16-Year-Old Turns Down Harvard AND Stanford to go to FAMU vol. yes..........FAMU

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by trunks206

Originally Posted by lazybonejone

That's a good SAT score for an under represented minority. I would say its equivalent to an Asian getting 2400, becoming an Eagle scout, 10 AP or 8 IB courses, and two years of JV Tennis.

So we just get free passes huh?
nah i think he was trying to say how easy asians  have it in comparison (wealth)

*runs out of thread*
i can almost guarantee you that if he was asian or white he wouldn't have gotten in

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Yay him for choosing an HBCU
Yay for him?

HBCU's are high school 2.0. What an embarrassment.

 what HBCU's have you been to?
The alphabet agencies sure does love my school which is an HBCU. Guess we must be the exception huh?

HBCU eh?
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Yay him for choosing an HBCU
Yay for him?

HBCU's are high school 2.0. What an embarrassment.

 what HBCU's have you been to?
The alphabet agencies sure does love my school which is an HBCU. Guess we must be the exception huh?
Please, don't use that line acting like you don't know why they are recruiting out of HBCUs. It has more to do with the color of your skin then your schools academic reputation. Government agencies have been trying to create diversity for years...so what better place to go? 
he got a full ride......other places probably didnt offer as much......where you go to undergrad isnt as important as grad school...
Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy12

he got a full ride......other places probably didnt offer as much......where you go to undergrad isnt as important as grad school...

Word? Then why don't all of us just go to UTSA or some other dump if that's actually true? It matters even more when it's Harvard. Dudes are in here talking about the connections he'll make at FAMU and what not...while totally disregarding the doors that Harvard opens for you. 
First off, the people on "tape" aren't FAMU students.
Second, I'm sure everybody who's in college now turned down "better" schools to go to the one they do now. Hell I know I did. (I attend an HBCU, btw)
Lastly, it's about personal choice. Prestige isn't always the main factor when choosing a college. So maybe he didn't feel comfortable attending any of those Ivies.

More power to dude, going to school for free.
Didn't he say his folks went to FAMU? There's the primary reason right there. Got a lot of funny ppl criticizin HBCUs and it's rather sad. So he goes to Harvard, does well, and still doesn't get the good looks for grad/pro schools and gigs (remember, he's still black) then what? Grad school is more important than undergrad especially at the acceptance rates nowadays. Half yall only got into the schools yall in b/c yall in-state residents tho.
He chose to go to the school of his choice, not that of anyone else, including his parents...I respect it. I don't know much about the engineering program there, they do have a good business program though, but he will thrive wherever he goes because he is intelligent and a hard worker. To go to FAMU is cool because he could have gone wherever!

He chose to go to the school of his choice, not that of anyone else, including his parents...I respect it. I don't know much about the engineering program there, they do have a good business program though, but he will thrive wherever he goes because he is intelligent and a hard worker. To go to FAMU is cool because he could have gone wherever!

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Yay him for choosing an HBCU
Yay for him?

HBCU's are high school 2.0. What an embarrassment.

 what HBCU's have you been to?
The alphabet agencies sure does love my school which is an HBCU. Guess we must be the exception huh?
Please, don't use that line acting like you don't know why they are recruiting out of HBCUs. It has more to do with the color of your skin then your schools academic reputation. Government agencies have been trying to create diversity for years...so what better place to go? 

These agencies I talk about have far too critical of a mission to just pick someone up because of the color of their skin you idiot.
The reason is because the quality of student we put out in our program. You have to be qualified to do the stuff I'm talking about point blank period, because being  inept could cause disastrous situations. If we produced a bunch of unprepared students then they would look elsewhere...remember there are some pretty intelligent black students that go to Duke, UNC, and NC State, if it was just a color thing they would just go to those schools to get the Blacks, and skip over ours. My school is 10 minutes from Duke, 15 from UNC and a little over 20 minutes from NC State.

I had a choice to go to UNC, but a counselor asked me would I rather be a small fish in a big pond, or a Big fish in a small pond. Well I'll tell you what...being at the top of your class looks god regardless of where you are. I finished top of my class with a 3.91 GPA in a very technical and challenging major. Worked out for me well. Plus I made a name for myself during my internships. Having a Harvard Post Doctorate, and  U of Michigan Pre-Doctorate specifically request you to enhance their national research project is
.  Oh and by the way the results of this project was to be seen by a Senator in Michigan who requested the study ( I was a Grad Assistant at the Environmental Protection Agency).

Hey people, the cream will rise to the top regardless of what school you go to.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

I had a choice to go to UNC, but a counselor asked me would I rather be a small fish in a big pond, or a Big fish in a small pond. Well I'll tell you what...being at the top of your class looks god regardless of where you are. I

So did you go for the big fish in small pond route?
Serious question. No shots.
With his work ethic, he will finish college fast, then go to a Ivy league school.

Do what works for you brother.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by Gmills23

 @ the hate of HBCU's, especially from blacks.
Thank you. God damn y'all *%+ backwards, for real.
um sorry but given the opportunity to go to one of the top schools in the world, compared to FAMU not even a top HBCU.
I would pick Ivy league any day....hell I'll pick UA over FAMU and I turned down UA and Tuskegee and went the CC route for my first year (which was a complete waste)

but lets face it HBCUs are no where near the quality of what they used to be. Both of my parents went to one and my mother even taught at one. and she says the same thing. Maybe if we get more of our top students to go there that will change though so this is a step in the right direction. Now we just got to work on the administrators at these schools.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Yay him for choosing an HBCU
Yay for him?

HBCU's are high school 2.0. What an embarrassment.

 what HBCU's have you been to?
The alphabet agencies sure does love my school which is an HBCU. Guess we must be the exception huh?
Please, don't use that line acting like you don't know why they are recruiting out of HBCUs. It has more to do with the color of your skin then your schools academic reputation. Government agencies have been trying to create diversity for years...so what better place to go? 

If we produced a bunch of unprepared students then they would look elsewhere...remember there are some pretty intelligent black students that go to Duke, UNC, and NC State, if it was just a color thing they would just go to those schools to get the Blacks, and skip over ours. My school is 10 minutes from Duke, 15 from UNC and a little over 20 minutes from NC State.

Hey people, the cream will rise to the top regardless of what school you go to.

Eagle Pride!
Originally Posted by Gmills23

 @ the hate of HBCU's, especially from blacks.
Self-Hate/Denial is the new Self-Love/Acceptance
.  But I have to be honest...the HBCU concept has served their purpose and we probably need to do away with them. HBCU's have a huge gap in between the achievers and the types of students that should not even be in college. So from that aspect yeah HBCUs kinda blow. Also the resources and facilities at most HBCUs aren't that great.

All of that didn't matter to me much because my school has brand new facilities and had funding out of the #%# while I was there. They paid for me to go to the professional conferences including airfare...top shelf hotels, and even a per diem to eat. They paid for me and 5 of my classmates to go to San Francisco for a professional conference for a week staying at the Marriott, including airfare, and $400 apiece for food. There were other students from the more prestigious State Universities that had to do fund raisers or pay out of their own pockets.

With all of that being said I wouldn't pick an HBCU over an Ivy league school.

So did you go for the big fish in small pond route?
Serious question. No shots.

Yes I went for the big fish in a small pond route. They threw a lot more money my way, and I got a lot of national recognition by being "the shining star" where I would have just been an above average student at a bigger school. Only thing I regret by not going to UNC is not having a chance to get into Phi Beta Kappa. It's all good though I have a very respectable and exciting career that is involved with making some of the most important decisions for our country, and that's a privilege in and of itself.
ITT: Bunch of judgemental losers who scored perfect SAT's yet still still in their moms Rompus room typing on NT

Talkin about what you would have done in this young man's shoes but you ain't doin nothin NEARLY as big smh...
Originally Posted by 1NyceBalla

Dude should enjoy his 4 years at FAMU...then get his masters and phd at an Ivy league school...sounds good to me....

Exactly, if that is the route he wants to go.

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

yall trying to downplay his SAT score but he got accepted into harvard......so unless you have been accepted too then you need to shut the $#@% up

Exactly.. Clowns.


Achieve Achieve NUPE.

I go to an Ivy League school and there is no way in hell I would choose FAMU over one of them. People make their decisions for different reasons though so I'm not going to sit here and berate him for his decision. This definitely doesn't mean that he won't be succesfful, or get a good job or anything that people here seem to believe. Ivy League doesn't equal great job. I know tons of unemployed recent grads from my school right now
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