150 lbs black belt vs. 250 lbs body builder

Jan 2, 2005
I've read posts on here before where some dudes think size and strength is all it takes it win a fight. Heck, there was a thread a while back where some dudes thought they would last a few rounds in the ring with Mayweather just cause they're bigger :lol:

I just saw this video posted on my facebook of a 150 lbs jiu jitsu black belt wrecking a massive 250 lbs body builder. Skip to the 1:20 mark.

skill >>>>> size and strength
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I need to get back into rolling but dude wasnt 250. 185-190 at best.

EDIT: ehhh maybe more that 190...but not 250 forsure IMO
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thanks for the vid. i remember one time i made a CONFIDENT 6'2" 2-stripe white belt tap out in BJJ class. fighting def aint about the size. im a short 5'6" blue belt doe :tongue:
who knew that a trained fighter would beat an amateur?


World Heavyweight Champion vs. World Lightweight Champion

shut it down.. this thread also reminds of the "how many weiner dogs can take a tiger?" thread
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damn this video is ancient. pedro sauer is a rickson black belt. that right there tells you your ******g with the wrong guy.
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Hold on, what was the D. Wade Flyod argument? LOL

Hahaha muscle dude had to have been SO frustrated.
It's also what martial art the person is doing as well. Jiu jujitsu has proven to be the martial art that can beat the odds. Even in the first MMA fights, it has shown that boxers can beat a karate master because they can take punches.

Another vid. A Gracie literally takes on people in the military with little to no ease.

It's also what martial art the person is doing as well. Jiu jujitsu has proven to be the martial art that can beat the odds. Even in the first MMA fights, it has shown that boxers can beat a karate master because they can take punches.

Another vid. A Gracie literally takes on people in the military with little to no ease.
Military hand-to-hand/martial arts combat training is not THAT in-depth at the basic level, depending on branch, but training can increase with rank.

With that said, most would agree that skill>>>
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