09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Sucks for the gaytors if Debose misses a significant amount of time he's going to be sick. Good news for everyone else on UF's schedule though.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Yeah, they said he might need surgery.

What's the recovery time after surgery? 4-6 weeks or more?
I don't know if Dre's injury is serious cause my boy who's on the team said he walked off the field and was driving a scooter so hopefullyhe'll be alright.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

what U think Scroggins is doin. He just committed to a school with 3 Good Qbs, one a true freshman who was just named the starter for the yr.

Just watch where Hurd ends up

The fact that Barkley is starting is the best situation for Scroggins. He's already stated that he expects to come in and redshirt to give him separation.That's why all these UTK rumors about Scroggins having second thoughts because Barkley got the starting job make no sense.

So by the time Scrogs is a RS-Frosh, Bark will be true Junior and draft eligible. At the very latest, Scroggins will have to compete for the starting QB jobwill be as a RS-Sophomore. If he can't that starting job then, it's his own fault and not the result of a depth chart situation. He's lininghimself up perfectly to compete in 2011 and be the most senior QB in 2012.
[homer] keep an eye on the running back from hofstra. check his stats as a frosh last year. [/homer]
Hope Debose is ok

He may truly be the next Harvin always getting nicked up and cant stay healthy
Originally Posted by MBen32

Im anxious to see Byrnes go down to Florida to take on STA.

That'll be the measuring stick to how dominant STA is, because if Bynres isnt the best team in the nation, they're definitely the second best.

Not even.

I'll give 'em top 10 but not the 2nd best.

I wouldn't be surprised if Miami Northwestern could mop the floor with Byrnes...

And I know that STA would take their lunch money.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

what U think Scroggins is doin. He just committed to a school with 3 Good Qbs, one a true freshman who was just named the starter for the yr.

Just watch where Hurd ends up
According to Toney Hurd's cousin, Toney will go anywhere that he can other than A&M. I personally don't mind, because I don'tthink Hurd has the size...but it's gonna suck to see him end up being a stud somewhere else.

It's weird how A&M went from the top team for Hurd and Lewis to pretty much not even being considered. Will Lyles must have put in some pretty decentwork to lead those two away from A&M. Goodson not enjoying his time here probably hurt us with any player that becomes connected with Will Lyles.(That's all just Aggie speculation of course...there's nothing concrete to back that up, and it could very well be sour Aggie fans just making stuffup.)


And Desoto vs. Cedar Hill on ESPN right now...these teams are LOADED. There's probably 15 legit D1 prospects on this field.
Been watching this Byrnes (SC) vs Gwynett (GA) game. .Marcus Lattimore is the goods. He runs like an NFL RB. With his vision, cuts, and balance I can def seehim playing on Sundays. But his team sucks. I have no idea why they're ranked nationally. No way they're in the same league as a pahokee, sta, MNW, oreven BTW. They should be putting up 100 on this scrub team they're playing
this texas High school team got a better stadium then some college teams

and these 2 teams been talking trash ALL GAME LONG to each other LOL
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Originally Posted by MBen32

Im anxious to see Byrnes go down to Florida to take on STA.

That'll be the measuring stick to how dominant STA is, because if Bynres isnt the best team in the nation, they're definitely the second best.

Not even.

I'll give 'em top 10 but not the 2nd best.

I wouldn't be surprised if Miami Northwestern could mop the floor with Byrnes...

And I know that STA would take their lunch money.

Byrnes actually plays STA this year.

I haven't seen Northwestern yet, but the only reason i'm so high on Byrnes is the fact that they return basically their whole team, which was adominant one last year in S.C.
Like i said above, they play STA this year, so atleast it can be settled on the field, and it'll be a measuring stick as to how good Byrnes really is,since i hear about it so much being in SC.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

this texas High school team got a better stadium then some college teams

and these 2 teams been talking trash ALL GAME LONG to each other LOL
Yea huge rivalry from what i seen cedar hill's countdown for desoto lol good shh, this Desoto and Cedar Hill game got about 35+ collegefootball players on the field which is unreal. Good game but that Cedar Hill D put in work
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

this texas High school team got a better stadium then some college teams

and these 2 teams been talking trash ALL GAME LONG to each other LOL
That stadium ain't even the best DFW has to offer... Not even close...

And both them programs are very good... I had to DVR it due to a live Fantasy Draft tonight, but I can't wait towatch it... There was a lot of legitimate D1 talent on that football field tonight, and those are rival schools... Friday Night Lights at it's finest rightthere...

The Odessa Permian/Duncanville game tonight was GOOD %@$*... Duncanville, Cedar Hill, Desoto is going to be a very interesting group to watch in thatdistrict...
Originally Posted by tmay407

According to Toney Hurd's cousin, Toney will go anywhere that he can other than A&M. I personally don't mind, because I don't think Hurd has the size...but it's gonna suck to see him end up being a stud somewhere else.

It's weird how A&M went from the top team for Hurd and Lewis to pretty much not even being considered. Will Lyles must have put in some pretty decent work to lead those two away from A&M. Goodson not enjoying his time here probably hurt us with any player that becomes connected with Will Lyles. (That's all just Aggie speculation of course...there's nothing concrete to back that up, and it could very well be sour Aggie fans just making stuff up.)
Shaun Lewis wanted to be the guy at linebacker wherever he went... Once Corey Nelson committed, TAMU wasshot... The Ags are better off for it... Having both woulda been nice, but if it was one or the other, Sherman made the right call... Hurd is a ******, but hecan play, and I'd suspect if Lewis went TAMU Hurd would too...

How the street agent plays into it, I dunno, but it's obvious something was going on with these two... They were ranting and raving about the Ags no morethan a month ago, and they both switched it up with the quickness...
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

this texas High school team got a better stadium then some college teams

and these 2 teams been talking trash ALL GAME LONG to each other LOL

you should see their school, damn thing is HUGE..it has that stadium, a JV stadium, and one of the biggest baseball fields in the metro.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

this texas High school team got a better stadium then some college teams

and these 2 teams been talking trash ALL GAME LONG to each other LOL

you should see their school, damn thing is HUGE..it has that stadium, a JV stadium, and one of the biggest baseball fields in the metro.
And their basketball courts are rather terrible (at least compared to everything else). I remember playing in one of their secondary gyms for a JVgame...the place was like a cave. Their main court never really impressed me much either.
Originally Posted by tmay407

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Bigmike23 wrote:

this texas High school team got a better stadium then some college teams

and these 2 teams been talking trash ALL GAME LONG to each other LOL

you should see their school, damn thing is HUGE..it has that stadium, a JV stadium, and one of the biggest baseball fields in the metro.
And their basketball courts are rather terrible (at least compared to everything else). I remember playing in one of their secondary gyms for a JV game...the place was like a cave. Their main court never really impressed me much either.

i havent been inside the school. but i doubt its any worse than my school court.
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Originally Posted by Jwill JR

oh no... RR and scUM may even be in bigger trouble....


this is the first ive heard of this... michig%n fans, whats your take on this.. with the season last year, the players leaving/transfering, and now this...?
I got a text about this earlier from a friend. I have no clue on what's going on, hopefully Newbs knows more.

this is not good at all...when you have former player from last year and CURRENT players all saying the same thing...eek...something aint right... I think RRdays are numbered...
Originally Posted by Jwill JR

Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Originally Posted by Jwill JR

oh no... RR and scUM may even be in bigger trouble....


this is the first ive heard of this... michig%n fans, whats your take on this.. with the season last year, the players leaving/transfering, and now this...?
I got a text about this earlier from a friend. I have no clue on what's going on, hopefully Newbs knows more.

this is not good at all...when you have former player from last year and CURRENT players all saying the same thing...eek...something aint right... I think RR days are numbered...
I dunno why this is surprising to anyone. EVERY school on EVERY division bends/breaks these "rules" on the reg.
I would say consider who wrote the story. The Freep is so anti-Michigan its rediculous. Since RichRod took over anything and everything negative that could bepublished has been. Its like he can't even fart w/o someone being on his nuts.
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