19-year-old Justin Carter could face 10 years in jail for a Facebook comment his family says was sar

Either way this is ridiculous. No telling what type of damage that time in jail has already done to him mentally.

Yep. Now he might actually do some crazy **** just because he's (likely) so pissed off at the system.
SMFH. KID is dumb for the comment, but its literally the kid who cried wolf except they got him on the first try. 10 years? but GZ can kill a teenager and walk away in the same night? JUS READJUSTING MY.LIFE PARAMETERS. ALPHA ALPHA DIDNT PREPARE ME FOR THIS NONSENSE.
Kid is gonna come up off.the civil suit. Hahaaaa this is.scripted.at this.point
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If you are willing to write that then you aren't ready to do it just yet but it's in you
hold up, this guy is forced to be nude in solitary confinement over something said on Facebook?

it's because he's suffering from depression now and they're worried he'll hang himself.
Very ridiculous. Kid should have put a backwards question mark at the end of his sentence lol. Kinda sad that you got people ruining thousands of lives on Wall Street who get maybe two years prison, but this kid says something stupid on the Internet and is getting 10 years. Actually, it's more scary than sad.
If you are willing to write that then you aren't ready to do it just yet but it's in you

That's a slippery slope. The kid chose to write such a ridiculous statement to sarcastically counter being called "not right in the head". Obviously he chose that specific scenario because it's the most recent example of someone actually not being right in the head.

It was dumb, but then again a lot of what people choose to write over the Internet is. He should have never even gone to jail lol.
This is common language for people who play violent multiplayer games like Skyrim, WoW, and things like that. I see it, and hear it on a daily basis. Are all of my friends going to jail now too? It may be a stupid thing to say, but it is not worth being jailed over. Maybe put them under surveillance, but jail for ten years? That's just making an example. Which is completely unfair.
this is just bull **** all around.. Who is this random woman ini canada who couldn't mind her own business?
damn! A white kid getting the book thrown at him......? Where is prejudice NT to make sense of this
is he secretly a minority in paint? Is he an internet rapper? Does he only have black friends? Only time will tell, but we know this for sure: this cant be a regular white kid, they get free passes and are secretly protected by the law

Dont start it yo.

There was a thread bout this already.

They have him nude in confinement??

BUT he said "lol jk" 
People should be able to say anything they want if they punctuate with "lol jk"

Like if I were to say " I'm going to buy guns and ki.................

wait a second........

now correct me if Im wrong, but I heard that the police were disputing that he wrote "Jk" after the remark.

Anyway, while I think this whole thing is dumb, young people nowadays seem to think that saying things over the internet is "real life". I dont think hes crazy, just a nerdy weirdo who says goofy things he thinks is funny
but sandy hook never happened, he should be free 
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