15yrs ago an 11yr old from the southside of Chicago found his way national news headlines

Stories like this is why I STAY in my lil brothers face tellin em whats right and whats wrong. People in my dads town wonder why I kick it with soooo manypre-teens, but its because they look up to a young dude like me. At this point in their life they look at their parents like dictators they need somebodywho's "grown" but not too far removed from the problems they went through to guide them a lil bit.. I feel like I have to be that person.
posting for later jsut reading the first top of the op post sounds good be back later
posting for later jsut reading the first top of the op post sounds good be back later
Seymore CAKE wrote:
So, apparently, did she. The first charge of child neglect was filed in 1984, when Lorina failed to follow doctors' orders for treating two-year-old Victor's eye condition. He eventually went blind. The following year 22-month- old Yummy arrived at Jackson Park Hospital covered with scratches and bruises. A few months later it was his sister, this time with second- and third-degree burns on her genitals. Lorina explained that the toddler had fallen on the radiator. An emergency-room nurse told the court that the injuries did not quite match the story. Someone probably held the child on the heater, the nurse testified.

The courts finally moved in a year later, when neighbors told police that the five children were routinely being left at home alone. By the time they removed the kids, Yummy was a bundle of anger and scars. He had long welts on his left leg; police suspected he was beaten with an electrical cord. There were cigarette burns on his shoulders and buttocks. "I never beat my kids," Lorina insists to this day. She says the scars were caused by chicken pox, not cigarettes. "I gave him all the attention I could," she says of Yummy, but admits there were distractions. Now 29, she has been arrested 41 times, mainly for prostitution.

Lil man never had a chance
Originally Posted by doosta45

good read

edit: people from chicago got mean southern accents

good read i remember this like yesterday & ppl from the Chi don't have southern accents im 4rm Chi born & raised

Great Read nonetheless, Props to OP.

I'm suprised i never heard of this, stories like these are my favorite ones, because they open your eyes to the problems that your ppl deal with andinspire yu to be a person who can help, even if its one lil knucklehead in yur neighborhood. Being something of a mentor could go along way for someone.
damn man some of the storys that come from the chi sound like something made up for moives some times
Yeh, Pac mentioned this in a ton of songs.. Young N*ggaz, The Good Die Young, White Manz World, Etc...
I done already came across a lil' boy who I fear will NOT make it---he doesn't have a wrap sheet like Lil' Yummy, but I wouldn't be surprisedif I heard about him shooting and getting killed as a consequence of it. I coulda swore up and down he knew what a trap house was and proabably is alreadyinvolved in it. Mom says he's been having trouble since he ever started school---WHY YOU LET IT GET THAT FAR!?

It's just too many NEGATIVE influences....what they see older boys doing, what they see older family members doing, and what they see on TV. There need tobe more MALE role models in school settings. Aint' no reason why my school only got 3 male teachers
Then at the upper levels, they're all coaches,and sadly enough, just kinda joke around and get off on the fact that they don't really have to "teach" or teach things that don't reallymatter.
Seymore CAKE wrote:
Originally Posted by AirCommanderMarsFiend

That poor little girl was in the wrong place at the wrong time...RIP.

I can see how Yummy was basically created and engineered to be what he was but, how are we supposed to stop this from happening?

Where do we start?

I mean we start by educating young kids as well as expecting young adults on the importance and difficulties of parenting because far too often they have a severely skewed outlook on all that goes into being a parent.

My question is how do we derail the train once it has embarked on this course for a collision with disaster and tragedy?
It's hard to stop this from happening since there is a already a pattern there; his grandmother had 10 children that she couldn't raisewell and his own mother was a crack addict with more children than she could handle. I mean come on "chicken pox and not cigarette burns"?!! Really?

To stop and derail a train already on course you would need isolation and LOVE. Yes love, because when he was given even an ounce of it he would act like a"normal" kid. If you recall, one of the neighbors said that he was "sweet at jelly" when he was on his own and he had a great mind. He madea freaking working tandem! How many young kids could pull that off? For someone so young that could learn about cars, let alone operate one being so shortcould have been used for the better but there wasn't a place for him to go to channel his thoughts and ideas. WE NEED MENTORS!

Edit: Maybe I should log off and do more volunteering for the needy.
stories like this is why i volunteer...

these kids look up to us and i think its our responsibility to be aware of that and keep that in the back of our minds at all times...

i try to stay on the lil girls so they don't end up w/a bunch of kids like Yummy's mom and grandma...

Lil dude was doomed from the start...damn shame...
Originally Posted by lovemysole

Seymore CAKE wrote:
Originally Posted by AirCommanderMarsFiend

That poor little girl was in the wrong place at the wrong time...RIP.

I can see how Yummy was basically created and engineered to be what he was but, how are we supposed to stop this from happening?

Where do we start?

I mean we start by educating young kids as well as expecting young adults on the importance and difficulties of parenting because far too often they have a severely skewed outlook on all that goes into being a parent.

My question is how do we derail the train once it has embarked on this course for a collision with disaster and tragedy?
It's hard to stop this from happening since there is a already a pattern there; his grandmother had 10 children that she couldn't raise well and his own mother was a crack addict with more children than she could handle. I mean come on "chicken pox and not cigarette burns"?!! Really?

To stop and derail a train already on course you would need isolation and LOVE. Yes love, because when he was given even an ounce of it he would act like a "normal" kid. If you recall, one of the neighbors said that he was "sweet at jelly" when he was on his own and he had a great mind. He made a freaking working tandem! How many young kids could pull that off? For someone so young that could learn about cars, let alone operate one being so short could have been used for the better but there wasn't a place for him to go to channel his thoughts and ideas. WE NEED MENTORS!

Edit: Maybe I should log off and do more volunteering for the needy.

cut off the cancer.
its possible to derail...

the same way he was looking for love and acceptance we need to be that positive role model so even when kids have to go home to situations like his they knowthe next day i'm gonna go see 'so and so' and he/she is gonna show/tell me there's more to life than what i'm living right now...

its hard...but its possible...
The neighborhood kids describe two different Yummy Sandifers. There is the bully, the extortionist, the fierce fighter who would take on the big kids andbeat them. "Yummy would ask you for 50 cents," says Steve Nelson, 11, "and if he knew you were scared and you gave him the money,he'd ask for another 50 cents." Erica Williams, 20, a neighbor, says, "You really can't describe how bad he really was. He'dcurse you completely out. He broke in school, took money, burned cars."

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