16 year old pizza boy raped woman because he was feeling too horny, Update on P.4

Mom defends son, says accuser of pizza-boy 'rapist' was drunk

Last Updated: 7:20 AM, October 2, 2012
Posted: 12:49 AM, October 2, 2012

The Bronx mom of the accused pizza-boy rapist yesterday defended her son by outrageously suggesting the victim might have been drunk — an allegation the police have rejected.

The mother told The Post that her son is too slight to force anyone into sex and questioned how he could have raped the Upper West Side woman Saturday without waking her 7-year-old daughter asleep beside her.

“I am not dismissing the woman’s claims, but a lot of what she is saying doesn’t make much sense,’’ said the mom of 16-year-old alleged sex fiend Cesar Lucas, who refused to give her name.

“My son is 16 years old. He isn’t very strong. How is it possible that her daughter didn’t wake up?

The woman said.“His co-workers told me he accidentally rang her bell, and when she opened, he said, ‘I’m sorry,’ and she was drunk.”

But a disgusted law-enforcement source said Lucas is nothing but a sicko who has already confessed to his heinous crime — claiming he raped the woman simply because he was “horny.’’

“He’s delivering a pizza. He gets upstairs. He’s trying doorknobs on her floor. He finds her door open. He goes inside, gets on top of her and rapes her,’’ the source said.

But Lucas’s mom scoffed at the idea her son copped to anything.

“It is possible he confessed out of fear because they forced him to,’’ she said.

The mom said her son has a girlfriend who “thinks it’s a lie,’’ too.

“[She] is very upset. She has told me he has never hurt her. He has always respected her,’’ the woman said.

She said that after the rape, she asked her two daughters, ages 12 and 15, if their brother ever touched them and they said no.

“Then, they cried because they said he doesn’t belong in jail,’’ the mom said.

“This is like a nightmare for us. The day of the alleged crime, he gave me a hug and a kiss before he left for work. ’’
Mom defends son, says accuser of pizza-boy 'rapist' was drunk

Last Updated: 7:20 AM, October 2, 2012
Posted: 12:49 AM, October 2, 2012
The Bronx mom of the accused pizza-boy rapist yesterday defended her son by outrageously suggesting the victim might have been drunk — an allegation the police have rejected.
The mother told The Post that her son is too slight to force anyone into sex and questioned how he could have raped the Upper West Side woman Saturday without waking her 7-year-old daughter asleep beside her.
“I am not dismissing the woman’s claims, but a lot of what she is saying doesn’t make much sense,’’ said the mom of 16-year-old alleged sex fiend Cesar Lucas, who refused to give her name.
“My son is 16 years old. He isn’t very strong. How is it possible that her daughter didn’t wake up?
The woman said.“His co-workers told me he accidentally rang her bell, and when she opened, he said, ‘I’m sorry,’ and she was drunk.”
But a disgusted law-enforcement source said Lucas is nothing but a sicko who has already confessed to his heinous crime — claiming he raped the woman simply because he was “horny.’’
“He’s delivering a pizza. He gets upstairs. He’s trying doorknobs on her floor. He finds her door open. He goes inside, gets on top of her and rapes her,’’ the source said.
But Lucas’s mom scoffed at the idea her son copped to anything.
“It is possible he confessed out of fear because they forced him to,’’ she said.
The mom said her son has a girlfriend who “thinks it’s a lie,’’ too.
“[She] is very upset. She has told me he has never hurt her. He has always respected her,’’ the woman said.
She said that after the rape, she asked her two daughters, ages 12 and 15, if their brother ever touched them and they said no.
“Then, they cried because they said he doesn’t belong in jail,’’ the mom said.
“This is like a nightmare for us. The day of the alleged crime, he gave me a hug and a kiss before he left for work. ’’
if you were scared because you were being accused of something you didn't do.....why would you just admit it? she can't really believe that. or that the lady was drunk. dude probably also doesn't have a girlfriend either. :smh:
She has some points, but Momma say anything to protect her baby...
i agree w/ the last part, but what points? that her son is 16? that the daughter didn't wake up? that the lady's claims don't make sense?
these "points" really mean nothing since the dude confessed. ...unless you also believe one of her good points was that he might have done that out of fear. :lol:
not really a big case here. kid flat out said i wanted to rape her cuz i was horny. its not as if the woman asked him to come in and smash. the crime is clear and str8forward. the mom saying all of this is pointless, and reckless.

the daughter not waking up shouldn't be a factor at all. ill bet money the mom didn't want her to see the crime in progress. protective mom is protective. no kid should have to see rape that young.

she didn't wake up? so what lol? my gf wouldn't wake up in a zombie apocalypse...some people are just deep sleepers, esp kids.
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dude was extra thirsty :lol:

Dude must be one of those thirsty *** creeps on Instagram and facebook always talmbout "You're so sexy.." or "Damn you're beautiful" on every picture of a female with a chest. :lol:
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Mom defends son, says accuser of pizza-boy 'rapist' was drunk

Last Updated: 7:20 AM, October 2, 2012
Posted: 12:49 AM, October 2, 2012

The Bronx mom of the accused pizza-boy rapist yesterday defended her son by outrageously suggesting the victim might have been drunk — an allegation the police have rejected.

The mother told The Post that her son is too slight to force anyone into sex and questioned how he could have raped the Upper West Side woman Saturday without waking her 7-year-old daughter asleep beside her.

“I am not dismissing the woman’s claims, but a lot of what she is saying doesn’t make much sense,’’ said the mom of 16-year-old alleged sex fiend Cesar Lucas, who refused to give her name.

“My son is 16 years old. He isn’t very strong. How is it possible that her daughter didn’t wake up?

The woman said.“His co-workers told me he accidentally rang her bell, and when she opened, he said, ‘I’m sorry,’ and she was drunk.”

But a disgusted law-enforcement source said Lucas is nothing but a sicko who has already confessed to his heinous crime — claiming he raped the woman simply because he was “horny.’’

“He’s delivering a pizza. He gets upstairs. He’s trying doorknobs on her floor. He finds her door open. He goes inside, gets on top of her and rapes her,’’ the source said.

But Lucas’s mom scoffed at the idea her son copped to anything.

“It is possible he confessed out of fear because they forced him to,’’ she said.

The mom said her son has a girlfriend who “thinks it’s a lie,’’ too.

“[She] is very upset. She has told me he has never hurt her. He has always respected her,’’ the woman said.

She said that after the rape, she asked her two daughters, ages 12 and 15, if their brother ever touched them and they said no.

“Then, they cried because they said he doesn’t belong in jail,’’ the mom said.

“This is like a nightmare for us. The day of the alleged crime, he gave me a hug and a kiss before he left for work. ’’

Am I a terrible person for thinking this is still a fishy case, even though there is an admittance by the pizza boy?
This case done for, he already confessed. She should of been more careful and lock her door, but to say she is to blame is ridiculous. Some of you need to get the air slapped out of you. We will probably get a law and order episode out of this case.
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