09 Boxing Thread:: 12/12 Diaz.vs.Malignaggi HBO/Bradley.vs.Peterson Showtime

Originally Posted by bobby1109

Lampley throwing subliminals at Germany.

And Merchant completely destroyed defibrillator.

Lampley going INNNN on Arreola LMAOOO
I peeped that

You're (American Heavyweights in general nowadays) are not going to beat a Klitschko.
Can we just get Klitschko vs Klitschko already
. Cats act likethey've NEVER scrapped in their entire lives. Someone has been knocked out before
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

lampleys exactly right...
Yea but like Larry was saying during the fight that's who he is I don't think he's changing his ways anytime soon. I wouldn't besurprised if he loses his next fight too he looks like he's in bad shape (mentally).
post fight interview had me
the worst part, he gonna get some tonighteven though he lost and cried on national tv
Originally Posted by bobby1109

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

lampleys exactly right...
Yea but like Larry was saying during the fight that's who he is I don't think he's changing his ways anytime soon. I wouldn't be surprised if he loses his next fight too he looks like he's in bad shape (mentally).
They're going to protect Arreola for a couple fights. Pad his record, get his mind right again.

Maybe this was the wake up call he needs.
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

post fight interview had me
the worst part, he gonna get some tonight even though he lost and cried on national tv





Lampley with the PSA to the Heavyweight division

Did this fool Arreola get cracked in the face and have ripple effects on his *******, then down to his belly?
Vitali fought a boring fight but it worked. Dude didn't throw many body shots and he still dismantled Arreola.

I dont think the Klitschko brothers would ever fight each other. I'm not sure I'd want to see that fight...I dont know if either guy would be able togive 100% against his brother.

The heavyweight division is in a coma...hopefully some guys emerge in a couple of years but we're gonna have to find our entertainment in other divisions.

The main winner tonight is Chris Arreola. How the he.ll did he land that chick? Oh yeah...$$$$$$ = Punani.

Anyone have pics of her?
They used to try and kill each other in sparring that's why they don't spar with each other anymore.

And Chris and his wife been together for a very long time I doubt it's all about the money with her.
that post interview was hysterical..

he tried holding it in when vitali came over to say he was surprised but then when Merchant spoke lolll

That first F-bomb had me. He basically was crying for 10 min not to mention hes probably still crying now. His wife can tuck him and his daughter in tonightand then come to bklyn. At least I still have a job.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

I got $20 on Nightmare.....you down?

like taken candy from a baby

i dont do that paypal crap so when you sale enough oranges i will PM u the address so i can wait for it in the mail
At yall dudes even THINKING Chris had a shot against my dude Vitali.

Say what you will about Vitali, his footwork, his technique, it doesn't matter, the dude is legit, and there isn't any heavyweight since LL that has achance against Vitali (and even Lewis knew he was in trouble against Vitali). The only viable for for either of the two brothers is each other, and MuhammadAli coming out of retirement has a better chance of happening than those two squaring off.


Show em who's king of the ring and send the little boys home packin'.
Arreola put up a great effort and I don't fault him at all for crying. We saw Peter and Gomez crumple and essentially give up which you could argue isworse in terms of being a man in the ring. At least he showed a ton of heart by wanting to continue even though he was completely out of the fight since hedidn't want to let everyone down. A lot of athletes have been emotional after big wins or losses like Jordan, Kobe, Mayweather. Even Hopkins almost brokedown after the Pavlik fight.

With that said though he should have taken his preparation more serious because there's no excuse coming in there at 251 in his prime when just 3 years agohe was at 229.
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