20 Year Old With No Car = Failure??

May 13, 2008
About to be 20 yrs old..... No car

Just hitting up school.... still living with my parents.

Now the question is

Have I failed as a young man in this world?

My age is really hittin me and I feel I haven't accomplished much..... just being good COD4 ..... PSN: KICKTIONARE

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

About to be 20 yrs old..... No car

Just hitting up school.... still living with my parents.

Now the question is

Have I failed as a young man in this world?

My age is really hittin me and I feel I haven't accomplished much..... just being good COD4 ..... PSN: KICKTIONARE

i bought my car with my money when i was 20. it's a good feeling, just save up and buy one. but if you don't need one and don't have the money justwait until you do. a car can be very costly if you don't have the funds
I dont think theres anything wrong with living at home BUT if I didnt have a car I wouldnt know what to do with myself.

I mean when I turned 18, getting a car was the first thing I wanted.

I dont think its being a failure in all cases but most people I know that dont have cars are indeed failures.

Im 20 and whipless....then again i got my license in late august

i know eventually ill be whippin (best case: early '09) so i aint trippin
Did you set goals for yourself to do things before you were 20? If not this would be a good time to do that, and if your turning to nt for advice aboutsomething like this you are asking to be flammed!!!
I'm 23 with no car, but i live in NYC so i use the train to get were i need to go. It would be nice if I had a car but some things i can do without at themoment.

As for your situation for 20 years old and not having a car isn't bad at all. It depends though if you need a car to get around. Just see what your realpriorities are and stick to accomplishing them before worrying about the stuff at the bottom of that list.
20 with no car is no big deal....save your money man....if your ins school and working....or just in school....your on your way...ill be 20 in 2 months andhave had 3 cars....all stupid ideas...I live right outside Manhattan..... i saved so much just taking the train....and a lot more girls too lol....
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