2 Years In Prison; Man Recounts his Story LONG READ

im so mad he dated his sister. His parents really must have !+@!!# up huh? I'll tell you, these kids just needed a beating everytime they did something wrong.
Dang.... Jail is seriously no joke
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

im so mad he dated his sister. His parents really must have !+@!!# up huh? I'll tell you, these kids just needed a beating everytime they did something wrong.

He didn't date his sister

He called his girlfriend "sister", I'm assuming he's African American and it goes along with the whole "black sistah" movement if not then idk

Good read though
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

im so mad he dated his sister. His parents really must have !+@!!# up huh? I'll tell you, these kids just needed a beating everytime they did something wrong.

He didn't date his sister

He called his girlfriend "sister", I'm assuming he's African American and it goes along with the whole "black sistah" movement if not then idk

Good read though
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

im so mad he dated his sister. His parents really must have !+@!!# up huh? I'll tell you, these kids just needed a beating everytime they did something wrong.

He didn't date his sister

He called his girlfriend "sister", I'm assuming he's African American and it goes along with the whole "black sistah" movement if not then idk

Good read though

nah he stated several times that he was white.

sister might of been the term they used at his prison?
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

im so mad he dated his sister. His parents really must have !+@!!# up huh? I'll tell you, these kids just needed a beating everytime they did something wrong.

He didn't date his sister

He called his girlfriend "sister", I'm assuming he's African American and it goes along with the whole "black sistah" movement if not then idk

Good read though

nah he stated several times that he was white.

sister might of been the term they used at his prison?
Originally Posted by vezon

Originally Posted by marath0n

Can't believe I read this whole thing. Props for posting it. Found this passage CRAZY

2. Death

I saw 12 deaths inside. Three of them were at the hands of screws. One of those was a gunshot to the head while a guy was trying to escape. The other two were beatings, and I didn't know they'd died until later. It's not right to call a prison shanking a 'stabbing' because that's not how you die. Inside, we called it 'digging a hole' or 'digging a well' like 'he got a well dug in him' or 'pulled out a hole'. The reason for this is the make shift weapons used inside are not easy to kill with. You basically make a hole as fast as you can, by stabbing as fast as you can, and then you try and get a grip inside it and just start pulling. I saw this right up close one time. I had the distinct misfortune of having my cell behind a pillar, like a bulkhead kind of thing in the middle of the block. So if you wanted to shank someone, it was a great place to hide. On the flip side, it meant the boss' gave it a lot of extra attention, which was bad for rubbing one out or taking a hit. Two guys were loitering around the pillar one day, waiting for this fresh kid to wander past. Prison gossip said he's been worked over on his first night by someone who wanted him for a wife, but the kid fought back and nearly bit some *#$+%%'s nuts off. So his friends wait with a t-shirt, and a filed down toothbrush. They've cracked down on plastic toothbrushes, but there used to be enough of them that a lot of guys have them stashed away. You can file down the ends on the concrete to a point. One guy wraped a t-shirt around the kid's neck and lifted him off the ground from behind, and the other starts stabbing his gut. After a few stabs, he starts trying to get his fingers inside and he just pulls all this meat out. I thought he was going to pull out his intestines like you'd see in a horror movie, but instead, he just pulls out fist after fist of this yellow jelly !$##, and then big hunks of meat like raw mince. Screw's arrived and tasered everyone. Even the kid. He was on his side, right in front of my cell, and every jolt from the taser made the big hole in his stomach smoke.

You don't see something like that and not have it @+++ you up worse than you already were for being incarcerated.
This is the part that really got me and I believe will stick in my mind for a long time. 
this is around where i am.  crazy
Originally Posted by vezon

Originally Posted by marath0n

Can't believe I read this whole thing. Props for posting it. Found this passage CRAZY

2. Death

I saw 12 deaths inside. Three of them were at the hands of screws. One of those was a gunshot to the head while a guy was trying to escape. The other two were beatings, and I didn't know they'd died until later. It's not right to call a prison shanking a 'stabbing' because that's not how you die. Inside, we called it 'digging a hole' or 'digging a well' like 'he got a well dug in him' or 'pulled out a hole'. The reason for this is the make shift weapons used inside are not easy to kill with. You basically make a hole as fast as you can, by stabbing as fast as you can, and then you try and get a grip inside it and just start pulling. I saw this right up close one time. I had the distinct misfortune of having my cell behind a pillar, like a bulkhead kind of thing in the middle of the block. So if you wanted to shank someone, it was a great place to hide. On the flip side, it meant the boss' gave it a lot of extra attention, which was bad for rubbing one out or taking a hit. Two guys were loitering around the pillar one day, waiting for this fresh kid to wander past. Prison gossip said he's been worked over on his first night by someone who wanted him for a wife, but the kid fought back and nearly bit some *#$+%%'s nuts off. So his friends wait with a t-shirt, and a filed down toothbrush. They've cracked down on plastic toothbrushes, but there used to be enough of them that a lot of guys have them stashed away. You can file down the ends on the concrete to a point. One guy wraped a t-shirt around the kid's neck and lifted him off the ground from behind, and the other starts stabbing his gut. After a few stabs, he starts trying to get his fingers inside and he just pulls all this meat out. I thought he was going to pull out his intestines like you'd see in a horror movie, but instead, he just pulls out fist after fist of this yellow jelly !$##, and then big hunks of meat like raw mince. Screw's arrived and tasered everyone. Even the kid. He was on his side, right in front of my cell, and every jolt from the taser made the big hole in his stomach smoke.

You don't see something like that and not have it @+++ you up worse than you already were for being incarcerated.
This is the part that really got me and I believe will stick in my mind for a long time. 
this is around where i am.  crazy
+1 for great read.

This really makes me appreciate my freedom and smh at myself for all of the stupid chances I took in the past. That part about them pulling that guys insides out really made me think and I'm sure %**@ like that or worse happens all the time.

If anyone is interested in other good reads on prison life here are a couple more:


+1 for great read.

This really makes me appreciate my freedom and smh at myself for all of the stupid chances I took in the past. That part about them pulling that guys insides out really made me think and I'm sure %**@ like that or worse happens all the time.

If anyone is interested in other good reads on prison life here are a couple more:


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