11/12 Topics MERGED!!!

Originally Posted by Funkman

now i gotta strategize my money a lil more
still gonna cop 4 packs
2 on release day
and imma put 2 more packs on layaway.. :smile:
You usually can't put retroes on layaway until they've been out for over a week at most franchise stores. Just lettin ya know.
Thye tryna charge me 550 to get it early imma just get up early and try my luck if i dont get um ill be mad but owell
My footlocker called me where i put my preorder, they told me to come on the 20th to pick them up instead of the 26th.
Originally Posted by Maelstroom

Imma feel bad for the people who are going to line up on the 26th
. But at least its before Christmas
do you think theres gonna be people actually doing that?
Yea juss like most jordans that released christmas time they always produced more...so not really lookin to overpay if retail isnt already enough...
I'll have no problem walking into my mall at 10 AM and pickin this pack up. Not a big demand for Jordans in my town yet we get all the packs andeverything. good luck for me i guess!
Yup, I was just comin to post the same thing. Just got back from Footaction and the mgr told me the same thing. Day before my Bday so I should be smooth.Thanks for the info tho OP, and welcome to the NT fam. Great first post.
i jus left footlocker, and the manager showed me the printout/fax they got today showing the pack moved up to the 20th and spizikes on the 24th. so jus anotherconfirmation for those second guessing the info....wait on the 26th if u want, u will b SOL!
Originally Posted by paul4523

My footlocker called me where i put my preorder, they told me to come on the 20th to pick them up instead of the 26th.
Hey I didnt know that you could preorder these?? Is it at any Footlocker??
hahahahaha all this talk about money issues now that the time has finally come so funny lol thank god money is not an issue to me (the release date is!!!!) iwant them now!!!!!!!!!! lol
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