2/19 WWE Elimination Chamber PPV - Raw & SD EC Matches, Cena vs Kane, Prediction Contest (p40)

Originally Posted by casekicks

I would give anything for the E to swerve us all and book a HHH/HBK match for Mania..

exactly what I was thinking...

Originally Posted by Essential1

Damnit I don't want to see HHH vs. Taker again

i'd want to see it with good story/build.
that different era/different breed line by hunter was too surreal.... 
Originally Posted by casekicks

I would give anything for the E to swerve us all and book a HHH/HBK match for Mania..
Absolutely not. These past 15 minutes was the best TV we've seen from WWE this year.

What a !@*##!% GREAT segment. Brilliant work by those two (as expected).
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Look at him in the good eye!


was just getting ready to ask what happened to shawn's eyes, he never seems like he's actually looking in the direction his head is facing.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Essential1

Damnit I don't want to see HHH vs. Taker again

i'd want to see it with good story/build.
that different era/different breed line by hunter was too surreal.... 

 Last few memories of a childhood
Forget rock/cena forget punk and y2j. Three weeks in and this storyline is awesome. and here is the shaved head.
HHH tombstoning Undertaker then doing his pin last year at Mania was awesome. I am pumped for this match, again
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by casekicks
Absolutely not. These past 15 minutes was the best TV we've seen from WWE this year.

What a !@*##!% GREAT segment. Brilliant work by those two (as expected).

All of this.
that was pretty good.

and taker with the hair cutting...idk what that's suppose to symbolize aside from an easy way to show up at WM bald.

Maybe some sort of samson angle?
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Forget rock/cena forget punk and y2j. Three weeks in and this storyline is awesome. and here is the shaved head.

Trips and Michaels BRUNG it

so THAT's how they write in Undertaker's hair being short. him just randomly cutting it to invoke rage into HHH's heart because he can't shed his image and cut his hair too after centuries of having the same hair style, thus causing HHH to accept takers' challenge in the battle of the fredom of image.

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