11/17 TNF (Week 11) J-E-T-S (5-4) @ Broncos (4-5) Vol. Avoid getting Tebowned


We let this dude walk on water .....

I'm sick right now
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

Originally Posted by bkmac

Week 12 against the Bills will be the first time I do NOT watch a Jets game live. I just can't deal with this week in and week out. As a long time fan, this %+%! has taken a toll on my body and mind. Yes, it's that serious.

I cannot believe this team. I just can't believe it.

You know your going to watch the game tho.
But seriously, if I was a Jets fan I would be disgusted.
No, I swear to Tebow I am not watching the game. I will catch highlights, but I am not watching it live. It may be good for my mind and soul to not watch it live

Yea, I might be done with sports this year.
This is the only reason I force myself to watch all sixty minutes of a Tebow game. Those late drives are like epic endings to a horrible movie.
People just have to accept it. Tebow is a sub-par quarterback, probably not worthy to have as a backup, but the guy finds a way to win. 

With that said, the Jets looked awful out there. The short layoff may have affected them, but inexcusable.
Rex looks really depressed. Dude looks like he's going to go sniff some cleats to make himself feel better.
Originally Posted by caleekicks

Why did I just LOL the moment Tebow thanked god on NFL network post game show?
He's just thanking his dad...all good though.
If I was there my Jewish @$% would have got in the cicle with him

Jets...Season over.  Sanchez, 6 more games in a green jersey.  I'll stop following the team next year if he is still the QB next year.  I don't care if the upgrade is Jason Campbell.  Can't believe we wasted 2 years of a Super Bowl defense on that bum @$% QB. 
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