11/16 *** Dallas Cowboys [5-4] vs. Washington ******** [6-3] *** 8:15et

Just re-watched the game again. I love how we were committed to the run and our big time big paid guys really stepped up.
Newman played great and Barber extending our drives was lovely. Its a shame we still had the penalties and turnovers but we also showed some tenacity thatwasn't there before. Special teams is terrible right now. Can't wait till Felix gets back. They seriously need to think about putting him back therefor and kicks. Just wanted to point out that before the Dhall pick Austin didnt even attempt to catch a low pass where he was wide open. First downguaranteed. Granted it wasn't the greatest of throws. Anyway
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by S0rtega2

Originally Posted by Deuce King

And wasn't it Deuce talking about "Skins act like they won the super bowl" when we won back in Dallas, and Cowboys fan's aren't actin' like it now

Nah, I don't think the Cowboys or their fans think they won the Super Bowl somehow cause the beat the Skins cause honestly, I think they fully expected to the beat the Skins just like everyone else. Everyone knows the Skins and their fans want the spotlight that Dallas has, from the primetime games, to the HBO shows, to the big fancy stadiums. The ******** want to be there but there are not ever going to get there. It's like JV versus Varsity for all intense purposes. The ******** are a good organization, but they are a B league at best while Dallas is A league material. It's like little brother chasing big brother.

Spotlight? We have the same record...Primetime games = more attention, yet same outcome (again same record, so what's it matter), HBO Shows = SWEET
, Big fancy stadiums = hahah, it's about time you upgraded because the one I vistied (you know the one we beat the boys earlier this season, for the last time ever...looked horrible, like an unfinished project. Anyone who thinks different has never seen an average stadium)...Anyway, Bandwagon boy, I hope you can take a side this Sunday because from what I've seen you post more in the 'Skins game topics than the Niners, yet that's your team...
. For future refrence, see Marley's post directed towards you above mine.

Having the same record and actually having the same recognition or attention is two different things champ. Also, if you knew anything about your team or even yet your owner you would that he himself wants a new stadium just like the one that Dallas is getting next year. Just another example of little brother chasing big brother, now you don't have to like it but it is what it is. Everybody on here knows that I'm a 49ers fan, so how an I not picking a side. Your trying to find something on me and it just aint working for you champ, sorry to tell you.

Word? Because last time I checked, recognition accounted for everything! Especially when you CAN'T live up to it or the hype. This is supposed to be theyear for the Cowboys to go all the way, yet they are tied with a team that, judging by your post and others on here, have some of the worst players in theleague and a horrible time manger as a QB. That's odd? And I am sure Snyder wishes for a stadium just LIKE Dallas, to be just LIKE Dallas, which would inturn, allows us to "catch up to big brother" and get GREAT recognition, right?...Judging by the use of grammar and lack of structure/punctuation inyour statement, you may want to look a little further into english and less into a great team such as the Cowboys, "champ". Haha, just had to pointthat out....Your and you're are two different things bud, it's a lot easier to "find something on you" than you think.
Originally Posted by S0rtega2

Word? Because last time I checked, recognition accounted for everything! Especially when you CAN'T live up to it or the hype. This is supposed to be the year for the Cowboys to go all the way, yet they are tied with a team that, judging by your post and others on here, have some of the worst players in the league and a horrible time manger as a QB. That's odd? And I am sure Snyder wishes for a stadium just LIKE Dallas, to be just LIKE Dallas, which would in turn, allows us to "catch up to big brother" and get GREAT recognition, right?...Judging by the use of grammar and lack of structure/punctuation in your statement, you may want to look a little further into english and less into a great team such as the Cowboys, "champ". Haha, just had to point that out....Your and you're are two different things bud, it's a lot easier to "find something on you" than you think.
i mean since "you're" being a nitpicky *!!+% ... i never knew a box of carved stone or wood construction used to hold food foranimals, could be a quarterback ...
Originally Posted by S0rtega2

I am sure the only individuals who address the Cowboys as "Americas Team" are Dallas fans bud, don't think that title and or respect stretches beyond those select few
this *%@%@# guy is genuinely ignorant ... anyone seeportis run out with the american flag last night? does he do that every game or was that just because he was trying to say "we got the flag" ...
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by S0rtega2

Word? Because last time I checked, recognition accounted for everything! Especially when you CAN'T live up to it or the hype. This is supposed to be the year for the Cowboys to go all the way, yet they are tied with a team that, judging by your post and others on here, have some of the worst players in the league and a horrible time manger as a QB. That's odd? And I am sure Snyder wishes for a stadium just LIKE Dallas, to be just LIKE Dallas, which would in turn, allows us to "catch up to big brother" and get GREAT recognition, right?...Judging by the use of grammar and lack of structure/punctuation in your statement, you may want to look a little further into english and less into a great team such as the Cowboys, "champ". Haha, just had to point that out....Your and you're are two different things bud, it's a lot easier to "find something on you" than you think.
i mean since "you're" being a nitpicky *!!+% ... i never knew a box of carved stone or wood construction used to hold food for animals, could be a quarterback ...
Judging by the use of grammar and lack of structure/punctuation in your statement, you may want to look a little further into english and less into a great team such as the Cowboys, "champ". Haha, just had to point that out....
You point that out only to do this.................

have some of the worst players in the league and a horrible time manger as a QB

It's safe to say that S0rtega2=FRAUD. Nice pick up on that Marley.
Mannnn, I must have read my statement a hundred times makin' sure there were no errors and still managed to have one! Haha, ok you got me on that one
. But i'll end this whole debate and say I am a "fraud"for making an error, sure...Take the L move on, whatever, no one will ever win this rivalry argument anyway...It's time to let this post die, I'll seeyou boys around in the future ******** post I am sure!
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