19-year-old Justin Carter could face 10 years in jail for a Facebook comment his family says was sar

i wouldn't expect you to be jailed for 10 years for it. Be serious.
I get that but, if what was said was more serious so should be the punishment correct? I do think the punishment was beyond harsh btw, but you can't just say stuff like that and go "I didn't mean it"
I wanna hear the 911 call from that lady in Canada. I bet she called the local police and made it seem like it was an active threat, like the kid was actually infront of the school trying to shoot it up SMH.

I really hope this kid doesnt come out of jail messed up in the head. Something like that would make me really wanna do something bad if I was him. Ive said some mean **** on PSN but 10 years? Its so ****** up out here in America...
damn! A white kid getting the book thrown at him......? Where is prejudice NT to make sense of this :nerd: is he secretly a minority in paint? Is he an internet rapper? Does he only have black friends? Only time will tell, but we know this for sure: this cant be a regular white kid, they get free passes and are secretly protected by the law
You do understand the difference between probablistic and absolute discrimination, do you not?  

Throughout American history, we can actually find hundreds of cases in which White Americans were lynched.  Would you make a sassy little comment like that in response to such a story, or would that be disrespectful?  

That White Americans are pulled over for speeding, stopped at airport security, passed over for jobs/promotions, etc. doesn't somehow invalidate racism.  

Congratulations: you took a story that highlights a civil liberties issue facing our country as a whole and tried to spin it off into a conversation about your gross misunderstanding of race in America.  Nice job.

:pimp: my dude meth....I was about to respond until I saw your post...got to the point respectfully :pimp:
10 of em for a comment? sheesh thats cold, its a f'd up thing to say and shouldnt be taken lightly but its still just a comment..on the flip side Lindsey Lohan can ride around on ski slopes and crash a car, almost kill people and ONLY get probation and community service that she wont do 
Talk about backwards...:smh:

The same people that see fit to put him in jail for 10 years, which is an absolute waste of taxpayer money, by the way, are the very same people who will cry out injustice at the thought of taxpayer money being used to fund beneficial social service programs.

Frankly, if the U.S was a class, and the 50 states students in said class, then i'd reckon that Texas and Florida would be the lowest performing students, with their cumulative performance after every exam, effectively dragging down the class average.

Not to worry though, there's a happy ending to this otherwise dismal affair: right now, out in the midwest, the state of Ohio is sleeping with a smile on her face.

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This is the stupidest **** i've ever seen.

So the next time im playing Call of Duty and some redneck dude threatens to kill me and my whole "******" family I can call the cops?

This just can't be real life. I've seen and heard worse online. Making an example out of dude where it's not even necessary.

I would honestly protest for dude if I could, because this is just ****** up.
I get that but, if what was said was more serious so should be the punishment correct? I do think the punishment was beyond harsh btw, but you can't just say stuff like that and go "I didn't mean it"
what do you feel a more logical punishment would be?
This is the stupidest **** i've ever seen.

So the next time im playing Call of Duty and some redneck dude threatens to kill me and my whole "******" family I can call the cops?

This just can't be real life. I've seen and heard worse online. Making an example out of dude where it's not even necessary.

I would honestly protest for dude if I could, because this is just ****** up.

I think the main issue here is that it was documented as a written post. If somebody sends you a pm after a match saying they will murder your family, you'd be well within your rights to do something about it, because u have proof
Talk about backwards...:smh:

The same people that see fit to put him in jail for 10 years, which is an absolute waste of taxpayer money, by the way, are the very same people who will cry out injustice at the thought of taxpayer money being used to fund beneficial social service programs.

Frankly, if the U.S was a class, and the 50 states students in said class, then i'd reckon that Texas and Florida would be the lowest performing students, with their cumulative performance after every exam, effectively dragging down the class average.

Not to worry though, there's a happy ending to this otherwise dismal affair: right now, out in the midwest, the state of Ohio is sleeping with a smile on her face.


FLORIDA... Ueemlying
This is the stupidest **** I've ever seen.

So the next time I'm playing Call of Duty and some redneck dude threatens to kill me and my whole "******" family I can call the cops?

This just can't be real life. I've seen and heard worse online. Making an example out of dude where it's not even necessary.

I would honestly protest for dude if I could, because this is just ****** up.
Nothing is black and white, its a lot of grey in us laws. threatening a person online is one thing...... claiming to attempt another sandy hook is a whole other thing, but I still think its obsessive. 
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