15yrs ago an 11yr old from the southside of Chicago found his way national news headlines

I know its waaaaaay late but Pac could have shouted out the little girl too
I mean shorty was just walking down the street minding hers

RIP to everyone involved and yeah it def takes a village.
The thing about it is this is an everyday occurence
But in this case dude peeked (if you want to call it that) way early
At the end of the day the ownest is on the parents IMO
Sad, sad story
Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

I know its waaaaaay late but Pac could have shouted out the little girl too
I mean shorty was just walking down the street minding hers

RIP to everyone involved and yeah it def takes a village.
The thing about it is this is an everyday occurence
But in this case dude peeked (if you want to call it that) way early
At the end of the day the ownest is on the parents IMO
Sad, sad story

Exactly which is why I made this thread, it just so happened to happen in my backyard but I can guaranee that there is/was a Yummy in every major city and somesmall towns, hence I put that song up. Its a cycle of learned helplessness in which breaking is extremely improbable.

I was 11yrs old when this happened and I can still see my mother snapping off about this is why she's so protective, why she stayed in my behind, and whyshe pushed me into the activities/school like she did. I litterally grew up up the street from this nieghborhood.
Originally Posted by The Stoic Paisano

Damn, those brothers got 60 + 45 for stuff they did at 16 and 14?


I was just talking about this during lunch and this girl I work with called them out by 1st name talking about how she went to school with them and graduatedwith the dude Derrick a few months before, and how her peoples took her to Yummy's funeral... The world is sooo small.
Good point, on the father/mother line, because all my black friends make a point of white kids being disrecpectful to there parents yet, if you got to thesekids classrooms, there a breeding ground for these kids to see what they can get away with. While obviously the black community has a just reason to distrustthe education and justice systems, doing so only hurts themselves in the long run.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

I know its waaaaaay late but Pac could have shouted out the little girl too
I mean shorty was just walking down the street minding hers

RIP to everyone involved and yeah it def takes a village.
The thing about it is this is an everyday occurence
But in this case dude peeked (if you want to call it that) way early
At the end of the day the ownest is on the parents IMO
Sad, sad story

Exactly which is why I made this thread, it just so happened to happen in my backyard but I can guaranee that there is/was a Yummy in every major city and some small towns, hence I put that song up. Its a cycle of learned helplessness in which breaking is extremely improbable.
That's the part that got me the most, which is the saddest of it all...his story isnt one out of the ordinary....there's hundreds of kidson the same route..then and now

Yummy's mother Lorina called him, without irony, "an average 11-year-old." The courts and cops and probation officers and psychologists who tracked his criminal career all agree. "I see a lot of Roberts," says Cook County Circuit Judge Thomas Sumner, who handled charges against Yummy for armed robbery and car theft. "We see this 100 times a week," says Murphy.
Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

you know NT, if it's over 5 sentences there are going to be complaining

anyway, i never heard of this story before. i just read the article. it was a sad but good read

c/s best thing i've read in a while.
I read every word of your post and this thread juss hit home a bit. I live in an area where it's become popular among the youth to just be ignorant, dodrugs, start s**t for no reason, and just get involved in the wrong things in general bcuz they feel like their acceptance of others is measured by how"g'd up" they could be. And I'm more than positive that I'm not on my own. I live in the suburbs man. I could imagine how bad it is inthe inner city.

I'm by no means an angel. I've lived thru all that. And I'm wut you could say "street smart" but I don't let it consume my mind.I'm still young, 21, but I wasn't consumed by all that as a teen. I mean I've done the green, underage drinking, but never was a trouble-maker. Inever did anything that would cause another person grief. I knew better. But to the actual story. I try to skool my lil brotha who's 15 now. But nowhe's startin to take wut I say more n more as a joke. Like he doesn't need/want me to tell him every now and then that he should be careful. Idon't think he's out there doin the wrong thing. He has in the past and done gotten himself into big s**t bcuz of it. But I try to make sure that hestays on his toes and thinks things thru. And now I get the "lol ok" and so forth in some sort of sarcastic way. And there's prolly some ignorantppl that are gonna read this and laugh. But this is wut it's all about. So yea, bottomline, great post OP. And to those of y'all askin for cliff notes,stp bein lazy, y'all need to read more man.


btw is there a book on this? Reminds me a lot of All God's Children and Manchildin the Promised Land except those guys lived.
chokeonsmoke wrote:
do i smell a hater

- in all honesty....by definition, do you even know what a hater is?

- you dont smell a hater, but i see an idiot.......

these young cats kill me with these loose hater references that havenothing to do with being a hater........
That poor little girl was in the wrong place at the wrong time...RIP.

I can see how Yummy was basically created and engineered to be what he was but, how are we supposed to stop this from happening?

Where do we start?
Wow.. Its sad how some say they are happy hes dead... But I dont blame them. He was bad to them and they feared him. But still he shouldnt of gone the way hedid. So sad.
Originally Posted by AirCommanderMarsFiend

That poor little girl was in the wrong place at the wrong time...RIP.

I can see how Yummy was basically created and engineered to be what he was but, how are we supposed to stop this from happening?

Where do we start?

I mean we start by educating young kids as well as expecting young adults on the importance and difficulties of parenting because far too often they have aseverely skewed outlook on all that goes into being a parent.

My question is how do we derail the train once it has embarked on this course for a collision with disaster and tragedy?
the only way to stop all this is education and good parenting, makes all the difference in the world. sometimes as teenagers we are annoyed by certaindecisions parents make, we feel like we deserve more freedom and independence. im sure there are times we've all had arguments with parents over beingdenied permission to do whatever and said things in retaliation we wish later that we never did. no mom would ever want anything but the best decision for herkids. I think one day when we have our own kids we will see our parents with a whole new level of respect. i'll be forever glad my parents made school mytop priority, never let me waiver, made me read the books n newspapers as a kid, took me to places of interest and developed an inquisitive nature. all whilebad decisions and bad influences were lurking right outside the front door.

its very hard for single parents to raise one or multiple kids. and to those kids that are kinda left to wander through life doing whatever they want becausethe parents couldn't be bothered or couldn't do their job to the fullest for whatever reasons, its hard not to make bad judgments. when you're akid its a lot harder to say no than it is to say yes, especially under the eyes of bad friendship.

sad sad story man. sad to see the innocence get ripped away from these 11 and 12yr old kids when theyre supposed to be goofing off with friends playing gamesall summer.
damn i read the majority of that article....crazy lil dude was out there thuggin like that at such a young age. like the one lady in the article said tho...lilman was probably just lookin for love from somebody
Not to get off topic...but edit that Jewels track Seymore...Jrose just got me for profanity links
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