20 Year Old With No Car = Failure??

A 20-year-old can be successful without a car, but if you're bumming rides all the time, you need to change that. As for me, I'm selling my car whenI'm 20 after I finish my two years of community college before 2 years university.
Not bumming for cars.

I am also not a member of Team YNS.... well at least not religiously. I smash here and there but when shorties tell me " Im horny come over" at like9:00 P.M, It hits me like brick to the face. I have to think about bus schedules and junk lolz.

And I am not overweight either. Deppresion seems to be hitting me lately.

No hours at the job etc etc......

Obama is my only hope now...... lol
All depends on the lifestyle. In my town, you can't get around without a car.
MANY of my med school friends are VEHICLELESS, and have been for all the past years of their lives. are they all failures? well, i guess it depends on how theyhandle med school...
driving your own whip since 17 ftw
Im in L.A

No im not a loser with a closet full of kicks...... well kinda.

I got like 11K saved up since I was like 15.

I think I just need a job.
No you havent failed. A 22 year old man with no girl no swag masterbates regurlaly wack lives at home. I fit the criteria of three carltons. maybe a lilttlebit wacker.
Originally Posted by he told on me

No you havent failed. A 22 year old man with no girl no swag masterbates regurlaly wack lives at home. I fit the criteria of three carltons. maybe a lilttle bit wacker.

son step AWAY from the computer
Originally Posted by he told on me

No you havent failed. A 22 year old man with no girl no swag masterbates regurlaly wack lives at home. I fit the criteria of three carltons. maybe a lilttle bit wacker.
I feel sorry to even quote you man. If you still a virgin yourself
you good son. my car got impounded and ive been without one since (about a year) make up a story when ur talkin to females, its funny how creative you can getand how much they believe what you say.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I'm 23 with no car, but i live in NYC so i use the train to get were i need to go. It would be nice if I had a car but some things i can do without at the moment.

As for your situation for 20 years old and not having a car isn't bad at all. It depends though if you need a car to get around. Just see what your real priorities are and stick to accomplishing them before worrying about the stuff at the bottom of that list.

Are you me?
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