1972 Miami Dolphins Appreciation vol. perfectville pop. 1

Nov 20, 2003
Another year, another team cannot pull it off.
"Don't call me when you're in my town, call me when you're on my block" - Mercury Morris
I dont know why 1 team can't pull this one off. Damn Packers were supposed to go down as legends 
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Another year, another team cannot pull it off.
"Don't call me when you're in my town, call me when you're on my block" - Mercury Morris

Its sad that your team had Dan Marino for all those years and couldn't surround him with any talent decent enough to win the Super Bowl. All Dolphins fans like you have to gloat about is a an accomplishment that happened 15+ years before you were born. Sad.
Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Another year, another team cannot pull it off.
"Don't call me when you're in my town, call me when you're on my block" - Mercury Morris

Its sad that your team had Dan Marino for all those years and couldn't surround him with any talent decent enough to win the Super Bowl. All Dolphins fans like you have to gloat about is a an accomplishment that happened 15+ years before you were born. Sad.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Another year, another team cannot pull it off.
"Don't call me when you're in my town, call me when you're on my block" - Mercury Morris

Its sad that your team had Dan Marino for all those years and couldn't surround him with any talent decent enough to win the Super Bowl. All Dolphins fans like you have to gloat about is a an accomplishment that happened 15+ years before you were born. Sad.
Like I said: SAD.
OP you have to admit gloating about a feat your squad accomplished years before you were born is lame.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

OP you have to admit gloating about a feat your squad accomplished years before you were born is lame.
this. i call it yankee fan syndrome

EDIT: not referring to my dude onewearz...who has been alive for 23 of the 27 yankee chips
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

OP you have to admit gloating about a feat your squad accomplished years before you were born is lame.
this. i call it yankee fan syndrome

EDIT: not referring to my dude onewearz...who has been alive for 23 of the 27 yankee chips

no comparison to a team that wins constantly ... and is the greatest team in it's sport 
w/ that being said ... i have no problem with the dolphins or their fans celebrating this ...

i do have a problem with the colts shutting it down when they had their run ... clown %!* mgmt 
Does anyone care about the '72 Dolphins other than the players or Dolphins fans?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Does anyone care about the '72 Dolphins other than the players or Dolphins fans?

Hell no!

Originally Posted by 0cks

@ everything


But I seriously can't blame OP, 72 (the year they went perfect) and 73 were the only times the Dolphins won SB's, nothing else to be proud of if you're a Dolphins fan.
whenever the home crowd cheers the QB for the visiting team for what he did in COLLEGE has got to be depressing...

and whats worst, he did not go to college in the city...

hes from/played 4 hours away.

you do know gainesville is closer to two other pro football cities, right?
Originally Posted by humpasaurus rex

Record still intact.  That's all we have to hold on to.  
Ireland *!+%.
Yeah, that's the last 20 years it seems... Rough times indeed.

Spoiler [+]
How could we talk about something that happened in the.....PAST?!?!

Well using that dumb logic:

I'm so tired of the Steeler's fans talking about the 6 superbowl championships...don't they know all that happened in the PAST??? Why do they still talk about it?
I'm not convinced the 72 team was the best Dolphins team, I've always preferred 73. Still a nice accomplishment, but rarely, if ever, viewed as the best team to play. Interesting in my opinion
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