10/24 WWE Bragging Rights PPV | Raw vs Smackdown | Kane vs Undertaker | Orton vs Barrett p15


He better be rocking the full gear.
Maryse attacked Oksana outside the ring.  She threw Oksana into the ring.  Goldust was distracted by this.  Dibiase hit a DDT and got the win.

There was a catfight after the match with Oksana coming out on top.  She had the Million Dollar Belt.  She flirted with Dibiase until Goldust came in from behind and hit the Final Cut.  Goldust and Oksana left with the Million Dollar Belt.
Maryse attacked Oksana outside the ring.  She threw Oksana into the ring.  Goldust was distracted by this.  Dibiase hit a DDT and got the win.

There was a catfight after the match with Oksana coming out on top.  She had the Million Dollar Belt.  She flirted with Dibiase until Goldust came in from behind and hit the Final Cut.  Goldust and Oksana left with the Million Dollar Belt.
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