Make a Plan to Vote in the 2024 US Election

You know she's NOT the President for those 3.5 years right? That would be like saying why didn't Pence do better during his 4 years? 🤦🏻‍♂️ And you do understand how bills are actually passed? The President doesn't just wave his arms and things are done! Or do you need to take a civics course? Better get I'll give you this. An oldie but a goodie.

And lastly, go ahead and vote for that piece of ****! I sure hope you don't have any sisters or daughters who WILL lose rights if he gets back in! And same for any of your older relatives on SS & Medicare! Because they will suffer as well. And any relatives or friends who use the ACA for insurance. Because they will be ROYALY ****** if he gets back in because they will repeat it and 10s of millions will be without insurance instantly! Want to talk about a recession? That would definitely do it! But hell, what do I know? 🤷

You know she's NOT the President for those 3.5 years right? That would be like saying why didn't Pence do better during his 4 years? 🤦🏻‍♂️ And you do understand how bills are actually passed? The President doesn't just wave his arms and things are done! Or do you need to take a civics course? Better get I'll give you this. An oldie but a goodie.

And lastly, go ahead and vote for that piece of ****! You're lying to yourself if you believe he will actually help you! I sure hope you don't have any sisters or daughters who WILL lose rights if he gets back in! And same for any of your older relatives on SS & Medicare! Because they will suffer as well. And any relatives or friends who use the ACA for insurance. Because they will be ROYALY ****** if he gets back in because they will repeat it and 10s of millions will be without insurance instantly! Want to talk about a recession? That would definitely do it! But hell, what do I know? 🤷

You curse a lot when you type
it’s funny
biden fist pump.jpg
You curse a lot when you type
it’s funny

Well I'm glad you get laughter from it. Everyone should laugh at least once a day. It's good for the soul.

And yes, it is passion as I don't want this country turned into some Christian-only faith based Gillead hellscape! I value the rights my wife & sister & all my friends spouses & their daughters and/or granddaughters have. Hell, that jackass in NC openly screams to repeal the 19th Amendment as he doesn't want women to vote.

After what happened to that young woman in Georgia, anyone who openly agrees with the GOP and says what happened to her was okay can burn in hell!
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Well I'm glad you get laughter from it. Everyone should laugh at least once a day. It's good for the soul.

And yes, it is passion as I don't want this country turned into some Christian-only faith based Gillead hellscape! I value the rights my wife & sister & all my friends spouses & their daughters and/or granddaughters have. Hell, that jackass in NC openly screams to repeal the 19th Amendment as he doesn't want women to vote.

After what happened to that young woman in Georgia, anyone who openly agrees with the GOP and says what happened to her was okay can burn in hell!
What happened to the woman in Georgia?
What happened to the woman in Georgia?

If this doesn't disgust people, then they have no soul! Doctor took an oath to help all patients. If he did what he was NOT allowed to do, do you really think he would have charges brought? And even if the DA was dumb enough to do it (it would be A BAD LOOK) there isn't a jury in the country that would jail a doctor for saving a life.

If this doesn't disgust people, then they have no soul! Doctor took an oath to help all patients. If he did what he was NOT allowed to do, do you really think he would have charges brought? And even if the DA was dumb enough to do it (it would be A BAD LOOK) there isn't a jury in the country that would jail a doctor for saving a life.

Bro, speaking of GA women, what about Laken Riley? Who was murdered by an illegal that shouldn't have even been in the country. I guess you are voting for Harris because you like crazy high inflation, gas, grocery and mortgage prices, illegals flooding the country and using YOUR benefits, endless wars which Biden and Harris got us into, and just overall incompetence.

Trump is the only answer my man.

Bro, speaking of GA women, what about Laken Riley? Who was murdered by an illegal that shouldn't have even been in the country. I guess you are voting for Harris because you like crazy high inflation, gas, grocery and mortgage prices, illegals flooding the country and using YOUR benefits, endless wars which Biden and Harris got us into, and just overall incompetence.

Trump is the only answer my man.

Inflatable is down, and lower than any developed nation.

Gas. I think it's time I drop that. I'm in PA, top 3 gas tax and it's under $3. Lots of places in the country it's in the mid to upper $2 range.

Groceries. Coming down. Also don't buy at big box stores. Try Lidl & Aldi. Cheaper and just as good unless you are a brand snob and can't be seen with generics. Another thing, CEO of Kroger's openly admitted his company price gouged. Love I when people complain about groceries while shopping at say Target for groceries (one of the worst places to shop).

Mortgage prices? I've had mine for 12 years so no concern. People crying over that but LOVE how much their houses have gone up in value.

So you pick 1 person who was killed by an immigrant. I'll combat that with the lady above who was killed because he killed RvW. If that was your wife, who bled out & died, would you be mad, or still sucking Trump's balls? I value the rights my wife has and other women. If you honestly believe geriatric old white Republicans should tell women what to do with their bodies (and possibly force criminal charges on doctors & nurses for helping them) then end the convo and I'll just click the ignore button. Would you like it if the government said all men need to have vasectomies to combat pregnancy until they are ready for a family? It does take 2 remember. I always hear people say 1 out of every 3 Trump supporter is as dumb as the other 2. He just wants your money, which, why does a billionaire with a jet need your money? 🤔🤦🏻‍♂️ But go ahead and get those good shoes, the coin and his NFT 🤣 You'll have a gold mine in like 2,000 years.

Plus if you openly support someone who is a serial adulterer who cheats on everything, more power to you. Me, I DESPISE adulterers! Worst of the worst. Someone posted a question many moons ago somewhere...."Are people willing to lose friendships over politics? No but I will over morals". And that man has ZERO morals (unless you agree with him about grabbing them in the 🐈) . I'm done.
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Bro, speaking of GA women, what about Laken Riley? Who was murdered by an illegal that shouldn't have even been in the country. I guess you are voting for Harris because you like crazy high inflation, gas, grocery and mortgage prices, illegals flooding the country and using YOUR benefits, endless wars which Biden and Harris got us into, and just overall incompetence.

Trump is the only answer my man.

SN to post ratio ain’t even close.
Damn, I'm actually kinda shocked that the fear mongering, intelligence insulting, uninformed trolls are Trump supporters. Did not see it going that way.
Bro, speaking of GA women, what about Laken Riley? Who was murdered by an illegal that shouldn't have even been in the country. I guess you are voting for Harris because you like crazy high inflation, gas, grocery and mortgage prices, illegals flooding the country and using YOUR benefits, endless wars which Biden and Harris got us into, and just overall incompetence.

Trump is the only answer my man.


Another case of "my anecdote is more valuable than the trend" coupled with "presidents have magic wands that do and undo the economy on a whim."

My favorite part of this comment is the claim that the Biden/Harris administration is incompetent while claiming that they successfully talked the leaders of Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, and Russia to fight wars so they could sell them weapons or something.

I'm still looking for the logic in all of this...
I think people gravitate towards because they don't understand politics and he says things and words they understand. I heard a guy say Trump is going to bring back drilling for oil and save the economy.

We live in Texas.
The US is a NET oil exporter.

What is there to bring back? Oil extraction never left!
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