'12 Bulls

Originally Posted by wiredz3

GG Lucas. So does this mean Mike James is gone ...for a 4th time? And maybe clearing room for Mr Noccioni?
Last I read is that the Bulls have no interest in Noccioni.
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Alright, I need help from some Chi-town NTers
I'm thinking of heading to the Chi from about May 3rd-May 7th. What is the probability of them playing a game while I'm there? I'm thinking only of they reach a game 6, but that seems far fetched
Oh come on son! Don't jinx us. Get outta' here with that!
ever since lucas got jumped over by lebron, dude has been on a tear! he took that personally loll
Originally Posted by Freeze

ever since lucas got jumped over by lebron, dude has been on a tear! he took that personally loll
Lucas got full payback on that drive and step-back jumper a couple weeks ago.
Let's see if he gets picked up and actually plays.It doesn't hurt to have another outside threat...
LT denegerous

those missed fts tho, thanks tdot
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