10,000 people apply for 400 jobs at new Wal Mart

That's why an education is essential, but at least those people want to work for an honest paycheck. Even then one can't really rely on a title a lotof the times, as things can change from one day to another. You can go from manager at some corporate white collar entity with all the trimmings to stockboy atthe Gap without knowing what hit you.
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

That's why an education is essential, but at least those people want to work for an honest paycheck. Even then one can't really rely on a title a lot of the times, as things can change from one day to another. You can go from manager at some corporate white collar entity with all the trimmings to stockboy at the Gap without knowing what hit you.

So true man. That's why you have to keep yourself educated and marketable and have your resume on point at all times because you never know when yourcompany will experence hard times and start laying off.

It's also essential to have a side hustle or some other way to make money other then your regular 9 to 5.
Originally Posted by FreshProduct

Originally Posted by FlyDaily

damn most of the people in line are blk....
i look at this for motivation....i cant let that be me.....i just cant

Second time in two/three days I agree with you. Keep preachin' fam
tabernacle. i cant be mad that people are at least looking for work instead of just taking handouts from welfare.
I'm still surprised at the level of denial people are in about where this country is headed.

With no real industry on US soil, a dollar that's overprinted, a government that's spending money like they know what's coming and corporationsleaving the US, what do you think is coming?
Don't know where that walmart is but its probably the only major place over there thats offering job opportunities. Unemployment isn't even highright now so no need for worries. Those of you that still want a job a walmart there will be plenty of openings.
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