16 year old pizza boy raped woman because he was feeling too horny, Update on P.4

WTH? Maybe I read it too fast but how the hell was her daughter still sleeping? I know he told her to be quiet but damb, if thats all it took you to **** then you're just gonna be raped eventually. I apologize but if you don't scream or cry out for help in a rape then you're just stupid. I like how she also added that shes grateful(sp) that her daughter wasn't killed. Like srs? A pizza delivery guy would murder someone? For god sakes hes not a serial killer, just a horny teenager. She also mentioned hes small :lol: then why weren't you able to resist and defend yourself? It seems to me she might have some pizza delivery guy fetish and she just want that fantasy fufilled. She might not have enjoyed it but still a fantasy none the less.

So much wrong with this post. I don't even know where to begin. Wow. You're definitely the type who'll blame a woman for being raped as you just did here. The chauvinism and hate for women on NT is appalling.

well said....OP makes a thread about a woman getting raped...the last thing i expect to see in this thread is ignorance. too many ways to break down dude's post for rabid stupidity.

:smh:...but whats the point. ignorance is bliss on the Internets. these same people would never say that in public. well, unless you're a strong conservative >D
WTH? Maybe I read it too fast but how the hell was her daughter still sleeping? I know he told her to be quiet but damb, if thats all it took you to **** then you're just gonna be raped eventually. I apologize but if you don't scream or cry out for help in a rape then you're just stupid. I like how she also added that shes grateful(sp) that her daughter wasn't killed. Like srs? A pizza delivery guy would murder someone? For god sakes hes not a serial killer, just a horny teenager. She also mentioned hes small :lol: then why weren't you able to resist and defend yourself? It seems to me she might have some pizza delivery guy fetish and she just want that fantasy fufilled. She might not have enjoyed it but still a fantasy none the less.

So much wrong with this post. I don't even know where to begin. Wow. You're definitely the type who'll blame a woman for being raped as you just did here. The chauvinism and hate for women on NT is appalling.

well said....OP makes a thread about a woman getting raped...the last thing i expect to see in this thread is ignorance. too many ways to break down dude's post for rabid stupidity.

:smh:...but whats the point. ignorance is bliss on the Internets. these same people would never say that in public. well, unless you're a strong conservative >D

i think you're confusing ignorance with impudence.
How are is going to use, "I was horny" as an excuse, like thats gonna seperate him from any other rapist every?
Really though...? "Feeling too horny" ? No **** sherlock ?

Hope the woman and her daughter pull through ok
Trying to justify rape says a lot about your character ESPECIALLY after he already stated he broke in and raped her because he was "feeling horny". 
The teen confessed to investigators that he entered the unlocked apartment without permission — and “that he went in because he was feeling horny and that he took advantage of her,” prosecutors said.

Cops had previously arrested Lucas Aug. 21 after he entered a 39-year-old woman’s West 42nd Street apartment and swiped her wallet, with two credit cards and her driver’s license, according to court papers.
Yeah, he DEFINITELY did this more than one time but only got caught once. 
Story not adding up. 7 years old is a big *** child...how was she not awaken?
And your mother lives right across the hall...? that makes it even worse that u made no noise or alerted nobody.
It's 1 in the morning...Maaaaaaa! or Help!...the whole complex would of heard that ****.
He cant kill both of u. Somebody gotta alert somebody. You cant be so stricken with fear and do nothing.
And he was a "little guy"? so why u aint body that ***** out your apartment???? hit him with a lamp or something
Story is fishy as hell. Sound like a Law & Order SVU episode

Agreed. Reading this article in the News yesterday morning caught me off guard at another part as well.

The victim was so outspoken, speaking to the press the DAY of the incident (since it was said to have happened Saturday, for it to be in the News the next morning she had to spoken to the press that same day). Do you ever hear of rape cases where the victim is speaking out to the media seemingly only hours after? Shouldn't she have been dealing with a hospital visit, a police department visit, etc?

Seems like this might have been a case more so of harassment than rape. The pizza boy did have priors, but still, I had a feeling reading the article that the situation may have been a bit exaggerated.
Agreed. Reading this article in the News yesterday morning caught me off guard at another part as well.

The victim was so outspoken, speaking to the press the DAY of the incident (since it was said to have happened Saturday, for it to be in the News the next morning she had to spoken to the press that same day). Do you ever hear of rape cases where the victim is speaking out to the media seemingly only hours after? Shouldn't she have been dealing with a hospital visit, a police department visit, etc?

Seems like this might have been a case more so of harassment than rape. The pizza boy did have priors, but still, I had a feeling reading the article that the situation may have been a bit exaggerated.

Maybe she's just a tough New York *****, and if he was a "little guy", she could be assuming she was raped.
I dunno, if she would've fought back still got raped and woke up her daughter sh*t like that can traumatize kids for the rest of there life just sayin.
So, you expect me to believe that in the event of her being raped, she was thinking about being quiet enough and taking the D so that her daughter doesn't wake up? ********. I think you're missing the whole entire point that if she had screamed bloody murder that boy would've bolted out of her apartment building. This doesn't sound like rape to me. This is some bizarre ****. You, as males, should be frightened at what can be considered rape. Rape can be called just like that. Now either her daughter was sedated or this woman put up no kind of resistance when she was "raped". How do you let rape somebody rape you in your own apartment? I can get it if she was in a house out in the burbs by herself, but in a NYC apartment building? Get the entire **** outta here.

Cant over use appropriateness.

I have one 2 part question for you: Who you know ever been raped and who came to save them when they screamed?
Wow, I truly don't believe some of you think before you post the stupid **** you say.

Here's hoping her and her daughter come out of this ok.
Cant over use appropriateness.
I have one 2 part question for you: Who you know ever been raped and who came to save them when they screamed?
That's a reason not to scream? That's your only reason?

But dudes wanna say I'm not thinking before I post. Talking about how we in here trying to justify rape, when they're really in here trying to justify her not screaming for help in her own apartment building with her mother across the hall. When dude could've raped her and her daughter and killed them both while she's playing mime. Wow. Keep going with that logic of yours. Gonna get you real far.
I didn't give a reason. I asked a question, which you have not answered.
Yes. I do know someone who was saved from being raped by kicking and screaming. People gathered and cops were called.
im still waiting to hear about the object that was used to threaten her life...........? i mean she said she feared... what was it he had... cause i mean we all have seen the kid... he basically was built like a 13 y/o so it wasnt his physical prowess that made her think omg this dude could seriously kill me and my 7 y/o just off sheer barehands. And ok just cause her mom lived across the hall. its her mom, what she doesnt trust her enough to give her a key? if she is to incompetent and would lose a key traveling across the hall in an apt....

sounds like some she didnt have the money, maybe offered sex, and then hit the rape button. Or maybe was drunk/drinking and was sending mix signals who knows... But as the story is right now... this def. isnt the whole story and it def, isnt the truth some lies/stretches of the truth have been told
Im saying though. Unless she is just as small as him or smaller I feel she could have fought him off. According to the news the entire ordeal lasted 30 seconds which leads me to believe either this woman is being overdramatic and calling rape when its more like attempted rape or she sat there like a doll and let him rape her which doesnt add up. I know two people who have been in scenarios similar to this. One was almost sexual assaulted and she kicked and screamed and the attacker fled. The other one kicked and screamed a bit even after the attacker threatened her with a knife. The victim is also loud and boisterous where as most rape victims become depressed or have some sort of shame as if they caused it to happen
not down playing the situation as this is a serious matter, but Im leery of the situation.

Lol at the inspector gadgets in here trying to find a way to justify rape.
Anyway just goes back to the old NT Proverb.....before you do anything or make any big life decisions.....fap....you will then be thinking clearer....and can make the correct decision. NT4:16
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