2/19 WWE Elimination Chamber PPV - Raw & SD EC Matches, Cena vs Kane, Prediction Contest (p40)

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

I thought Survivor Series wasn't bad. Maybe because it was the rocks in ring return

nah bro, it was bad.

no build up, main event was predictable

btw, vince blamed the poor, yet better buyrates than'10, on the miz
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

so wm 28 card is lookin like

undertaker vs hhh
cena vs rock
team laurinaitas vs team long
mitb ladder match
cm punk vs y2j
dbry vs sheamus
beth vs kharma

SHOULD be a good show. Terrible booking can destroy wrestlemania though.

Match line up wise this is my take...

Team Long vs Team Big Johnny.
Beth vs Kharma.
DBry vs Shaemus.
Undertaker vs HHH.
CM Punk vs Jericho
Rock vs Cena

Rock and Cena could switch with Taker and HHH but with all the videos, Rock and Cena.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

so wm 28 card is lookin like

undertaker vs hhh
cena vs rock
team laurinaitas vs team long
mitb ladder match
cm punk vs y2j
dbry vs sheamus
beth vs kharma

Shaping up to be a pretty solid card IMO.
heres what punk wrote lol

CM Punk@CMPunkReply

I would like @chrisbrown fight somebody that can defend themselves. Me curb stomping that turd would be a #wrestlemania moment.
interesting how miz was last with punk after being in thd dog house

i think they add orton in the dbry/sheamus match at mania
I was gone the entire night, just getting home now. You all either missed me, or had no idea I wasn't around for the PPV. I'm going with the latter

Anywho, after reading through this thread a bit, I didn't miss anything special from EC.

How did Santino fair in the EC match?

gottagitdemjs, my thoughts are with your mother and the rest of your family and yourself. Stay strong for each other, and mostly for her.
Santino was awesome, especially during the final minutes of the match.

He was MEGA over. Give that man another IC Title run.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Is she doing ok?
Naw man. She has stage 4 pancreatic cancer with a non removable tumor. It's not a good deal, but we've accepted the fact that we cannot do anything about it and we're just going to enjoy the time we have left with her.

I'm really sorry to hear that man.

I hope something miraculous happens. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Stay strong bro.
I think I did pretty well on the prediction contest

gottagetdemmjs...just saw your post; best wishes to you...I know how that is so enjoy the time you have left with her; praying for a miracle

to answer your question too...Santino was VERYYYYYYYY over with the crowd; I hope they do give him a push
a really forgetable ppv . the raw chamber was alright , beth match was forgettable, smackdown chamber was awful till big show tried to break out daniel bryan, saw no reason for the us title match other than kill time , all the promos and *!%* were awful.and finally a really pointless ambulance match .
WWE was confiscating all Anti-Cena signs last night.
WWE's idea is to work for a 50/50 reaction between Rock and Cena at WM.  Good luck with that one 
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Smackdown Chamber was the only highlight of the night. Everything else was forgettable except the #Big Johnny and friends gift lol

The last few minutes of the match were the highlight.  The first 75% of that match sucked bad.  It dragged and dragged and dragged, and the crowd was dead.
Reminder that Smackdown is live this tomorrow night.
Also, get ready for it.  The game is about to change on April 23.  We will have a 3 hour Raw with the return of......

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