*'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

Originally Posted by PMatic

Originally Posted by kobe8is

A.I. = Kobe


Exactly...and think about all the dudes who were supposedly on Kobe's level in the early 00's and look how far they've fallen.
Gonna miss the first quarter of the game due to the Iowa Caucus... Nothing says fun like the Iowa Caucus
I assume you would have MJ at #1 all time
Magic in the 2-3 range
where do you put Kob, and where do you put AI?  Have you ever thought about your own list in that manner?
I haven't, actually. I got Magic, then Jordan, then everyone else.
That's why I never participate in threads like that. And the only reason I rank those two is because literally everyone else has some glaring detriment/criticism about them, in my opinion, but those two have something about them that overcomes any detriment or criticism I would have about them.

And instead of going through and listing my criticism on everyone except those two, I'll just explain what I see those two have as strengths that separates them from everyone else, in my opinion.

Jordan: my criticism about him would definitely be his attitude, telling teammates not to pass to Cartright, calling Kwane Brown a 'flaming @+##*#' (
), %!@+ like that. So what do I see is his major strength that allows me to rank him even though I don't want to rank other folks? His work ethic; he was a gym rat, a basketball crack head, and he kept adding things to his game to stay on top (and for the record, I think that same credit can go to Kobe, too). And another strength? I remember watching Jordan, and the look on teammates' faces during their dynasty in the 90s, teammates just weren't frustrated with him if he shot 6 for 20. Am I saying that he all of a sudden became the perfect teammate in the 90s after being a dickhead in the 80s?
C'mon, I'm not stupid enough to think that. All I'm saying is what I saw, what I remember seeing with my own eyes. We've all heard stories about how harsh Jordan was, but on TV? The games I saw with my own eyes? NBA on NBC? It was just a cohesive unit,. Sure, that may be in large part to Phil Jackson, but that would still be to Jordan's credit that he didn't disrupt Phil's zen philosophy. Then he retires and goes to the Wizards, and returns to his cocky #!# 80s ways, cutting guys like Kwame down to nothing.

So what would Magic's criticism be from me? Simple: shooting. But what were his strengths, in my opinion? First off, his versatility, which everyone knows about Magic. But more importantly, HIS ATTITUDE!! Okay, you all agree that AI was a cancer; and I'm contending that Kobe is one, two. Well dig this: I think if there were a team that had Kobe and Iverson on the same team with Magic, it wouldn't have been a problem, and the reason it wouldn't have been a problem would be because Magic would make SURE it's not a problem. That smile, man… his attitude, his infectious demeanor combined with his competitive spirit combined with his skill set… yeah, that's definitely my number one guy all time.
Wait, you see Jordan's attitude as a negative? It is what made him the most amazing person to ever touch a basketball.

Can someone please tell me there is hope Fisher doesn't finish this year, he really makes it tough for me to watch Laker games.
Why is it Fisher somehow always picks up 6 in the first quarter... Then puts up 1-2 the rest of the game

With the amount of open shots he gets a game he should be at 12-15 a game.. I know I know...

Can't be mad at that Lowry was 4 steps behind the line
In before the 
 faces for Kobe's good start pour in from people who wanted him to retire after his horrible last game...
Remember though, his point was the chucking, not the skillset.  Ska knows TMac, and even Vince Carter would be similar switches on position/body types, what his point was was the AI shot selections and Kobe shot selections.  I'm the one that brought up the position issue between the two. 

TMac and Vince aren't necessarily considered chuckers.  Soft, weak minded, soaked wet spots maybe, but not chuckers. 

That's why he went with AI.
Three reasons I went with AI, actually.

– both volume shooter
– similar "You can't tell me nothing" attitudes
– year drafted

And there is someone else from that draft that I've mentioned before in hypothesizing that we would've been just as successful (if not more) if Kobe and that guy were switched. But you guys get too focused on looking at where a player is at today instead of what could have been. Too abstract of a conversation for you, I guess.
You can really tell kobes hand is botering
Him, so far all his free throws, he has been reacting
Like its a miss each time he shoots one.
10 points in the first for Kobe.. 3-8 I wish he didn't take his last 2 shots in the post, but can't be made because at least he wasn't just jab stepping for the 3,,

Need McBob in the game because he wouldn't have allowed 3 offensive rebounds.. He would have stopped that +$%+ with a foul....

Blake with a 3..

Up 6 after 1... Good quarter just a little bit more hustle
Wait, you see Jordan's attitude as a negative? It is what made him the most amazing person to ever touch a basketball.
No, it's not.

Attitude is not the same as competitive spirit; Magic has a competitive spirit, hates losing, works on his game to give himself a better opportunity to win… but his attitude is completely different than Jordan's.

Attitude is also different than work ethic.

And the reason I point those two things out is to say this: Jordan's attitude is not what made him one of the most amazing basketball players ever. His work ethic + competitive spirit are what made him one of the most amazing basketball players ever.
badboyf0life420 wrote:
You can really tell kobes hand is botering
Him, so far all his free throws, he has been reacting
Like its a miss each time he shoots one.
Yea it looks like he's out of rhythm and forcing shots out there. How long is his wrist expected to heal in? 
Originally Posted by MeloManFan

badboyf0life420 wrote:
You can really tell kobes hand is botering
Him, so far all his free throws, he has been reacting
Like its a miss each time he shoots one.
Yea it looks like he's out of rhythm and forcing shots out there. How long is his wrist expected to heal in? 

It won't. Not so long as he plays... 

If he sits  4-6 weeks..
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