2/19 WWE Elimination Chamber PPV - Raw & SD EC Matches, Cena vs Kane, Prediction Contest (p40)

Great segment with HHH and HBK ended with that Taker video.

So that's how they're gonna explain Taker being bald.
Originally Posted by thekillerj23

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Essential1

Damnit I don't want to see HHH vs. Taker again

i'd want to see it with good story/build.
that different era/different breed line by hunter was too surreal.... 

 Last few memories of a childhood
Tell me about it

The best/most intriguing storylines have always been the ones that feel as real as possible. That whole segment struck 

a nerve bigtime, cause it was all true.
Any way you can start the prediction contest by Wednesday morning? I'm going to be out of the country for the week... 
Undertaker vs. HHH III is reminding me of Taker vs. HBK II. Not many of us were looking forward to Taker vs. HBK II because they couldn't possibly outdo their match from the previous year (and although it was very good, they didn't outdo it)...but by the time the promos and build up was done, we were looking forward to it more than the 1st Taker/HBK match. We're more than 1 month away from Wrestlemania but the build up for HHH vs. Taker III has us wanting it more than last year's encounter. Again...brilliant work.

This is what happens when you let people who know what they're doing (HBK, Taker, HHH when he's not burying people/feeding his own ego, Punk, Y2J) book their own stuff.
So is HBK going to be on Raw next week to continue this angle or has he not been announced to appear yet?..
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

HBK/HHH segment should've ended raw..

Agreed..But instead look what they did..They give us a great segment then follow it up with a horrible Truth/Ziggles match, followed by some stupid Cena crap..Whoopty Doo
I like how Eve just walked right to the back of that ambulence and sat down in that chair. 
The heat on Rock/Cena's match is gonna be crazy. They better have the order of the matches on point, or it
might be *crickets* at the wrong time.

.....did the camera cut to the Kane/Eve segment to soon? With Eve screaming yet casually walking through the ambulance?

look what u did Cena
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