11/12 Topics MERGED!!!

Hey I didnt know that you could preorder these?? Is it at any Footlocker??
Eh... not exactly.

I know of some in my area who won't attempt such a thing. Another, would either purchase a gift card for the value of the shoe or just accept exact changethen place it in an envelope with your info on it.

Ask around.

Originally Posted by blackcat23mj

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

just throwing it out there...

you think the market is gonna be flooded with this release? any chance that these stick around the shelves and make it to the next f&f or employee discount?

(just wondering cause i was able to get the 3/20 pack today at 30% off, i know they are not the same demand wise, but it seems like nike/jb officially killed resellers and have enough product to go around)

Some folks are sayign that the 50% for employees will be good on this pack. I called my boy up and he said he would be able to get them for 150 a pack....I don't believe it but hey anything is possible.

HOH says they are dropping the pack on the 20th.

HOH LA is getting 500 packs? I just called and the broad had no idea what I was talking about (in terms of the release dat being moved up)
where did you get 500 packs from? haha thats not possible
If you dont know what your talking about dont talk... HOHNY had 350+ of the 6/17 pack so I guarantee they will have more than enough of these togo around...
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo now i can't get them I am gone and busy that whole weekend that is the worst news i could ever hear.
darn, now i get to sleep on my friday. i was hoping to line up w/ 300 others (half of them being ignorant fools over a shoe) on a cold, friday morning to getthe shoes.

can you note the sarcasm? thanks JB. this is actually a better plan.
I feel for those that won't be able to get them now because of the date change, BUT that's why I'm happy I made sure I put my money aside a long+*+ time ago because I knew there was a good chance i'd like this pack. I feel for you all because I was in that position before, I was THAT guy before,hell, that's why I made my plans as I did, so I wouldn't be that guy again but with little excuses since I got a job unlike before as a young teen.

With that said, I'm *HOPEFULLY(nothing's guaranteed until the 20th)* gonna have the package, and i'm gonna gift wrap it as a present from somecreative personal being from my past(jobless C Money maybe?) and open it up on christmas day so I can get a sense of what it would've been like before.

THANK YOU JB, although I don't agree with bumping up the release date 15 days before the release, it'll make for a great christmas morning(and dayafter since I can sleep in
YES!!!! I just read that this pack will be released on the 20th instead of the 26th... (sneakernews)
they are sold out on citysole, they only have g.s sizes. some fools must have bought them up. hopefully the hyperbeasts. plus why would you spend 400 dollarswhen it says they will "ship out december 18". who gives a crap if you get them 2-3 days earlier. Id rather save the extra 100 dollars. Plus we allknow there will be plenty of packs for everyone. Jordan's gotta make up the profit from some of the lame packs that have come out and from the stupidfusions.
Originally Posted by adamfo85

they are sold out on citysole, they only have g.s sizes. some fools must have bought them up. hopefully the hyperbeasts. plus why would you spend 400 dollars when it says they will "ship out december 18". who gives a crap if you get them 2-3 days earlier. Id rather save the extra 100 dollars.

so it's hyperbeasts now huh?
not necessarily but why would you spend the extra 100 dollars, there will be plenty of packs. plus why spend the extra 100 bucks? jmo
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