2/19 WWE Elimination Chamber PPV - Raw & SD EC Matches, Cena vs Kane, Prediction Contest (p40)

I really thought Miz was winning it there.
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

why has the match stop?

That's the part I hate the most.  Miz was out of action for like 6-7 minutes just from a crossbody.  And Punk just stood there looking at Jericho.
Guys, last time. Seriously stop talking about streams in this thread. And there is no such thing as a legal streaming site.

My survey.

Thought for sure Jericho was winning tonight.

I ain't eem mad.

Jericho is gonna go on Raw tommorow saying he never got eliminated so they can set up the Jericho/Punk WM 28 title match.
ok...something doesn't seem right...obviously Punk didn't really win bc Jericho wasn't officially eliminated...

I'm assuming after the SD EC match Laurenitis will come out and make them go 1on1 for the real winner, and then Jericho will win.

they are doing whatever they can to try to get cena liked...i'm sure he's a cool dude, but i'll forever hate his face gimmick(or lack there of)
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]so i've been in the gym since 2:30 and pullin up my EC... reading everything, i'm so confused on what the hell you all were just watching...[/color]
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