest pieces of !**! that has ever walked the earth.
Agree with you 100%... That foo is nothing but a clown! karma is a b**ch and he'll get his in one way or another
+%$@, I forget about Assault in the Ring. It's re-airing tonight, though.

I had a bad feeling about Campbell coming into this fight since it seemed like he lost a step against Funeka. I loved how Nate told Bradley to his face thathe it was up to him to stand up and say what is right when he was about to be interviewed by Gray. Bradley looked like he was actually conflicted butultimately gave a "I don't know" which was a shame.
Originally Posted by Jagshemash

+%$@, I forget about Assault in the Ring. It's re-airing tonight, though.

I had a bad feeling about Campbell coming into this fight since it seemed like he lost a step against Funeka. I loved how Nate told Bradley to his face that he it was up to him to stand up and say what is right when he was about to be interviewed by Gray. Bradley looked like he was actually conflicted but ultimately gave a "I don't know" which was a shame.
Yea man, I understand #%*!%% want that W, but I always thought Bradley had some honor about him, the way he always quoting scripture and praisinjesus...
proved me wrong.
He right tho, his job is to fight and he did what he posed to do, but he know that decision was wrong.
I also wanted to say that I didn't think Nate was completely out of the fight or anything. He was rolling with and blocking most of Bradley's punchesincluded those flurries in the corner (which happened because of the headbutt) and against the ropes where it appeared Nate was taking some punishment. He wasputting some pressure on Bradley by backing him up and doing some work in the clinches, especially to the body. Not that those punches were hurtful butit's just a subtle thing that may have slowed down Bradley as the fight went on which I think was his plan. Bradley is of course very well conditioned andI think he probably would have gone on to win a decision by outworking Nate.
Still a lot of unanswered questions. I wouldn't mind seeing them fight again. What other significant fights are out there for either one of them?
Originally Posted by jose23mex

Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Just watched Assault in the Ring. Panama Lewis is by far one of the biggest pieces of !**! that has ever walked the earth.
Agree with you 100%... That foo is nothing but a clown! karma is a b**ch and he'll get his in one way or another

GREAT HBO doc.... Lewis will get whats coming to him

I couldnt help but feel bad for Resto, even tho he knew he was set-up
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