18 year old shot by Police in Berkley missouri.


If the kid had a gun why not just shoot the pistol out of his hand. It can't be that hard since it's obviously not that hard for them to kill these innocent people.

Also, the cop could have used a taser. Why does he have to shoot first to kill the kid. I think the cop should only pull out his gun IF he's getting shot at first and that's only if a bullet even strikes him. If the kid shoots first and only hits lets say his car or something he could definitely get cover and then just disarm the guy by shooting his hand. Not srs

If the kid had a gun why not just shoot the pistol out of his hand. It can't be that hard since it's obviously not that hard for them to kill these innocent people.

Also, the cop could have used a taser. Why does he have to shoot first to kill the kid. I think the cop should only pull out his gun IF he's getting shot at first and that's only if a bullet even strikes him. If the kid shoots first and only hits lets say his car or something he could definitely get cover and then just disarm the guy by shooting his hand. Not srs


Come on man. I disagree, if you shooting at cops or pointing your pistol at them then it's fair game.

Can't have cops shooting second.
And the media getting ready to make it a "race thing". "Our" people needa cut the **** out. I'm fair and real. So, if a Latino or Black is wrong then I will say that we're wrong. Point blank. No hate towards white people or cops. I myself dont like most cops. I've been harassed by cops plenty of times and even ****** over by them, but I'm not gonna say all cops and white people are ********. Some were white cops, black cops, and sadly even mostly Latino cops. A lot are ******** but a lot aren't. We needa grow up and educate ourselves as one whole people. Stop being closed minded and followers repeating the same illogical ideas. Pay attention to facts and use your own brain. Develop you're own logical ideas.

This I can agree 78% seriously though.

I got pulled over and pullled all my windows down since the tint is so dark. It was a white cop and he only gave me warning; he told me I had to install my front license plate. I eem told him I never received them :lol:
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I bet people gonna use the excuse that "cops are killing people anyway, so it's OK to walk around with weapons and kill cops due to "fearing" them boys in blue"... the ignorance...
I know right it would be a shame to use the same ignorance they use to kill us
This I can agree 78% seriously though.

I got pulled over and pullled all my windows down since the tint is so dark. It was a white cop and he only gave me warning; he told me I had to install my front license plate. I eem told him I never received them
Haaa a. I'm saying. I've been arrested and all just for looking at a cop. Theye ******* slammed me and bodied me yelling for me "stop resisting". It was the night of a Mayweather fight. I was tight I missed the fight. The ****** up part is that while I'm cuffed the cop asked what I was going to do. Then I asked who I was going for in the fight. I wasmt answering so he tightened the cuffs and was telling to me to talk As if i wanna be his boy after all that. Smh You can tell he got punked in h.s. and got the power trip spell.
hate cops like this 
I don't understand why anyone is reaching for anything or pointing anything at a police officer, especially in the current climate.

Unless you want to die, just get on the ground.
If the cop had the gun drawn on him how was he able to pull his out and let his shots off first? 

suspect couldn't get one shot off? 
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I don't understand why anyone is reaching for anything or pointing anything at a police officer, especially in the current climate.

Unless you want to die, just get on the ground.
White people point guns at cops all the time and still make it to court

Hell, the white guy who sniped them Penn cops was brought in alive
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I know right it would be a shame to use the same ignorance they use to kill us
yea it would be. Because we weren't even at the scene of half these deaths to know what really happened... it's a shame to be ignorant. Call me an uncle tom of spick if ud like.
Word we shouldn't even have a grand jury anymore either because they weren't at the scene they don't know what really happened.
I don't understand why anyone is reaching for anything or pointing anything at a police officer, especially in the current climate.

Unless you want to die, just get on the ground.
White people point guns at cops all the time and still make it to court

Hell, the white guy who sniped them Penn cops was brought in alive
lets not forget the ranchers in arizona I think......they had multiple guns aimed at law enforcement 
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I gotta stop myself...but we really gotta stop giving some of these dudes in here the attention they're looking for. Same exact dudes in the same threads saying the same ****...and everyone takes the bait.

These threads are half civil, sometimes constructive discussions...and other half are letting the same idiots spew their hatred and incite arguments for pages on hand.

After a while...you can just spot a username and figure out what their posts are about without even reading.
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lets not forget the ranchers in arizona I think......they had multiple guns aimed at law enforcement 

They got lucky they're not dead. And/or society is racist. Either way, my point stands.

Get on the damn ground, especially if many cops are racist and especially if you are black.
Word we shouldn't even have a grand jury anymore either because they weren't at the scene they don't know what really happened.
You can't be serious. LOL  I know you are not, but you being clouded by this, just like everyone else.

So Aaron Hernandez should be let out free along w/ AP and D12 for abuse?
They want us to be outraged, do something stupid and justify all their actions and beliefs.

We gonna have to use our MINDS to survive the "attack".
All dude had to do was get down like the police said, i dunno why people gotta be so hard headed, if you ain't doing **** wrong, you have nothing to worry about.  Unless this a TV show or movie where the police is crooked and planting ****,
All I'm saying is that the media be hahaving CRAZY fun with these headlines. WHITE cop shootshoots BLACK TEEN. COP kills BLACK man. It's a game the government is playing.

Who exactly is the "government" and what is the purpose of this game? If a civil war is the plan...why would our "elected" officials want that?
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Word we shouldn't even have a grand jury anymore either because they weren't at the scene they don't know what really happened.

You can't be serious. LOL  I know you are not, but you being clouded by this, just like everyone else.

So Aaron Hernandez should be let out free along w/ AP and D12 for abuse?
The guy said we should not make judgments and assumptions because we weren't at the scene and don't know what happened. That was my response, that's all.
All dude had to do was get down like the police said, i dunno why people gotta be so hard headed, if you ain't doing **** wrong, you have nothing to worry about.  Unless this a TV show or movie where the police is crooked and planting ****,
So you were there?
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