18 year old shot by Police in Berkley missouri.

All I'm saying is that the media be hahaving CRAZY fun with these headlines. WHITE cop shootshoots BLACK TEEN. COP kills BLACK man. It's a game the government is playing.

Who exactly is the "government" and what is the purpose of this game? If a civil war is the plan...why would our "elected" officials want that?

"That martial law **** drop we gon' all get got"
- Ab-soul
So you were there?
Jesus Christo, 18, told The Huffington Post that he and Martin were stopped by an officer who said they fit the descriptions of recent robbery suspects. Christo declined to speak over the phone, but spoke through direct messages on Twitter.

The officer attempted to search Martin, who refused, Christo said.

"The officer then stepped back and drew his weapon and pointed at Antonio and told us to lay on the ground," Christo said. "I layed [sic] down but Antonio Refused [sic]."

More from Christo:

"The officer then began to step back from us with his gun still aimed at us. He told Antonio to lay down once again and when Antonio didn't lay down the officer opened fire. And when I tried to get up to help my friend he screamed at me to stay down with his weapon still drawn."
No, I wasn't there, just basing it off this.
All I'm saying is that the media be hahaving CRAZY fun with these headlines. WHITE cop shootshoots BLACK TEEN. COP kills BLACK man. It's a game the government is playing.

Well that's what happened isn't it? Real life is crazy like that you know :rolleyes
I gotta stop myself...but we really gotta stop giving some of these dudes in here the attention they're looking for. Same exact dudes in the same threads saying the same ****...and everyone takes the bait.

These threads are half civil, sometimes constructive discussions...and other half are letting the same idiots spew their hatred and incite arguments for pages on hand.

After a while...you can just spot a username and figure out what their posts are about without even reading.

i agree with all of this and see it every time i venture into similar threads. (damn shame this happens so often) i'm sure a small number of the people responding to them don't know how to block members, or they just enjoy the thrill of interweb jousting. do the thread a favor. click the up ended red triangle next to these dudes sign-in under their avy, and then come down to block member. click it, then agree you want that member blocked.

every time you block a troll, an angel gets it's wings.
I'm go Jadakiss and ash "why?" Why only blacks being murdered hit the tabloids. Why? My Caribbean Latino brothers get no love. Why? We gotta hate the white race? Why? We gotta play victim and the race card in 2014? Why why y y y we gotta do em like that?!
Because some people are gullible, and it makes a story worth selling, especially given the history of America.  If people are able to look at the 'crime' itself, as opposed to putting racial undertones to the situation, then it wouldn't be like this.
Jesus Christo, 18, told The Huffington Post that he and Martin were stopped by an officer who said they fit the descriptions of recent robbery suspects. Christo declined to speak over the phone, but spoke through direct messages on Twitter.

The officer attempted to search Martin, who refused, Christo said.

"The officer then stepped back and drew his weapon and pointed at Antonio and told us to lay on the ground," Christo said. "I layed [sic] down but Antonio Refused [sic]."

More from Christo:

"The officer then began to step back from us with his gun still aimed at us. He told Antonio to lay down once again and when Antonio didn't lay down the officer opened fire. And when I tried to get up to help my friend he screamed at me to stay down with his weapon still drawn."
Oh look...another "witness" who lied to get attention and flame racial tensions...
[h1]Teen lied on Twitter, pretended he witnessed shooting of Missouri 18-year-old Antonio Martin[/h1][h2]A supposed 18-year-old fooled reporters into believing he was best friends with Martin and saw him die at the Mobil Gas Station in Berkeley, Mo., on Tuesday night. 'I can’t believe my best friend just died in front of me,' the user known as @DesJuanTheThug wrote.[/h2]


Wednesday, December 24, 2014, 1:05 PM

An online troll lied about watching his best friend die at the hands of a Berkeley, Mo., cop. just to boost his clout.

Twitter user @DesJuanTheThug tricked his way into news reports by the Huffington Post  after claiming he witnessed the shooting of Antonio Martin late Tuesday night at a gas station.

The stunt garnered the attention of upset Internet users fooled by his deceit and even the shady group known as “Anonymous,” which teamed up to out the Twitter user’s identity and address.

Just minutes after 18-year-old Martin had been shot, the anonymous teen wrote: “I can’t believe my best friend just died in front of me.”

The teen also goes by the moniker "Jesus Christo," but it's not clear if that's his real name.

Martin was killed just after 11:15 p.m. Tuesday for allegedly pointing a handgun at a Berkeley police officer at a Mobil gas station who was investigating a theft. The 34-year-old officer fired three shots at Martin “fearing for his life” as the teen raised the weapon, according to a statement released by St. Louis County Police.

As gunfire broke out, a second man seen with Martin at the gas station fled the scene.

The man claiming to be an 18-year-old witness sparked an overnight ruse with reporters and alleged he witnessed Martin’s death.

He said the unidentified officer shot Martin when both he and the suspect were ordered to the ground at gunpoint. The officer opened fire and killed Martin when he refused, Christo claimed.

Christo’s sad story quickly dissolved after he refused to speak to Huffington Post over the phone and began sharing sexually inappropriate tweets in what would have been a time of mourning.

He also plugged his Soundcloud and later SnapChat, but did not link to any known account for Soundcloud. 

He owned up to his false account early Wednesday morning and told HuffPo to “do a better job of finding credible sources.”

Several of his tweets detailing his fake account of the shooting have since been deleted, but the initial post that started the fiasco has been shared more than 2,000 times.

The story published by Huffington Post now features a correction that states Christo was never at the gas station.

Two witnesses have provided statements to investigators on Martin’s shooting.

The shooting also led to a demostration with about 300 protesters, some of whom threw bricks and set off fireworks, at the gas station.

[email protected]

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Witnesses actually lied to the grand jury in ferguson...where was your outrage? Where was your emoticons then?
So you were there?
Jesus Christo, 18, told The Huffington Post that he and Martin were stopped by an officer who said they fit the descriptions of recent robbery suspects. Christo declined to speak over the phone, but spoke through direct messages on Twitter.

The officer attempted to search Martin, who refused, Christo said.

"The officer then stepped back and drew his weapon and pointed at Antonio and told us to lay on the ground," Christo said. "I layed [sic] down but Antonio Refused [sic]."

More from Christo:

"The officer then began to step back from us with his gun still aimed at us. He told Antonio to lay down once again and when Antonio didn't lay down the officer opened fire. And when I tried to get up to help my friend he screamed at me to stay down with his weapon still drawn."
No, I wasn't there, just basing it off this.
Not only does the link you posted say that the story you are getting your facts from is false but the story you believed has dude getting shot for not laying down, and you were cool w/ that?
All dude had to do was get down like the police said, i dunno why people gotta be so hard headed, if you ain't doing **** wrong, you have nothing to worry about.  Unless this a TV show or movie where the police is crooked and planting ****,

I'm m9, m4, and m16 qualified in the military so I'd hope that I know that. 

Chial please...

You know DAMB well you aint NONE OF THAT...

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Witnesses actually lied to the grand jury in ferguson...where was your outrage? Where was your emoticons then?
Stop trying to make it seems like every damn incident involving a black kid and a white cop is the same.  The Ferguson incident has nothing to do with this incident - the Berkley mayor, who is BLACK btw, even emphasized that during his press conference.
Witnesses actually lied to the grand jury in ferguson...where was your outrage? Where was your emoticons then?

Stop trying to make it seems like every damn incident involving a black kid and a white cop is the same.  The Ferguson incident has nothing to do with this incident - the Berkley mayor, who is BLACK btw, even emphasized that during his press conference.

Show me where I made it seem like that in this thread

I just asked you a simple question on why you didn't laugh at folks who actually lied to the grand jury...not some Twitter troll
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Show me where I made it seem like that in this thread?

I just asked you a simple question on why you didn't laugh at folks who actually lied to the grand jury...not some Twitter troll
I'm laughing at the hypocrisy of the posters here that automatically assume the cop is in the wrong when an incident occurs involving a black kid. When this story first broke out, people were claiming another UNARMED black kid was gunned down by a white cop.  When the more rational and objective posters suggested waiting until the facts came out, they were labeled as NT's favorite label of SWS.   Go read the first 10 pages of this thread where people tried to equate this incident with the Michael Brown incident.    I'm all for holding bad cops accountable for their actions, but idiots like @DesJuanTheThug  only seek to inflame racial tensions.
On Monday,a white male suspect in Philly pulls a gun and shoots at cops and is brought in alive.. http://t.co/m3l9SOJxdF



Yep, privilege. I don't think most white people are stupid enough to wave guns and weapons at cops. You may run into the one who actually shoots and contrary to the NT race parade it happens more often than they think.

Cop wasn't black

There isn't a trend of black cops shooting unarmed white males. Majority armed males are apprehended and able to get a fair trial. Colorado shooter...PA shooter...etc
It's always gonna be a race thing. If it wasn't then black people wouldn't be oppressed in every country they exist in. Even aborigines (sp?) are

Difference b/t some of us and others is that we're not afraid to talk about it. People know it exist but they choose to ignore them since it's not their problem and cause they benefit from it.

The most successful black community in american history was burned down cause white people were so upset about its success
Seeing your avy I see you're a white Latino and wherever you're from I know black Latinos are treated like ****. It's just the way of the world
time for the cops to call up witness #40

RIP Antonio Martin

this is another case where we only will know one side of the story, and it's the lying cops' story again
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Seeing your avy I see you're a white Latino and wherever you're from I know black Latinos are treated like ****. It's just the way of the world
No that's just the perverse view of the world you happen to have...stop trying to jam your skewed opinions on us post after post. I feel like people like you blame the majority of your problems on your race instead of working towards bettering yourself, knowing people who look just like you have done and accomplished so much and are respected highly as a result.

Get up off your *** and do whatever you can do better yourself and set a precedent and example for other brothers like you to follow instead of leading them to believe the world is out to get them and discourage them from believing they dont have a shot at justice or being treated equally.
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