16-Year-Old Turns Down Harvard AND Stanford to go to FAMU vol. yes..........FAMU

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

yall trying to downplay his SAT score but he got accepted into harvard......so unless you have been accepted too then you need to shut the %%!+ up

im gonna go ahead and agree with this. we dont know his reasons for turning harvard down. all we can do is speculate
yeah...its not like definitely could have gone for free either. Harvard ain't cheap.

   I heard Harvard has enough to give everybody AID who needs it. The school is worth Billions, money would not have been an issue.
Originally Posted by TurboMan

Hell, I got a 2080 on the SAT. If I got accepted to Harvard or Stanford I'd consider myself the luckiest guy in the world. I ain't salty but that guy just about slapped over a 100,000 kids in the face through the internet.


Originally Posted by bijald0331

^That's at least reasonable. UNC Chapel Hill is one of the best public schools out there.

Oh and unless I'm missing something, this kid has a below average SAT score for Harvard and does not have any high-grade accomplishments besides graduating early. He isn't a Seimens-Westinghouse finalist or whatever nor did he go to a great HS. I can speculate what helped him get into Harvard but I'll just let you know the acronym URM exists for a reason. Again, he is still smart but don't go acting like people can't talk about his decision. I know I can.
Exactly. Average for Harvard (as well as other top colleges/universities in the nation) is like 2250-2300. I don't know what was so fascinating about this kid that there was a need for an article about him. I'm not hating. This guy is smart, but there are a lot more students out there whom are more impressive but didn't get the recognition.
Considering there's a 99% chance he's going to graduate school. It really doesn't matter that much where he goes to undergrad.  Therefore I can't blame him for going somewhere he's more likely to enjoy himself FOR FREE, then racking up loans going to Harvard or Stanford.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Considering there's a 99% chance he's going to graduate school. It really doesn't matter that much where he goes to undergrad.  Therefore I can't blame him for going somewhere he's more likely to enjoy himself FOR FREE, then racking up loans going to Harvard or Stanford.
It matters where you go to undergrad if it is Harvard. Ever notice the correlation between kids going to ivy league undergrads and also attending ivy league grad schools?
I guess he's just book smarts but lacks major common sense. Good luck being the first in line for a job with that FAMU degree while the next idiot rocks his Harvard or Yale degree straight to the bank
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Put em up

*waits for the ignorance to come in and try to down play FAMU....*

(wait for it)
How would that be ignorant? Harvard and Stanford both defecate on FAMU in every single way that matters.

I'm not going to hate on the kid, though, it's his personal choice. I know one thing, Harvard Alum looks better on a resume.


this kid failed. sat scores only matter when ur applying to college, so you might as well make the best of it and go to ivy league if you beast it like that. and a 2140 is a great score.

info on this "tape"
This town has been buzzin bout this kid!

Just glad to see Famu get some light for something positive instead if that fake tape or all the financial issues

anything to keep these people focus on something other then FSU
Originally Posted by proper english

whats wrong with going to the school of your choice?
I'm wondering this as well. Let the kid be happy. He gets a free education, and provided he works his butt off (which I am sure he will if he got into Harvard), he can make some serious connections, get a great job/go to a great grad school, whatever. His life isn't over just because he decided to go to FAMU.  Will some of the other schools bring him more attention from employers or grad schools? Yes. But if he's happier at FAMU than the other schools, so be it.

I find it very weird that so many people are calling out this kid for not being extraordinary or up to their standards.
Originally Posted by untouchable jc

I guess he's just book smarts but lacks major common sense. Good luck being the first in line for a job with that FAMU degree while the next idiot rocks his Harvard or Yale degree straight to the bank
Considering he's going to major in some sort of engineering, he wont have that hard of a time finding a job.
If you think numbers mean everything when it comes to schools like Harvard. Every once in awhile the elite schools will admit people whose numbers in and of itself aren't that "impressive". There are other factors involved. Case in point, we had a guy from my alma mater (an HBCU) from my same program that went to Harvard Law School...and graduated, while also passing the Bar on his first attempt. His LSAT score... a 156. Anybody that knows about LSAT scores and what Harvard usually accepts will understand just how improbable that is.

Then again the program I came from in my school is known for placing students in prestigious grad schools and also careers usually associated with Ivy League and top public school grads...myself included.
You guys are dumb. FAMUs pharmacy program is legit. I know an Chinese kid who goes there just for that. A kid who could of got into a lot of colleges but chose to go to FAMU. Just because its an HBCU doesnt mean it doesnt have its bright sides.
If it was cuz of a sex tape he's pretty dumb. All universities have smutbags that you can !@%@.
Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

Originally Posted by proper english

whats wrong with going to the school of your choice?
I'm wondering this as well. Let the kid be happy. He gets a free education, and provided he works his butt off (which I am sure he will if he got into Harvard), he can make some serious connections, get a great job/go to a great grad school, whatever. His life isn't over just because he decided to go to FAMU.  Will some of the other schools bring him more attention from employers or grad schools? Yes. But if he's happier at FAMU than the other schools, so be it.

I find it very weird that so many people are calling out this kid for not being extraordinary or up to their standards.

the typical NTer has higher standards than women 
this thread reminds me of my trig teachers son.. dude got accepted into Stanford but decided to go to UCLA, why? because he loved the Bruins. 
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Put em up

*waits for the ignorance to come in and try to down play FAMU....*

(wait for it)

It's hard not to downplay this school when it is a lauding a student who's SAT score is LOWER than my school's entire incoming class AVERAGE (2000+ students). (1447/1600 which translates to a 2171)

And that's not that hard to do when you come from a privleged background, recieve extensive SAT tutoring and are placed into prestigious academic institutions from birth like a large percentage of the kids from your school had the luck to have.  You seriously come into every post like this with your nose turned up into the air, mad at anyone who requirements didn't match your own yet achieved something.

And for the record, the kid is a ****** for this.
Originally Posted by kidposite


and 2,120 out of 2,400 on the SATs really isn't that great...
this but I really don't think he will regret his decision later in life
That's a good SAT score for an under represented minority. I would say its equivalent to an Asian getting 2400, becoming an Eagle scout, 10 AP or 8 IB courses, and two years of JV Tennis.
That's a good SAT score for an under represented minority. I would say its equivalent to an Asian getting 2400, becoming an Eagle scout, 10 AP or 8 IB courses, and two years of JV Tennis.
OK, dont really have an opinion on this guy's undergrad choice because what he eats don't make me %$*+...

There are more pressing issues at hand here...

Someone school me on this tape
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