11/16 *** Dallas Cowboys [5-4] vs. Washington ******** [6-3] *** 8:15et

great win
but it seems like zorn doesnt trust campbell with the ball to go down the field. all the lil bs slants and screens they were runnin i wouldve thought i waswatchin roethlisburger's bum *%!.

why didnt they keep attackin jenkins? i cant remember dudes name but that rook for the reds def had opportunities to make plays.

go boys
but it seems like zorn doesnt trust campbell with the ball to go down the field.
That's cause he knows Campbell is not build to win games, he's only able to manage games. Big difference and that was proven last night.

This L hurt big time
Skins D held their end of the bargain as usual.

Our O-Line needs to look themselves in the mirror b/c they have cost us the past two games.

Only 2 teams from this division will make the playoffs.

Dallas has life again. Now their fans can pretend like they're important again.
Man im not even trippin...they needed the game more than we did and it showed....what is starting to piss me off is this conservitive bs that Zorn keepsdoin...Like we dont have good recievers or something...its also funny to see these cowboys fans are coming out of no where when they've been quiet for thelast couple of weeks
....but its aite It's NOT THE END OF THESEASON!!!
i still cant believe this *$*@ even this morning ... sittin in the stadium watchin the skins fans have so much hatred for the boys ... and pulling it out ...words cant even describe how sweet it was to walk out of that stadium talkin BIG *$*@ ... skins fans didnt even know what to do ... one dude tried to be slickand question my fanhood askin me where dallas was LOL ... i *$*@ on his %%$ askin him why they keep showing the capital and DC like its close to the stadiumwhen they play behind some run down row houses in landover ... now as for the actual game ...

- Barber straight up *$*@ on my assessment of him ... dude carried the load like a true soldier ... i still cant believe he went off like he did ... dudeearned that contract last night and merked the hell out of every skins defender ... i dont know how long he can hold up shouldering that much of the gameplanbut damn if he didnt play like a pro bowler last night

- Cot damn our defense looked solid as hell ... *$!$ what you heard ratliff and ware are a PROBLEM ... there was consistant pass rush it seemed like every passplay and we put jason campbells bum %%$ on his back like the bama he is ...

- A healthy Terrence Newman > ___________ ... tana tan tan aint have *$*@ to do or say about that one ... they were jawin back and forth but everyone in thestands knew the deal ... LOCKED DOWN

- Tony Romo looked so bad in the beginning of the game, but made the throws he needed to when it counted ... we should have been up at least 14 the entire gameif it wasnt for that bum %%$ pinky of his ... it was funny though cuz all the cowboys fans were givin each other pinky swears instead of high fives after thegame ... saw signs that said "in pinkys we trust" LOLOLOL ...

- Roy E is a beast ... I cant remember the last time i was 100% confident when a cowboys qb threw to a receiver ... TO you just never know, this dude craytonyou never ever know, but damn Roy is TUFF ... I still cant believe we didnt try to go deep on them bum %%$ corners the ******** have ... but I guess we didnthave to

- The ******** are who i thought they were ... over achieving, lucky %%$ team that won some games off sheer chance ... their defense is decent but they wereexposed last night as non athletic ... their corners are straight GARBAGE ... i swear watching them in person you can see just how bad they are ... deangeloand smoot were beat on every single pass play and los was 50/50 ... laron landry is the biggest *@+@ in the NFL ... he hit barber when he was stood up on thesidelines and acted like he did something ... ole bum %%$ get in the game stop playing 30 yards off ... horton had good coverage on tell but he just got mossed

- Hey boys fans, word on the street is ... that boy patrick crayton went from 2nd string to 4th string in the span of a bye week ... 3 wides was E TO and Mileswhen it counted ... he better start trying harder at returning punts cuz thats about all he will be doing in the future

- Jason Garrett ... you chump %%$ bum mother ... ... ... good playcalling for the first time in your o coordinator career ... im still not giving you too muchcredit cuz all you had to do was call a sweep and an occasional pass, but at least you stuck with the run down 7-0 ... kudos to you ... but i still think yousuck %%$

we have to stay up for SF and SEA ... if we can just make it through these next two and be 8-4 going in to PITT i think we will be straight ... lets go we havea chance now
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

we have to stay up for SF and SEA ... if we can just make it through these next two and be 8-4 going in to PITT i think we will be straight ... lets go we have a chance now
ive never been one for predictions or w/e but theyre goin to blow them out i guarantee it. i dont care what the stats say the steelers cant defendthe pass. romo should light them up that game. i know thats like 3 wks away but i jus had to get that out there

please dont fold in the next two wks

You hear that??? The sound of defeat!!

Who's that knocking on yur door? Its the Boys!
quick side story ... when we had the timeout and it was 4th and 2 ... i started screaming GO FOR IT, GO FOR IT ... everyone around me thougt i was nutsincluding cowboys fans ... one drunk skins fan turns around and goes "thats why youre not an NFL coach you +#*%%!! idiot" ... wade proceeds to sendthe offense out there and even though dudes back was to me i could see his demeanor tighten up like "o *!*@" ... so i screamed maybe i should be acoach huh man lolololololol ... when barber got the first every cowboy fan went nuts and the dude in front of me overheated and started giving the finger toeveryone around me lol ... i made dude eat his words in front of his lil girlfriend and i let him know it too
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

quick side story ... when we had the timeout and it was 4th and 2 ... i started screaming GO FOR IT, GO FOR IT ... everyone around me thougt i was nuts including cowboys fans ... one drunk skins fan turns around and goes "thats why youre not an NFL coach you +#*%%!! idiot" ... wade proceeds to send the offense out there and even though dudes back was to me i could see his demeanor tighten up like "o *!*@" ... so i screamed maybe i should be a coach huh man lolololololol ... when barber got the first every cowboy fan went nuts and the dude in front of me overheated and started giving the finger to everyone around me lol ... i made dude eat his words in front of his lil girlfriend and i let him know it too


I got tix in 2 weeks when we play the Skins in D.C. I can't wait
MarleysProtege wrote:
i still cant believe this *$*@ even this morning ... sittin in the stadium watchin the skins fans have so much hatred for the boys ... and pulling it out ... words cant even describe how sweet it was to walk out of that stadium talkin BIG *$*@ ... skins fans didnt even know what to do ... one dude tried to be slick and question my fanhood askin me where dallas was LOL ... i *$*@ on his %%$ askin him why they keep showing the capital and DC like its close to the stadium when they play behind some run down row houses in landover ... now as for the actual game ...

- Barber straight up *$*@ on my assessment of him ... dude carried the load like a true soldier ... i still cant believe he went off like he did ... dude earned that contract last night and merked the hell out of every skins defender ... i dont know how long he can hold up shouldering that much of the gameplan but damn if he didnt play like a pro bowler last night

- Cot damn our defense looked solid as hell ... *$!$ what you heard ratliff and ware are a PROBLEM ... there was consistant pass rush it seemed like every pass play and we put jason campbells bum %%$ on his back like the bama he is ...

- A healthy Terrence Newman > ___________ ... tana tan tan aint have *$*@ to do or say about that one ... they were jawin back and forth but everyone in the stands knew the deal ... LOCKED DOWN

- Tony Romo looked so bad in the beginning of the game, but made the throws he needed to when it counted ... we should have been up at least 14 the entire game if it wasnt for that bum %%$ pinky of his ... it was funny though cuz all the cowboys fans were givin each other pinky swears instead of high fives after the game ... saw signs that said "in pinkys we trust" LOLOLOL ...

- Roy E is a beast ... I cant remember the last time i was 100% confident when a cowboys qb threw to a receiver ... TO you just never know, this dude crayton you never ever know, but damn Roy is TUFF ... I still cant believe we didnt try to go deep on them bum %%$ corners the ******** have ... but I guess we didnt have to

- The ******** are who i thought they were ... over achieving, lucky %%$ team that won some games off sheer chance ... their defense is decent but they were exposed last night as non athletic ... their corners are straight GARBAGE ... i swear watching them in person you can see just how bad they are ... deangelo and smoot were beat on every single pass play and los was 50/50 ... laron landry is the biggest *@+@ in the NFL ... he hit barber when he was stood up on the sidelines and acted like he did something ... ole bum %%$ get in the game stop playing 30 yards off ... horton had good coverage on tell but he just got mossed

- Hey boys fans, word on the street is ... that boy patrick crayton went from 2nd string to 4th string in the span of a bye week ... 3 wides was E TO and Miles when it counted ... he better start trying harder at returning punts cuz thats about all he will be doing in the future

- Jason Garrett ... you chump %%$ bum mother ... ... ... good playcalling for the first time in your o coordinator career ... im still not giving you too much credit cuz all you had to do was call a sweep and an occasional pass, but at least you stuck with the run down 7-0 ... kudos to you ... but i still think you suck %%$

we have to stay up for SF and SEA ... if we can just make it through these next two and be 8-4 going in to PITT i think we will be straight ... lets go we have a chance now

our corners are bums
the ******** were who you thought they were, and lucky wins...TheOffense stalled on the Cowboys side of the field so many times, you have to be kidding me. This games was a blowout win if the ******** could pass protect lastnight, and you know it.

One thing is for sure the Cowboys are definitely not who we thought they were, we split 1-1 I'll take it.
whats so funny about your corners being bums? Son you have 0 clue if you think they are even serviceable ... i put this on my life ... for the most part it waslos on TO and Smoot on Roy E ... 98% of the passing plays romo could have thrown to Roy E and it would have been a completion ... 75% of the time TO would havemade the catch as long as the pass was on point ... lets not even start with d hall dude looked like he had two left feet yesterday and it took a gift for himto even have his name mentioned ...

your offense stalled? LOL or it was stopped, ever think of that? do you realize yall only stopped us twice, on the first drive of the game and then once in thesecond half ... after that it was 2 picks (which had nothing to do with the defense, all on romo) inside yalls 30 and touchdowns and the last drive where weman handled your entire mob and ended it with the victory formation ... if anything the boys should have been up 14 ...

blowout if the ******** could pass protect? LMAO ... ok so how about it would have been a blowout if romo didnt break his pinky and roy e caught 3tds and felixwas in and had a kick return for a td and folk kicked it out of the endzone everytime ... ... ... ... ...

6-4 after 10 games for the Cowboys isnt THAT crazy ... its just the fact that we lost to some bum !%* squads like the ******** and rams
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Skins D held their end of the bargain as usual.

Our O-Line needs to look themselves in the mirror b/c they have cost us the past two games.

Only 2 teams from this division will make the playoffs.

Dallas has life again. Now their fans can pretend like they're important again.
Can you please give us credit...did you guys feel sorry for us and hand us the W? Give it a rest with the hate son.

Originally Posted by bigtomgetsgwap

Man im not even trippin...they needed the game more than we did and it showed....what is starting to piss me off is this conservitive bs that Zorn keeps doin...Like we dont have good recievers or something...its also funny to see these cowboys fans are coming out of no where when they've been quiet for the last couple of weeks
....but its aite It's NOT THE END OF THE SEASON!!!
Its funny how ******** fans are so fairwhether... leaving the steeler game in the early 3rd so you can beat traffic... week one yall wanted tobench Campbell and now yall calling for Zorns head

I was mad last night because with a minute left in the game .. when Dallas ice the game.... two ******** get in a fight and cause all the attention into thestands.. i was
but again I love seeing skin fans leaving the stadiumspeed walking
cowboys actually played some good D. skins were rolling in the first qt thought it was gonna b a long night for the cowboys. i think skins might lose next weekagainst seattle all there players are back
Originally Posted by JuSLeTiTHaPPN

Haha the game was vicious... dude in parkin lot was so sad I never seen a grown man so sad..."babygirl there's no christmas this year"

Terrance newman stepped up bigtime...

Lost my voice and there was still a rack of cowboys fans in rivaltown.

F fred smoot.
Sean taylors dead.

Typical Cowboys fan, idiot. And to everyone asking "Where are all those 'Skins fans at now", same place the Boys fans were when we beat themfirst time around. It's all catch 22, ya'll talk the most sh...so if you win its: "i told you so!!" and if yall lost it would be: "wedeserve it!!!". Your bound to be right some way. And wasn't it Deuce talking about "Skins act like they won the super bowl" when we won backin Dallas, and Cowboys fan's aren't actin' like it now. Haha, "America's team" is gassed right now, better hope ya don't flopdown the stretch with your "great" team.
^^ you should worry about your team... we got players back healthy..we got that swagga back...did you not see my boy Newman out there? With our players backlike Romo, Newman, Felix.... we can be competitive.. while your team plays down to competition and cant seem to win a game in primetime
Originally Posted by HighRep87

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Skins D held their end of the bargain as usual.

Our O-Line needs to look themselves in the mirror b/c they have cost us the past two games.

Only 2 teams from this division will make the playoffs.

Dallas has life again. Now their fans can pretend like they're important again.
Can you please give us credit...did you guys feel sorry for us and hand us the W? Give it a rest with the hate son.

Originally Posted by bigtomgetsgwap

Man im not even trippin...they needed the game more than we did and it showed....what is starting to piss me off is this conservitive bs that Zorn keeps doin...Like we dont have good recievers or something...its also funny to see these cowboys fans are coming out of no where when they've been quiet for the last couple of weeks
....but its aite It's NOT THE END OF THE SEASON!!!
Its funny how ******** fans are so fairwhether... leaving the steeler game in the early 3rd so you can beat traffic... week one yall wanted to bench Campbell and now yall calling for Zorns head

I was mad last night because with a minute left in the game .. when Dallas ice the game.... two ******** get in a fight and cause all the attention into the stands.. i was
but again I love seeing skin fans leaving the stadium speed walking

It was the same way in Dallas son, your fan's dipped out early and were cussing at Romo/Owens before the first half was even over. And there was a bigarugment/fight between two of your fans too, don't act like it's a one way street. Ya'll played alright, but our O is inconsistent and coachingis....*still thinking of a word*. But whether you deserved this game or not, I don't know. The fact we had to picks and did nothing seems like we gave itaway...But hey, Boys got the W and that's that. Season keeps on movin.
Originally Posted by HighRep87

^^ you should worry about your team... we got players back healthy..we got that swagga back...did you not see my boy Newman out there? With our players back like Romo, Newman, Felix.... we can be competitive.. while your team plays down to competition and cant seem to win a game in primetime

Swagga? Haha, I won't even bother with this one.
Originally Posted by S0rtega2

Originally Posted by HighRep87

^^ you should worry about your team... we got players back healthy..we got that swagga back...did you not see my boy Newman out there? With our players back like Romo, Newman, Felix.... we can be competitive.. while your team plays down to competition and cant seem to win a game in primetime

Swagga? Haha, I won't even bother with this one.
Yea son, seems like you need some right now Champ.
I just can't stand people that dont give credit where it is due... just cause you got two int's and didnt capitalize on it doest mean you "gavethe game away" ..cause last time I checked ... Newman had the clamps on Tana ...Ratliff and Ware had JC running for his life.. like DAMN CAN WE GET SOMECREDIT??
Originally Posted by S0rtega2

Originally Posted by JuSLeTiTHaPPN

Haha the game was vicious... dude in parkin lot was so sad I never seen a grown man so sad..."babygirl there's no christmas this year"

Terrance newman stepped up bigtime...

Lost my voice and there was still a rack of cowboys fans in rivaltown.

F fred smoot.
Sean taylors dead.

Typical Cowboys fan, idiot. And to everyone asking "Where are all those 'Skins fans at now", same place the Boys fans were when we beat them first time around. It's all catch 22, ya'll talk the most sh...so if you win its: "i told you so!!" and if yall lost it would be: "we deserve it!!!". Your bound to be right some way. And wasn't it Deuce talking about "Skins act like they won the super bowl" when we won back in Dallas, and Cowboys fan's aren't actin' like it now. Haha, "America's team" is gassed right now, better hope ya don't flop down the stretch with your "great" team.
You're right. I need "Swagga", 'Skins need "Swagga". Santana got locked down, Ratliff made JC wish he had never played football orbeen born for that matter, and you guys killed us 96-6 like all Cowboys fans predicted...You're right...I'll go look to find some swagga now, buddy.See ya!
Originally Posted by HighRep87

Originally Posted by S0rtega2

Originally Posted by HighRep87

^^ you should worry about your team... we got players back healthy..we got that swagga back...did you not see my boy Newman out there? With our players back like Romo, Newman, Felix.... we can be competitive.. while your team plays down to competition and cant seem to win a game in primetime

Swagga? Haha, I won't even bother with this one.
Yea son, seems like you need some right now Champ.
I just can't stand people that dont give credit where it is due... just cause you got two int's and didnt capitalize on it doest mean you "gave the game away" ..cause last time I checked ... Newman had the clamps on Tana ...Ratliff and Ware had JC running for his life.. like DAMN CAN WE GET SOME CREDIT??

You beat us. Straight up. I'm not hatin at all. Dallas was the better team last night. But let's not forget the stupid excuses the Cowboys fans cameup with when we beat you. It goes both ways.

Now go on and gas your team up b/c hey "you're finally healthy now"
You know when a team's oline is absoloute trash when you let an UNDERSIZED NT generate that much pressure.

Hopefully Goodell's punk @%! can hurry up and evaluate my man Pac's situation and reinstate him in time for Sunday.
Some of you Cowboys fans are straight

1 unimpressive win and all of a sudden, "we got our swagga back". GTFOHWTBS
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